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Bbbcc #1: Needs Less Custom!



(credit to me!)
Welcome to Bunda's Blog Based Creations Contest #1, Needs Less Custom! (AKA, To Spite Ca'gerrin, AKA Operation Toamod)

EDIT: The deadline has been extended to the 26th!

That's right! It's been in the works for a while now, and I'm finally posting it!

So, here's the deal. Too many posts in BBC these days say "lol needs moar custom!!! 2.6576754575764445664745745676776567567657567/10!"
Or something to that effect.

Your job is to disrupt the Evil Clan of Simplicity Hating Noobs, which is led by Ca'gerrin, even though he isn't a noob. He just hates simplicity.

I ramble.

Now, down to business!
You must make a Toamod. Yes, that's right. (I'll have Cera's helper Mokai clean that puke up for ya. ;) )
Heres the deal: You must make a Toamod. I don't care if it's a Toamod of a Nuva, or a Metru, or an Inika. Whatever.

You may choose whatever mask, color scheme, series, and tool you want for your Toa to use.
You may make small adjustments the parts, but they must be based on something from a Toa. The arms and legs on CF's Nuparu Revamp are good examples of the small changes you may perform.
Your tools may be slightly custom.
*thinks of example*
As in my Ruhann PBZP. The legs are also a good example. NOT the arms.

Sounds easy, right? WRONG!
This is a contest that is easily accsesable to the public, so expect more competition. (I hope) You can't rely on you uber custom or massive MOC. (Yes, I'm talking to you, Ca and Czar.) You must rely on you color scheme, choice of weapons and Kanohi, and sense of simplistic beauty. That's right.

If you're MOC is too custom, I'll send you a polite PM requesting you alter it.

1) No custom or painted parts. Duh.
2) No entry may be published prior to the beginning of this contest.
3) You must link to a gallery with detail pix, so I may see that it doesn't need less custom.
4) No rubber bands! I can't think of a good reason for this, but all the same. NONE!
5) One entry per person. Up to six Toa per entry. Classic elements are non-essential.
6) Entry must be 95% Technic.
7) The background may be edited, but not the MOC. Color correction and brightness adjustments are legal.

Enter in this format:

Member Name:(mandatory)
Toa Name(s): (mandatory)
Gallery: (mandatory)
Topic: (optional)

Contest ends March 20th, with voting beginning soon after.

If I missed one, all the other basic BBCC rules apply.

Prizes: (the lamest EVAR)
A custom content block here with whatever.
A banner with your MOC saying you won.
A custom banner & avatar of your choice made by me.

So... go ahead and enter. Inform me if this seems to be lacking in any way.

Happy Building!

(No offense Ca and Czar, it's just jokes. You get jokes, right?)

(Hooray for the most unofficial contest post EVAR!)

There IS no signoff!

Posted on: Feb 23 2008, 09:47 PM

And: Feb 26 2008, 06:53 PM


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Erm... I don't know, Mike. Sounds too custom. Could you throw something else together?

I'm working on my entry, an Onua revamp. That will help define what I'm looking for when I post it... if I post it...

There IS no signoff!

Edit: Never mind, Mike. That's good. The limbs make up for the body, methinks. But that the very limit!

I'll count the chest armor as the required body piece.
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I see. I plan on entering, just one question, does it have to be a revamp of a toa? Or a new character?

EDIT: Can I customize the mask slightly?

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I think I'll enter with my Tahu Mistika MoC/Revamp...I only have to take a better picture.

Good luck to you all. :)

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Maybe you should set a piece limit. Perhaps just for torsos?


55555.gif 55555 55555.gif

Maybe... I dunno.

Sounds good, deffinately entering. Although, can it be a Visorak/Piraka/Barrakki/Phantoka Mukata/etc. revamp?

No, I want you to just use bodies/limbs that have been used in Toa, so no Barraki(unless it's like Kalmah or Carapar) or Visorak. Using a Makuta body would be okay, though, as it's pretty much the same style.

I am in, this should be a challenge.


Sounds fun, I'll enter, and I just make a simple revamp of a Toa?

Yeah, pretty much.

I see. I plan on entering, just one question, does it have to be a revamp of a toa? Or a new character?

EDIT: Can I customize the mask slightly?

It can be a new character, it just has to use Toa bodies/limbs. (you can have slight alterations, as in sticking a Metru foot on a leg as armor).

Not if you mean cutting/gluing/etc... if you mean by sticking a Barraki fang in a Mahri breathing slot that's fine.


Oh, and it may help you to know that my entries use about 70-80 pieces each. They're still obviously Toamods, though.


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My entry (currently) is something like this, I would like to know if this sounds okay before I take the pics and confirm with you.


Torso: Slightly customized Inika torso with Kopaka Phantoka Wings with slight alterations.


Arm #1: An uncustom arm with a slightly changed Hydraxon battle array. Hand is a slightly customized Nuparu Claw.


Arm #2: An uncustom arm with Hydraxon Cordak mounting alter into a Midak mounting. Hand is a socket. Holding a simple spear.


Legs & Feet: Uncustom legs and feet with a chain wrapped around one thigh.


I'm going to confirm with pics later, but this is just going to get me an idea.


Thanks. :)


55555.gif 55555 55555.gif

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Humph, Mistake-a, I like it. :P



Yeah, and Bonesiii hates it.

Anyway, this contest roxorz! (Yeah yeah, I read Bones' blog too much) I will definitely be entering. And I will be laughing maniacally at all the noobs who say it needs to be custom! And I scream, 'It can't be custom! Ha ha ha!'


Member name: Kakaru

Toa name: Ignika Metru

Mysterious low-quality entry pic! Egad!

Topic: <-- (Madness, there's so much confusion in that topic already...)

Gallery (when public): <--

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Do we need to use the pre-made armor pieces?


This is pretty much what I'm doing. Is that OK?



That's great. Looks like a loathsome Toamod to me... :P

Humph, Mistake-a, I like it. :P



Yeah, and Bonesiii hates it.

Anyway, this contest roxorz! (Yeah yeah, I read Bones' blog too much) I will definitely be entering. And I will be laughing maniacally at all the noobs who say it needs to be custom! And I scream, 'It can't be custom! Ha ha ha!'


Member name: Kakaru

Toa name: Ignika Metru

Mysterious low-quality entry pic! Egad!

Topic: <-- (Madness, there's so much confusion in that topic already...)

Gallery (when public): <--

*hates it too*


Haha, funny post. It's nice to see a Metru revamp.

Does it have to be as in NEVER posted? Or is it okay if you modify it some more first?

Never posted preferably. Depends on how much you change it.


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Does it have to be as in NEVER posted? Or is it okay if you modify it some more first?

Never posted preferably. Depends on how much you change it.


Eh, doesn't matter. I have the time to buy parts for another Tmod anyway :D .

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Oh, thank you, Bunda! :bowdown:


I've been waiting for something like this for so long! Now just to figure out what to make...





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Oh, thank you, Bunda! :bowdown:


I've been waiting for something like this for so long! Now just to figure out what to make...





*insert Gollum and Frodo scene in the Dead Marshes*

[smeagol]What did you call me?[/smeagol]

I finished one! :D


Maybe I'll make more.






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