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Condensed Soup





Yes, I need to work on a new arm design! :P



So, after much thinking and such, I have decided to slash half of my revamps (not including the Mistika) to the ones that will prove the best.


I've decided to focus on more non story related characters instead of revamps, so you'll being seeing less in the future.


They are as follows:








Once I finish MOCing the last two people who won my contest, I can finally get to work on them, insted of just talking! :P


-Some updates-


>>>>>>>>>>>Spinax is basicly done, I just don't know what to do with those feet!


>>>>>>>>>>>Spinax is so far my favorite MOC of mine.


>>>>>>>>>>>Bohrok looks nice, although I can't figure out a core body yet.


>>>>>>>>>>>I have traded the Kanohi Dragon out for one of the Manas.


>>>>>>>>>>>Have no clue how to design it.


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Well, that's a shame. I'd have loved to see the Kanohi Dragon. At least you're still gonna make a Ballom MOC.


It will be kinda difficult for you to make a new Manas, and the Spinax revamp is kinda overdone. Still, I'm sure that the new Bohrok is going to be good. Have you finished their blue mistress yet? You know what I mean. ;)


Oh, and could you please reply to the topic of my entry to your Blog Contest, the Gargali? Link is in my sig.



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I tried to make a Nuhvok revamp... it turned out FAIL. I may pick it up again, now that I have about a bajillion more pieces.

Manas revamp will be WIN, even if you butcher it.

Why does everyone revamp Spinax? At least do Maxilos with him.
How can he be your favorite character, among those such as MoMN, Hahli, Taipu and Pohatu? How?

There IS no signoff!
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Bundalings: He meant that he has MoCed.


I'm working on a Toa of Twilight revamp, which I will be asking for some advice on from several MoCist, and I started a cool new self MoC. You know what that will look like. :lol:


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I tried to make a Nuhvok revamp... it turned out FAIL. I may pick it up again, now that I have about a bajillion more pieces.


Manas revamp will be WIN, even if you butcher it.


Why does everyone revamp Spinax? At least do Maxilos with him.

How can he be your favorite character, among those such as MoMN, Hahli, Taipu and Pohatu? How?


There IS no signoff!


I had spinax's body planned last summer, before the set even came out! :P


No, not my favorite chracter, my favorite MOC, and it will be nothing like the other ones you have seen... I'm talking war hound, not some skinny energy hound... :psychotwitch:


Bundalings: He meant that he has MoCed.


I'm working on a Toa of Twilight revamp, which I will be asking for some advice on from several MoCist, and I started a cool new self MoC. You know what that will look like. :lol:





Sounds good!

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Yeah, I'd be glad to help you too. We're equals in the MOCing business, kinda like partners, almost.


I actually really like Draxon's arm design, and I think it should stay the way it is.


Could you please, please reply to the Gargali, my entry to your Blog Contest?





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Ow. Sorry, but that color scheme blazes my eyes.
It needs to be more... collected. The colors are okay, but they should be grouped better instead of scattered as they are.

There IS no signoff!
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Heh, I will definately be needing help for the Manas...


You can start sending me some ideas now, althou I probably won't start on him till summer.


Thanks guys!

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Yes, I need to work on a new arm design! tongue.gif

It's true. I hereby refuse to allow you to use my lower arm design.






(Though I'm serious)

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Yay soup.


Anyway, I have a big feeling the Manas are gonna be very difficult. I'll try and think up some ideas...


What arm design do you mean, DV?



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What arm design do you mean, DV?

Everything elbow down, sans the tire, are totally DV-style, yo. Circa, oh, 2003.


So, oh, about five years old, now? Close to it, anyway. I used that lower arm design for years on all my Neo-Toa.


See: Karrde, Matau V1, Lonely Vision 2, both Optimus Primes, Ruru, Sariss, Tikouri, Batman, Delthi uses a derivative of that design, etc.





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Yes, I need to work on a new arm design! tongue.gif

It's true. I hereby refuse to allow you to use my lower arm design.






(Though I'm serious)


Hmm... this could mean trouble. I guess I have to retire from MOCing Toa!

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