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Snipers And Masks And Silver, Oh My!

Takua the Wanderer


The Mistika version of Gali is Gali in the sense that it fits her very well.


Let's look at one of the more repeated complaints out there: Gali is a sniper.

Well, what's the problem with that? Gali is perfect as a sniper. Look at it this way: what does a sniper do? He (she) hides and waits for someone to come up, then shoots them. To be a sniper, what qualities do you need? Two of the big ones are patience and a calm head.

Doesn't that describe Gali well? Isn't Gali patient and cool headed?

And who says that a sniper isn't graceful? As a trained hitman (XD), I assure you that there's nothing more graceful than a clean headshot. :P

Personally, I feel that a sniper rifle fits Gali better than a pair of giant axes, which are known to be for savage hacking and slashing, and need extreme strength to wield.


Her mask is also a big issue. But that also fits her. Besides the scope, it's mostly flat and featureless, right? Just like still water, or the sea on a calm day. It represents Gali as the calm sea, which is usually her personality.


Another issue is that silver is grossly overused. Although asthetics-wise that's probably true, that doesn't make Gali not Gali. Silver represents the sea very well, especially in the Matoran Universe (the Silver Sea). And those spikes hearken back to Legend of Metru Nui, when Makuta made pillars come out of the Silver Sea. This, along with the Metru Blue, represent that the Nuva guard Metru Nui now. Not Mata Nui, as there's nothing to guard.

While I'm at it, I think I'll complain about the use of silver on the 2002 Nuva. It was rather unbalanced. You may have to be a Runescaper to understand this analogy, but it's like wearing only a platebody and not the platelegs or arms. It just looks rather stupid. :P

While we're on the topic of appearance, gender is only a state of mind in Bionicle, so there's nothing wrong with Gali being muscular. :P


Although Gali's appearance has vastly changed, she is still the Toa Nuva that we all know, perhaps even more so than before.



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You are very right.

I wasn't sure about her at first, but then I kinda got used to her.

But you made me really happy for the way she looks, my brother and I always split the toa in half and choose who's gonna buy who.

For the Nuva and Mata I got Lewa, Pohatu, and Gali.

Now I'm glad to be getting the new Gali Nuva!

How you described everything is very true, and very Gali!

They made an excelant version of Gali Nuva!

It fits her perfectly.

Thank you for posting this, TtW! :)


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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Good point. I never noticed that before, which is kind of cool. But this still doesn't change my mind that Tahu is the best Toa Mistika, Onua is second and Gali third. But good job anyway!



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Gali... being a sniper? Granted, she has the capability to do so, but c'mon. this is Gali.

can you picture her shooting anyone at anything other than water?

with a gun ? and needing something to aim? (looks at the hefty eyepiece)

what ever happened to graceful Gali?

all this is going to weigh her down.

her shoulders should be smaller, and i'm sorry but i have to laugh at her "ears"

it's laughable.... like two big antennas to pick up a frequency that's not there.

she's more robot than living thing, something you'd see in a science fiction movie.

blue alien from outer space come to destroy all life!

and this is our "spirit" of water?

her mask looks distorted and she has lost all femininity her previous forms retained.

but since gender is only the state of mind, heck, why bother differentiating at all?

everyone could look just the same but have different colors!

Gali's femininity is what makes her unique. the fact that she's one of the most acrobatic is supposed to give you the impression that she's lithe and at least supple.

she looks so limited with all that on, so ungainly, so unlike water, which is flexible. her structure is more suited for Onua than toa of water.

can you imagine a woman's voice from that?


i'm sorry Gali, i really am...



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Gali... being a sniper? Granted, she has the capability to do so, but c'mon. this is Gali.

can you picture her shooting anyone at anything other than water?

with a gun ? and needing something to aim? (looks at the hefty eyepiece)

No, I can't really imagine that. Of course, I have an easier time picturing Gali sniping someone than picturing her hacking and slashing at someone with hooks and axes. :fear:

Of course she needs to aim. Not even Gali has perfect accuracy, you know. :P

what ever happened to graceful Gali?
She's still there, you know. I just don't think you're seeing her. :)

all this is going to weigh her down.
Hence the lack of any other weapons. :)

her shoulders should be smaller
Why? That's already some of the thinnest armor I've seen. :blink:

and i'm sorry but i have to laugh at her "ears"

it's laughable.... like two big antennas to pick up a frequency that's not there.

she's more robot than living thing, something you'd see in a science fiction movie.

blue alien from outer space come to destroy all life!

More like a Tolkien elf. And as we all know, they're portrayed as graceful. :)

Or even this.

her mask looks distorted and she has lost all femininity her previous forms retained.
Pardon? I see none at all in any of her previous forms, Nuva form least of all. :blink:

but since gender is only the state of mind, heck, why bother differentiating at all?
Good point.

everyone could look just the same but have different colors!
You support clone sets? :blink:

Gali's femininity is what makes her unique. the fact that she's one of the most acrobatic is supposed to give you the impression that she's lithe and at least supple.
Excuse me? The only time I've seen Gali feminine is in the movies. And the only time I've seen her acrobatic is not in either of the sets. This one does not seem more or less acrobatic than any of the others. Why? Because Gali being acrobatic was not portrayed in the set. It was portrayed in the story. :)
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Takua the Wanderer has a good point. Also, I've found a way to only slightly change a body structure like Gali's- or Hahli, which I've already done- to make it feminine. It takes a while, so I can't post it right now. It's 5:00a.m. right now. :drool:

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Why Gali could be a Sniper: This is the Final Battle for Mata Nui and the universe itself. The Toa Nuva need, and will continue to need, as much combat ability as possible to confront the Brotherhood. With Gali as a sniper and her brother Toa using Arthaka's armor and weapons, they have a fighting chance.


Why Gali could not be a Sniper: The axes are more barbaric, but if she was falling off a cliff while saving a Matoran in her grasp, could she grasp the cliffside in safety with a sniper rifle? A very specific example, yes, but there are more heroic actions Gali could use her axes with.


So basically, in this battle, Gali should certainly wield the sniper rifle. But once it's over, I'd say she should pick up her aqua axes again.


Gali FTW! :kaukaunu: :smilegalinu: :kaukau:

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I agree with most of your statements, but the use of silver doesn't just apply to Gali. Just as all of the Phantoa had grey, the Mistoa have silver. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. The silver these guys have is way better than the original Nuva's. It really made them look fat.


If you've played Metroid Prime Hunters, you'll know how useful a sniper rifle (the Imperialist) is. One headshot kills all.


And for the people complaining about her mask, at least it isn't her old Nuva one. ALL of the Nuva's were ugly. With the viens and schrunched up faces...*shudders*. And Gali Nuva's was just a rip off of Tahu's. Do ya guys really want dat?

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Yeah, well, you'll have to become a disgusting red three-legged thing to get it. Or play multiplayer with someone. Or go through an annoying ice level. Gah, nevermind, it's easy as long your a bounty hunter with an adaptable arm cannon. Which all of them do. Darn.

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She's bald....with metal rabbit ears....and an eyepatch.....


And Gali olda had hips, a feminine mask, and the chest armor gave her a curvy appearance, and put something there.

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Umm...you're giving me the impression you thought Gali Olda was attractive...creepy, man. That's even worse than SZ: Nokama'sDreamyLoverBoy. I personally think that anyone who likes bionicles in that way is a little...strange, to say the least.

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Bald? Biomechanical characters don't even have hair in the first place. :rolleyes: And those aren't bunny ears (although bunny ears are kinda cute :P), those are wings, and the eyepatch is more of a type of visor. :)


The old Gali actually wasn't that feminine, if you ask me. Not even that worse than this one. :shrugs:

Oh, and are you saying that all the Toa are feminine? Because they all had the same armor. :P

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Gali... being a sniper? Granted, she has the capability to do so, but c'mon. this is Gali.

can you picture her shooting anyone at anything other than water?

with a gun ? and needing something to aim? (looks at the hefty eyepiece)

what ever happened to graceful Gali?

all this is going to weigh her down.

her shoulders should be smaller, and i'm sorry but i have to laugh at her "ears"

it's laughable.... like two big antennas to pick up a frequency that's not there.

she's more robot than living thing, something you'd see in a science fiction movie.

blue alien from outer space come to destroy all life!

and this is our "spirit" of water?

her mask looks distorted and she has lost all femininity her previous forms retained.

but since gender is only the state of mind, heck, why bother differentiating at all?

everyone could look just the same but have different colors!

Gali's femininity is what makes her unique. the fact that she's one of the most acrobatic is supposed to give you the impression that she's lithe and at least supple.

she looks so limited with all that on, so ungainly, so unlike water, which is flexible. her structure is more suited for Onua than toa of water.

can you imagine a woman's voice from that?


i'm sorry Gali, i really am...


Well yes gali is a woman but a STRONG woman, BS01 describes her as having a bit of a temper so the spikes make sense. Also acrobats are MUSCULAR do you think that some one that can stand on their hands do multiple flips on a small unstable platform would be Skinny McNomuscles? You can be graceful and muscular at the same time, imagine how she fights in the air, she uses the rockets on her feet to slide through the air using flips and twists to get her around, don't you think that's graceful? now imagine how much muscle work it takes to do that AND swim, your going to be muscular. and the mask looks ugly but maybe that junk on it is water breathing tech, I mean lewa's mask as fans in it, pohatu's is aerodynamic, kopaka's has laser tech on it, tahu's is armor plated, all the nuva masks have things on it to show what they do maybe gali's is covered in stuff for her to breath, take all that tech of and you will see gali's beautiful face. and also the point your making is that gali is to tough and muscular now are the people who wield axes tough and muscular, yes don't you think if she's going to battle a small gun would be more suited for a toa of water then two battle axes?


So yes I can imagine a woman's voice coming from that also considering that gali's voice is low and gali is a great swimmer,she's tough, she's powerful, she has a temper, and she used to use axes don't you think that gali would be muscular and a little manly?


I rest my case.

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Bald? Biomechanical characters don't even have hair in the first place. :rolleyes: And those aren't bunny ears (although bunny ears are kinda cute :P), those are wings, and the eyepatch is more of a type of visor. :)


The old Gali actually wasn't that feminine, if you ask me. Not even that worse than this one. :shrugs:

Oh, and are you saying that all the Toa are feminine? Because they all had the same armor. :P

...Not the olda...


And "feminine" masks had a curved part at the top which, to me, suggests long hair, at least more than a dome does. And I wasn't implying that I find her attractive, that'd be strange, just that she was more feminine looking. and I'm not basing this just by my own opinion, I know a little kid who knows nothing of Bionicle (he thinks that the Bohrok are the good guys and that the toa are evil), all the sets he owns are a few bohrok, Pohatu and Lewa. And he still was able to tell me that "the blue ones" are girls because he saw Gali's picture in Lewa's instruction book.



*imagines Gali flapping her "ears" and start lifting off the ground*

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Bald? Biomechanical characters don't even have hair in the first place. :rolleyes: And those aren't bunny ears (although bunny ears are kinda cute :P), those are wings, and the eyepatch is more of a type of visor. :)


The old Gali actually wasn't that feminine, if you ask me. Not even that worse than this one. :shrugs:

Oh, and are you saying that all the Toa are feminine? Because they all had the same armor. :P

The old Gali wasn't that feminine, but she wasn't masculine, either. If you told me Gali (without me having any knowledge of Bionicle) was a guy, I would be able to believe it. If you told me she was a girl, I would be able to believe it. Now if you told me the new Gali was a guy, I would believe it. If you told me she was a girl, I...wouldn't believe you.

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Tehina, I have no idea what you mean, because a dome seems curved to me. :blink:

And are you sure he didn't see something else? Because I definitely didn't see Gali as female the first time I saw her... :shrugs: Well, I guess my opinions are just kinda weird. :P


...Stereotyper. :P

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The top parts of the Kaukau and Rau had some detail at the top part, which, to me, suggests hair more than a flat curve.

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