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In Conclusion

Takua the Wanderer


This topic strongly implies that what a lot of people actually care about in the Nuva is not how similar they are to their past appearances, it's how their personality is represented.


Now why are the Newva so dissimilar to their 2002 incarnations? It's because the 2002 sets did a poor job of representing the Nuva. Lewa and Pohatu are growling, Gali and Onua have savage slash and hack weapons, and Lewa has a pair of massive two-handed weapons. The list goes on. Good riddance, I say.


The majority of BZP members absolutely loathe change. Regardless of whether it's a good set or not, if a new incarnation of an old "character" looks different, it is heresy.

Here's the good part, if LEGO did make the Phantoka and Mistika look similar to their predecessors, that would be evil too because then LEGO would be 'uncreative' or 'lazy' or something to that effect.

Another good part is that once good pictures -such as a BZP review- emerge, most members start to like them.

But wait, there's more. Nobody seems to realize that you can always take the set apart, and rebuild it what you think it should look like.

(Thanks to Slizer Prime)


Now if Lego made them too similar, then that would happen. But what I think Lego did here was only have a small bit of similarity, and let the parts that aren't similar reflect the personality of the Toa. That way, they are still the Nuva and they aren't too repetitive. Personally, I feel that was a brilliant move.


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I just what SOMETHING that reminds me of the Toa Nuva, so that I can look at the set and say, "Cool, Tahu got a cool new set of armor!"

I can't do that with the Mistika. With the Phantoka, I can: Pohatu and Kopaka's masks are similar to their old ones and Lewa's blade resembles a his air katana.

But the Mistika look absolutely nothing like their Nuva forms.

I know that they had to be different otherwise they wouldn't sell as well, but was it too much to ask to give, say Gali an axe or Tahu a sword so they could slice through the swamp's vegetation, or give them masks that vaguely resemble their old ones?

Again, I know that they couldn't make them too similar (I wouldn't want that either), but why must they look so different, that you can't tell who they are without their name being attached?

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I definitely can with Tahu and Onua. The serrations on Tahu's mask just scream out "Hau" to me, especially since very few masks actually have them. Onua's mask looks more like the Kraahkan, but the Kraakhan always looked like the Pakari to me anyway.

I can definitely see similarities in Gali's mask, but it's probably not enough. :P

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Logical though your reasoning is, I still disagree entirely – I don't think their new appearances match their personalities well at all, especially not the Mistika. Phantoka, maybe, but Mistika, definitely not. Tahu has always been fierce and hot-headed, which I thought was embodied especially in the eyeholes of the Hau and Hau Nuva, and the firey red/orange certainly helped. His new mask just looks silly to me, bordering on stealthy (given that he's apparently become a ninja), none of which fit Tahu for me. The rest of the set could work quite well, even with dark red, but since I think so much of a character's appearance depends on the mask, the Hau Mistika just doesn't cut it.


Gali... her Nuva form might not have been the best for her character, I'll give you that, but again it just worked for me because it actually looked like her old set. Her new form looks like none of her old forms, and a sniper is one of the last things I could ever see Gali being, as the peacemaker of the group...


And Onua, well, as I've said numerous times now: he's the strongest of the Nuva, so this wimpy-looking, thin, stretched-out form conveys exactly the opposite of that.


So in my conclusion, I actually loved everything about the Nuva, characters included, and didn't have the slightest objection to them, so sets with almost no resemblance at all to those simply cannot be the Nuva in my eyes. That's all there is to it.



well tahu I understand, but think about.


Gali is put in a position where she has to fight, now what's a more peaceful way of attacking, picking someone off from far away without a lot of commotion or going in the middle of the battle waving your giant axes around?


and onua isn't the strongest, pohatu is onua's just stronger because he has the mask of strength.


so yes they are not the best representations of the nuva but I would rather cool new sets with some resemblance to their old selves then nuva revamps and I think that's exactly what lego was thinking when they made the mistika.


P.S. plus axalara lewa has even LESS resemblance to his old self then the mistika do, so why are you bad mouthing the mistika?

go on, go kill axalara lewa. :P


I rest my second case.

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All right, my opinion needs to present itself. I DISLIKE MISTIKA. Why?


Onua. Ok, maybe you can be lean and muscley. Sure. But take a look at Onua Mata. He's short and he has a hunchback. So does Onua Nuva. And even Whenua Metru is short! It's a Toa of Earth thing: we've all come to expect short Earth Toa, especially if they're based on the old Earth Toa. I realize that Toa Nuparu is tall and straight-backed. Look at Matoran Nuparu. He's the same size as his comrades in Matoran and in Toa form. But Onua was always the short guy. And his mask doesn't look Earth or Toa or Onua.


Tahu. He, in my opinion, desperately needs a sword. With fire on it. If he had that, and that alone, that could identify him as Tahu. Also, the jets (in my opinion) look ridiculous. Ridiculous! They're not even in decent places for jets to be! And his mask doesn't look Fire or toa or Tahu.


Gali. Gali, and I know I'll be argued here, doesn't look feminine at all. Now, her Mata form might not have either, but you could tell the set team tried to do something. Otherwise she'd have had a black orb like Lewa. Her Nuva form, I know, was the same build as the others, but it at least looked like a Water Toa. The new Gali, in my opinion, doesn't even accomplish that. And her mask doesn't look Water or Toa or Gali.


General Toa complaints. They look like Piraka! Same bodies, same height. Same colors. They have blasters! The Nuva never had blasters, and rightly so. The blasters are overbearing and LEGO seems to think that if they recolor the good ol' Piraka bodies and give us blasters, we don't need a good set. The 'Newva' either need smaller blasters, or no blasters. They could also use dual weapons, like the Nuva had. And I wouldn't complain if the weapons could attach to their feet for alternate use. More color! These Toa are..I believe the word is 'blechk.' The Nuva were bright, even though it made no sense for them to be, and we liked it. And then we didn't get any more pieces in those colors. The Mistika could be a whole lot better with some old colors, even if the set team had to use grey. The Phantoka achieved that at least.

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I completely disagree with you, Turaga whatsyouface. Doesn't anyone around here realize how utterly terrible the old Nuva were?! They were simply awful! The Pakari made Onua look like he was scrunching up his face! And Pohatu looked like a really ugly dog!


And don't go dissing on blasters. Any gun goes well with bionicles.


And all I have to say about Gali looking feminine is


GRAAAAAH! If you think that Gali Olda or Nuva looked feminine, then you're saying all of the Olda and Nuva looked feminine! They all had the same bodies!

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Who says that the Mistika Nuva have to be similar to their past forms in every which way? So what if Onua's old forms were short? Just because his old forms were Dwarves doesn't mean that he has to be now. Besides, there are similarities there. Instead of complaining about the differences, it'd be far more constructive to look on the bright side and look for similarities, because they are there. :)

Just wanted to help you out, Turaga of Ice. :P


I don't see at all why Tahu needs a sword. Again, just because he had one before doesn't mean he needs one now. :) And a buzzsaw represents fire just fine. And why aren't the jets in decent places? Could you elaborate, because I have no idea what you mean. They look perfectly fine to me. :blink: As for my mask, check the second link in sig. :)


Is that so? Just having different body armor doesn't symbolize being feminine to me. As I know, no one even recognized the armor until 2005. :shrugs:

And she looks like a water Toa to me. Check the first link in sig. :)


So the Mahri look like Piraka? Just having similar bodies doesn't mean anything, and the Piraka bodies are different from the Nuva bodies anyway. :)

So what if the old Nuva didn't have blasters? They have them now. And did you complain that the Mata didn't have dual weapons and gooey masks? Seriously, it makes no sense at all to me. How come people can stand change the first time, but not the second time? :blink: Please, for Mata Nui's sake, don't hate new things just because they're new. :)

And bright colors are just plain idiotic in a swamp. :P

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Gali is... um... yeah... well... he-um... she kinda looks more like a muscle-bound guy carrying a huge blaster that's used to whack people more than to shoot.



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Not from my point of view. If you look at her the right way, she actually looks kind of feminine. Besides the Piraka torso, which even I'm starting to come to dislike, her armor is very streamlined (more streamlined than muscle-bound), especially the mask. And to me, the silver kind of makes her look feminine somehow. :)


And personally, I can't imagine that blaster being practical for whacking in the slightest. :blink:


Let me ask you a question: Did you think this about Gali before you got the set? If so, why in the Karzahni did you buy it? :blink:

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I was never against 2008 personally. All the sets I praised for there own way of descrbing their character. Toa, Makuta, Matoran, or Vehicle.


Good Job of showing others the true light, but one other thing. I, personally, thought that Lewa's Air Blade was actually an Electro-Air slicer. The electric part resembiling his personallity as he is energetic. The airodynamicity of the blade allows the weapon to ignore any details and get right to the point (like lewa :P )


Oh, and to everyone else, the grey represents the PROTOSTEEL ADAPTIVE ARMOR I Doubt That was a coincidence. Still, good descriptions, I liked them. Very... original.

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A slight comment I'd like to make is on the amount of silver used in the Mistika. Me, being a natural fan of the color, was quite peeved when I saw that not too many people liked it. But there's a huge reason why they have a lot of silver!!


Think about the 'subtitle' for summer 08 - The Final Battle. Now, would you rather go to battle in this, or in this? Dunno about you, but I'd pick the first one.


Silver represents armor. Armor means you're going to be doing some fighting. And that's what really made me mad that people couldn't understand.


As for the gray on the Phantoka...I really can't give a logical explanation for it.

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Good point. Oh, and I think the grey may be camouflague, since armor is less useful if you have to fly a lot. :shrugs:

Another thing I kinda thought about is that it's a desolate time, an actual Battle. Better yet, a War. Bright colors (well, Lewa, Bitil and Pohatu aside) wouldn't be too welcome in such an oppressing atmosphere. Gray and silver are very melancholy colors, too.

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Just one thing. Onua isn't the strongest Toa, Pohatu is. Onua is only stronger with the Pakari turned on. Why would the strong guy need a Mask of Strength? :P



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Why would we complain about it being "uncreative" if they looked similar to their old selves? When Takanuva looked like his old self, I heard nothing but praise about it.

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