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List Of Dislike



As promised yesterday, list of things I happen to dislike(in no particular order):




Mega Blox

Kingdom Hearts


Sonic the Hedgehog


Call of Duty series(though 4 isn't bad)

Final Fantasy(except for the movie)

Valentine's Day

Several anime series the names of which I'm too lazy to dig up

4 of the Mistake-a(take a wild guess)

That guy who always beats me to the rocket launcher on Battle Creek

Piraka/Inika/Mahri torsos

Those horrid nicknames that Lego gave the Piraka



World of Warcraft

Most MMOs

The Bionicle storyline from the end scene of MoL to present

The action figures Bionicle sets have turned into

The very concept of popularity

Exceedingly negative people


And that's all I can think of right now. More things will be added when/if I remember them.





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Let's see, I agree with you about eleven of them...


RuneScape sucks because there's too much walking and it steals your life. WoW sucks because you have to pay like, what, $50 a month to play? And Naruto? All I see is this:






Sorry, Blue, but I don't see what's good about it.

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English is lame, they cut alot out... and the younger episodes are a tad bit childish, but in the actual manga, its a good story plot.
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From an inexperienced person in set design processes (me):


"Perhaps it isn't the set designers' fault, but rather the focus groups'. If the focus groups didn't like the preliminary sets, the designers would come up with something different."


Only problem is that some of us (not pointing fingers at anyone specifically) may complain about the sets no matter what they look like.


I'm incredibly disappointed with the look of the sets in relation to their previous forms (I'm talking about the Nuva here), but if those exact same sets weren't the Toa Nuva, and were some other brand new heroes, I don't think I'd have as much of a problem with them. A lot of the kids that'll buy the new Nuva sets don't know what the original Nuva looked like, so they wouldn't have the same complaints about the new Nuva as some of us might.


Just some thoughts. :unsure:

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^Me too^



However, I do like Final Fantasy 3, but the rest of them I dislike.





...And Pokemon, I have very fond memories of playing Crystal and Silver when I was younger.

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You dislike a lot of things. :blink: Most of them are understandable. I used to play Yu-Gi-Oh and watch the TV series. The game was pretty fun but the TV show is babyish and cheesy, so I'm with you (kind of). But one thing drives me crazy, how could you dislike Call of Duty? I personally think it is one of the best war games of all time and so do many people.


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You dislike a lot of things. :blink: Most of them are understandable. I used to play Yu-Gi-Oh and watch the TV series. The game was pretty fun but the TV show is babyish and cheesy, so I'm with you (kind of). But one thing drives me crazy, how could you dislike Call of Duty? I personally think it is one of the best war games of all time and so do many people.


Halo > CoDfish




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I usually play them for the storyline, not exactly for the playing experience.


Simple, and doesn't require any thinking, eh? What's so wrong with how long a game is...? Wouldn't you rather have a fun game that lasts a while over a fun game that lasts... two seconds?!


...Have you lost your inner child?!

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I usually play them for the storyline, not exactly for the playing experience.


Simple, and doesn't require any thinking, eh? What's so wrong with how long a game is...? Wouldn't you rather have a fun game that lasts a while over a fun game that lasts... two seconds?!


...Have you lost your inner child?!

Running around for hours talking to people and other such stuff is not my idea of fun.


And, yes, my inner child died. But that's because of the Mistake-a pics, not computer games.




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Running around for hours talking to people and other such stuff is not my idea of fun.


And, yes, my inner child died. But that's because of the Mistake-a pics, not computer games.



That usually only happens during a lull, but I see your point... usually, in KH2, nothing but that happens, but they eventually reach a point.


Ah... so, then what's your reason for not liking Disney?

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