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Makuta Mistika

ToM Dracone


[note: it's Valenti's (quite accidental) fault this got re-published. Not mine. That's why it and the last two were supposedly posted today.]


My turn!


As I've said, in general I like them. A lot. They're quite original in some respects, and overall look rather good, if still not as formidable-looking as I'd want Makuta to be, though Krika's quite something in looks. (I've decided that in my alternate-2008-universe, they'll be Makuta who rebelled when The Makuta turned evil, and as a result were stripped of many of their powers and made to serve the rest of the Brotherhood – hence the sort of scrawny looks.)


And the canisters are highly awesome. No doubt my favorites in many years, because you have the contrast of bright colors and jet black, coupled with the blue-green background...



Bitil :: Nice wings. A piece that's used in so many situations is always good, and the way the wings are built means they can fold up nicely, like a real beetle. I like that he uses the Matoran body, and the Vahki head is a highly innovative way to attach his head... Really, the place he needs the most work is in colors. The orange eyes are a bit too close to the yellow; red would stand out much more. And it would also work with his spikes, which look rather lonely as the only red on him. Some more of them in the small holes in his thigh-spikes would add better balance. And I think I agree with Bundalings: he could do with less silver, maybe making his leg silver yellow/black and leaving silver for wings and claws...


Still. Not bad at all as he is. And it's definitely not an unwelcome surprise to have a true yellow canister set (I wouldn't have minded yellow-orange, just for some limb pieces in the color), and the result looks nice... But left to my own devices I'd still have made the summer Makuta dark orange, dark green, and light grey, so that every Makuta is darker than his/her Toa counterpart.



Gorast :: I love the six-limbed look (DIGITIGRADE LEGS), but the dark grey chest simply makes no sense at all. It's rather bad design-wise, but actually convenient for me, because I have no intentions of getting any of the other grey-Inika-body-bearing sets, but I do plan to get Gorast. Cool wings, though, especially because they're transparent... say, that would have been rather cool for Bitil, translucent wings. I don't mind the Avotoran limbs, but again, I know that's an oddity of mine.


Aside from limb flexibility, her completely empty back is another problem... And she, too, would be better with red eyes. Might look even better with black claws (instead of the silver ones), and of course with a black Inika body. Then she'd be an even better evil-mosquito-lady.



(done with the eye-burning font colors now!)

Krika :: is female. Looks feminine, and thereby is female, just like Solek. :sly: Gender issues asside, she is extraordinarily awesome. She actually looks frightening, thanks to the thin, elongated, and spiky design. The lengthy Phantoka torso is actually good on her, especially because we get a piece that fills it in akin to the Metru chest armor. And the red under the translucent white is just eerie-looking, especially with the thin look and small eyes...


Only bad part of her is the fifth limb, which I shall ignore. Though it does bring me to the blasters. I just don't like them; they look cartoony and awkward to me, made even more so by the odd red and lime on the Makuta.



It's quite probable that I'll be getting all three of them... because I do so like them. Might do an entry on the Toa and vehicles... for the moment all I'll say on them is that I love the new visor in ice blue. I must have one. But not so much as to make me get a vehicle.

~ ToM


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Wait, what? *goes back to Gorast picture* I don't see any translucent wings on her, just silver...


Though I rather like the new launchers, if just for the simple reason that they're not ginormous and weigh arms down and manage to shoot well *coughsquidlauncherscough*

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Forgive me for using a slightly less-than-appropriate analogy and feel free to delete this post, but I don't think Krika is any more female than Michael Jackson. Again, sorry for that analogy, but it's the best I could think of. :(

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Bundalings ~ Yes you did. :P


-Adventurer- ~ That actually illustrates my thoughts rather nicely. Krika is canonically male, but he just looks undeniably feminine to me, so I have decided that she is female. And nothing's going to change that, really...

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Ill be getting them all, I rather like Gorast and I have a plan for those newer 2 tone colored parts. Krika is the one I like the most, Ill be getting at least 4 of those sets, the new parts have me excited.

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Something I decided about Gorast-- the wings, awesome as they are in transparent, should be bley. That way there would be enough bley to constitute a part of the color scheme (though it might be worthwhile to change something else to bley for good measure) and would match the torso in both color and dot motif!


Even better would be to match the torso to the wings, but since they are almost certainly different sorts of plastic the torso would probably come out perfectly clear-- not what I want at all.


And, of course, black would work fine. But the bley doesn't look too bad as auxiliary armor, and I'd love to see a way to make it look better in the context of the set. But who am I kidding? Why ruin the "black for Makuta" system that I had so hoped to continue in the summer and happily did, even if its "bley for Nuva" counterpart died a gruesome death? The "bright for Nuva, dark for Makuta concept that would have so reinforced what as predicted seem to remain the canister colors also pitiably died, best to maintain what's left of my many summer 2008 theories and preserve the sanctity of the black. Still, the bley isn't all that bad... Wings at least wouldn't be too bad in it...


Blah. Rambling again. I'll leave before I go off on another tangent.

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Nah, rambling's good. And so are tangents. When they're in appropriate places, at least, like blog entries...


Black would be the absolute best for the torso, but having a lighter color there isn't bad – as you said, it just needs to match something. Silver would work, because then it matches the claws, and you could still keep the wings transparent because they'd still be in the grey spectrum.


A transparent torso would be absolutely awesome. The wings probably are a "translucent white" color rather than the pure transparent of Kopaka's Kaukau – compare, say, Keerahk's head piece to an aquamarine Bohrok eye. Look at her wings in this picture; the difference wouldn't be much. So even with that slight, negligible mismatch, it would still be very cool...


The bley's not completely gone – Onua has bley rather than silver. Which is good, as it gives him the right colors.

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Nah, rambling's good. And so are tangents. When they're in appropriate places, at least, like blog entries...


Black would be the absolute best for the torso, but having a lighter color there isn't bad – as you said, it just needs to match something. Silver would work, because then it matches the claws, and you could still keep the wings transparent because they'd still be in the grey spectrum.


A transparent torso would be absolutely awesome. The wings probably are a "translucent white" color rather than the pure transparent of Kopaka's Kaukau – compare, say, Keerahk's head piece to an aquamarine Bohrok eye. Look at her wings in this picture; the difference wouldn't be much. So even with that slight, negligible mismatch, it would still be very cool...


The bley's not completely gone – Onua has bley rather than silver. Which is good, as it gives him the right colors.

I dunno that black would be best-- silver would work to match the claws. The wings are presumably normal transparent or possibly trans. black like Onua's Kaukau-- it just looks different in this type of plastic, as it did for the blended Takanuva staves from the Blade Titan of 2007 Exo-Force. Come to think of it, the Vahki are the perfect example of this variation as it occurs between the "hard" and "soft" plastic. For this reason I fear transparent or trans. black would not work for the torso, because it would fail to match given the "hard" rather than "soft" plastic.


Meh. I guess once I have the set I can fiddle around until I find a color that would be better. Not that bley's that bad, though it messes up the "black for Makuta" system and does not match enough parts of the set no matter what parts you change to match it, as far as I can tell. Maybe the wings in bley would work, but why ruin the awesomeness of the clear?

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