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Might As Well

ToM Dracone


Current thoughts and impressions:


I mostly like the Makuta Mistika. They're original, have mostly good designs, and the Avotoran limbs don't bother me much, but I know that's one of my eccentricities. Aside from Gorast's incongruous dark grey body (silver would make slightly more sense, to match his her claws, but black would really be best...), and Bitil's red spikes (which look fine but are odd as the only red he has), they look good overall... Krika is both an awesome new design and actually looks frightening – I was sort of disappointed when she he didn't have the four legs his leaked picture made it look like he had, but even so he still looks great. Aside from that extra limb, which I won't even bother attaching.


And yes, I too think Krika ought to have been the female Makuta. Something about her…him just looks more villainously female – maybe it's his vague resemblance to a Stilken. That and his name. Gorast both looks more masculine and certainly has a masculine-sounding name... though her being a female mosquito makes sense enough.


Now, as to the Toa, you can probably imagine what I'm going to say. I think they're absolutely dreadful as Toa Nuva, and unlike the Phantoka aren't acually good designs on their own. Gali and Tahu have no color at all from their Nuva forms (unless you count the silver), and of the three only Tahu's mask looks anything like a prior form – but it just doesn't look like a Hau to me. None of the fiercity of the Hau and Hau Nuva's eyes, or even the Hau's trademark mouth... And I agree with Janus and Toro that Gali's mask would be great on a Dark Hunter, but as Gali... *shudder* If she only had chest armor (the Phantoka, at least, had chest armor) and the shoulder armor covered her shoulders better, she might look cool as something other than Gali, but... oh, and especially because she has dark blue. Nice to have the pieces, but why in Mata Nui's name make Tahu and Gali so dark?


Then Onua I think just looks terrible. He's strongest and bulkiest of the Toa – so why does he have the spindliest limbs available, and a straight-backed, tall, thin body? The mask might have been good as a remade Kraahkan, but certainly not as a Pakari. And the boosters on his legs look... awkward. They stick out too much. Wouldn't be as bad if they were right against his legs. As to colors, he at least has his proper color scheme (THANK THE GODS), but I think it's arranged terribly and that the whole spindly look just doesn't work on Onua.


... I'm ranting again. I hadn't planned to, really. :lookaround: So, let's move on from the Toa (anyone notice that none of them actually has a tool except Tahu's shield-like shuriken-thing?).


The vehicles evoke nothing in me, except confusion as to why they would essentially stick Lewa and Pohatu into a larger set. Seems counter-profitable. And I find Vultraz the epitome of boring, both in vehicle and in rider.


Takanuva... Well, I hate that he became a titan – and one who looks to be $30 all on his own, to boot – but I have to give some credit: he looks like Takanuva. The mask, little though I like it, is clearly an Avohkii, and he has Takanuva's color distribution (added thigh armor) even if he doesn't have any gold. And green eyes. Not a bad set, okay as Takanuva, but that doesn't mean I like him.


So, there we are. I'll probably go into the Makuta more thoroughly later. And if anyone was wondering, yes, I am going to draw up my designs for all six other Toa Nuva – counting Takanuva among them, for whom I'm inventing a canister set form. :happydance:

~ ToM


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you're definately right about the toa..


and the Makuta are good, as you said.


vehicles: they're just Pohatu and Lewa with a different mask on a vehicle? what's up with that? but, Vultraz is kinda neat.. at least better than the others..


Takanuva: i love him, he's absolutely great, white hordika feet, and those new "claws" are pretty cool, and his mask is AWESOME! i'm going to use it so much..


but, yes, i would like him with gold and as a regular toa >.<



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Concerning the Nuva Mistika, I agree that their masks and tools are rather lacking. I think Tahu seems OK in his use of the Piraka torso thanks to the jets, though of course in reality these may not save him, but Gali definitely deserves better. At least the bodies and color schemes seem OK by me (Tahu is fine with dark red and Gali with dark blue, even though one of my many theories is now crushed. More on the masks later.


The Makuta Mistika are OK, though I agree that Gorast's dark bley torso is unnecessary, and I hope that it is changed. Gorast seems to work as a female for me (hey, not all chicks are attractive, especially bug-chicks), but really there isn't a Makuta whose face doesn't irritate me. Perhaps this is because their lack of conventional masks is such an obstacle to my drawings; I should have expected this, since we knew that they were mutated. Character decisions aren't often made without a set reason. Their designs all seem OK at this stage, and I love Bitil.


Takanuva is ownage. Need I say more? I just hope his mask changes-- if only slightly-- to facilitate my drawings, but this is a selfish wish that will not impede my appreciation of the new mask.


Vehicles are good, but riders I believe are destined to change. Why would what is practically a Lewa clone, particularly one with a never-before-seen mask, be put on a set while Lewa is still selling? Why would a new mask be featured on the smallest of the vehicles, when not on the next size up? One solution comes to mind, and that is that these are prototype masks for Lewa and (possibly) Radiak. If so, it bodes well not only for my theory concerning the masks of the Nuva Mistika (if we don't see the same masks as the Matoran, at least we might get dual basis, given the similarity of Tahu's new mask to Solek's in silhouette), but also for the prospect of getting more decent-looking (and easier to draw, much less look at) masks for the Nuva Mistika. Plus, since I'm positive that some aspect of the riders of the vehicles is not yet finalized, I anticipate better in the actual sets.


New motto for judging of preliminary set designs: REMEMBER THE IGNITERS :)

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I would love it if these changed, but not much did from Igniters to Inika... Their masks became the smooth plastic instead of rough prototype plastic, their heads became solid pieces, and Hewkii's mask ended up as seen in the early catalog scan rather than as seen at Toyfair. So I'm not optimistic. >>


Oh, I forgot to mention – one thing adding insult to injury to Tahu and Gali is that Nuva armor fits perfectly on a Piraka body. Obviously it doesn't match up, but it goes on easily – and would in fact look great on Tahu with the jets filling up the outer stud's width on each side...


Edit @ Bunda-thing: Oh yes. Phantoka are far superior, and that's saying something given how little I like them as Toa Nuva. :P


The vehicles have pretty nice designs, but they just don't interest me...

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Krika? Looking female? Er... okay? :P


Didn't know Gorast was a female though. She does look somewhat feminine. I wonder if Gali is male? :P I can't really see how there's anything remotely fem about Krika -- he's a radcool masculine undead skeleton alien. Interesting view.


I agree about the armor and masks of the Newva Mistika. Especially Gali's -- that's Krekka! >_< Of course I much prefer the richer darker red and blue though to the more cheesy red of 01 Tahu (didn't mind 01 blue though; either would work, which might be related to the fact that most people have more trouble distinguishing blue diffs than other colors so maybe I have that too lol).


I don't think the red and green for Onua look very proper, personally. :P (Of course "proper" is the wrong word since it's subjective, but those colors just seem to clash.) I still say he should be purple and black to be more eye-catching.


And I find Vultraz the epitome of boring, both in vehicle and in rider.

XD! He's my fave of the group, in both vehicle and rider, lol. Taste is funny like that, innit?

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:lol: Yes, I did notice that our opinions on Vultraz are complete opposites...


Not sure why Krika strikes me as female. Maybe it's the long, thin look paired with those... claw-things on her front legs; I didn't realize it until today, but the look makes me think of a Stilken from Lirael, which bear the appearance of a woman with hugely long forearms ending in sickles... Still. Dunno. It might be that "Krika" sounds more female by usual standards than Gorast, too...


Tahu could work with dark red, if he had a more Hau Nuva-like mask... though I'll never like it better than Mata red on him. :P

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From bats to bugs!


I wouldn't be suprised if Gorast had some type of tomboyish attitude.


A love the bug wings on her though. You and I could work wonders with that! :P


Also, does it seem like Gali's mask is somewhat shaped like the back of Spinax's head?


Onua's mask appears to look like the promo version of Makuta's mask coming with the Takutanuva set.

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Mistika Makuta: I'll have to agree with you here. They have some pros, and some cons, although I'll most likely end up buying them all. :P


Mistika Nuva: I agree again. I'll probably get Tahu and Gali, and probably try and make some simple modifications, although I most likely won't get Onua. You took the words right out of my mouth. XD


Vehicles: They don't impress you? Strange, I thought they would. :( Lol, I'm acting as if I designed them. :P


Gorast is a girl?! Strange, as she looks nothing like one, IMO. I do like her transparent wings, though.


I see what you mean about Gali's kanohi, ~Blue Diamond~. It has a very strange resemblance...


I wonder if ToM will do any revamps of these. :rolleyes:





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And I find Vultraz the epitome of boring, both in vehicle and in rider.


I pity the epitome of boring.





What are the sets that you plan on getting (and re-doing) this summer?

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Guest Cap'n Bionicle


Vamprah and Ignika escaped my torment, for they do not grace the cursed mark of lazy/drunk set designers ,and they were not altered upon my purchase of them. However, these foul scum that they call Mistika will tremble as they are torn asunder and maken anew! MWA HA HA HA!


Hey Tiome, would you mind looking at a few revamps of the Phantoka I made for me? I would just like to hear your advice on them, as sets and MOCs, if that isn't too much trouble. :)

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