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Bionicle Is Channeling The Dead

Wrinkledlion X


I think that BIONICLE is channeling the spirits of several dead LEGO lines this year... Perhaps they've hired nostalgic set designers?

Onua's got a UFO helmet, Tahu's got a Knight's Kingdom Mask, and the location this year is the craziest place we've seen since the Slizers and Roboriders.


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Wow, you're ignorant.


Do you own any ACTUAL Knights Kingdom Masks? Can they work on Metru heads? NO.





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Your wording implies that Tahu Mistika's mask IS a KK Mask.

You're just angry with me because I caught your vandalism on BS01.




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If you take everything word-for-word I feel sorry for you.

And why aren't you whining to me about my saying that Onua's got a UFO helmet?

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That wasn't vandalism. I deleted a talk page with several things that had been settled a long time ago and took up unnecessary space.


If I'm angry at all at you it's because of your sickening indifference in Beliwa's goodbye topic and the fact that you've been flaming my blog and vandalizing BS01.

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Tahu doesn't have a KK mask. >_<





You know KW, there is such thing as other peoples opinions. Okay, so you don't think he has a KK mask. The others do. Live with it. Their opinion is theirs, your opinion is yours. That's life.


Back on topic, I agree with you, Wrink. (Do you mind if I call you that?)

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*ignores KW because he's being a... oh. We can't use expletives on BZP*

Agreed! These indeed do look like Bionicle rehashes of certain old lines... good observations.

Many people say the vehicles look like Exo Force, but for the life of my I see no similarities. Still, Exo Force is a dying line, if not dead.

There IS no signoff!

Spelling mistooks!
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That wasn't vandalism. I deleted a talk page with several things that had been settled a long time ago and took up unnecessary space.


If I'm angry at all at you it's because of your sickening indifference in Beliwa's goodbye topic and the fact that you've been flaming my blog and vandalizing BS01.

What, when I said that he might be lying? People do lie about that stuff as a prank, live with it.

No, I have not been flaming your blog. I corrected you in one entry, and in another spoke my mind when I saw an Image that I didn't find amusing at all.


Tahu doesn't have a KK mask. >_<





You know KW, there is such thing as other peoples opinions. Okay, so you don't think he has a KK mask. The others do. Live with it. There opinion is theirs, your opinion is yours. That's life.


Back on topic, I agree with you, Wrink. (Do you mind if I call you that?)

His wording was messed up. His wording made it sound like he was saying he has a KK style mask- not my fault he wasn't specific.


*gnores KW because he's being a... oh. We can't use expletives on BZP*


Agreed! These indeed do look like Bionicle rehashes of certain old lines... good observations.


Many people say the vehicles look like Exo Force, but for the life of my I see no similarities. Still, Exo Force is a dying line, if not dead.


There IS no signoff!


Yeah, attempt to flame me for correcting him. That's mature.


I only hope Omi comes in to own you all. :P




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I don't care about your skepticism. You didn't even give consolations which I feel is a terrible insult.


And my wording was in no way messed up. I phrased it so it sounded good and, in the same context as my comment on the Pakari Nuva, it was entirely clear that I was speaking in a non-literal manner.

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Guys, calm down before this turns into a flamefest.


I have to agree with Wrinkled here. When I first saw Tahu's mask, the first thought that came to my mind was Knights' Kingdom. Not that it's bad thing, but it's what I first thought.


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM

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Yes, It was messed up.


"Tahu's got a Knights Kingdom mask".

I own quite a few KK figures, and their Masks are not compatiable with Toa Metru heads.

Yes, It does look similar to a KK mask in a way, but your wording makes it sound like you're saying he does have a KK mask.

Just deal with the fact that you did word it a bit wrong.


All the respect I had for you before is now fully gone.




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Now you're pushing it, KW, and I would recommend you stop before you get into worse trouble. Talking back to another member was bad enough, but now talking back to another member and a Moderator is not a route I would suggest taking.

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It's completely obvious he doesn't literally wear a KK mask. And no, I worded nothing wrong, as it was my intention to word it that way.


And enough with the personal insults. Obey the moderator.

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