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Naruto Rpg Profiles Part 2

Lazzy the Spazzy


TEAM 16:


Team 16 is a new team, having been only formed for a day. However, the team's members got along extremely well with each other, and exhibited great chemistry, completing a mission successfully on their first day together. Team 16 shows the most promise out of the three new Genin teams so far, and has been advancing quickly.




Name: Yuuhi Tasare

Member: All mods

Age: 21

Rank: Jounin (Genin team sensei)

Village: Konohagakure

Personality: Tasare has inherited the laid-back personality of his godfather (and father figure), Nara Shikamaru, though not to the extreme degree of apathetic aloofness. He loves puzzles and other games that challenge the mind, especially Shogi, and holds intellect and sharp wit to be key to shinobi battles.

Tasare deeply admires his role models, especially Shikamaru, but unfortunately, has picked up negative traits of Shikamaru as well, such as the habit of smoking. Tasare gets along well with his teammates and comrades, and is often the mediator in arguments between friends. He is looking forward to mentoring his own Genin team, but harbors slight doubts about being able to manage as a teacher.

Appearance: Tasare wears the standard Jounin outfit, complete with green jacket and black clothes. His shinobi sandles go up past his ankles, and his kunai holster is on his upper right leg. He carries a belt-pouch as well, which holds basic ninja necessities as well as a cigarette pack and a small ash tray. His face bears striking resemblance to Asuma's, but his hair is long and shaggy like his mother's, reaching almost to his shoulders. He wears his headband on his forehead.

Fighting style/skills: Tasare has had Shikamaru’s trait of anticipating enemy moves ingrained into him, and thus his fighting style focuses on reading an opponent’s move and quickly devising a counterstrike against it. Tasare’s mental skills are nowhere near the level of Shikamaru’s, though he has been lauded as sharp for his age.

Tasare focuses mainly on Taijutsu in battle, although he has a natural aptitude for Genjutsu as well, being able to “sense” when a Genjutsu is being performed on him before it takes effect. Tasare can also throw off enemy Genjutsu with considerably less effort than average ninja, but this does not hold true for higher level Genjutsu.

Tasare is able to wield Genjutsu expertly himself, capable in all five fields of Genjutsu. He uses Genjutsu often in missions that require them, such as interrogation or infiltration.

In battle, Tasare often starts with close-range taijutsu, fighting long enough for him to note his enemy’s habits or fighting style, then devising a counterstrategy to render the style ineffective. Tasare hardly ever uses Genjutsu in battles.

Weapons: Trench knives are crucial to Tasare’s battle style. He learned how to use them from his godfather (who in turn learned them from Asuma).

List of jutsu: Incomplete list: Jubaku Satsu; Unnamed Interrogation Jutsu; Kokohi no Jutsu; Kokuangyou no Jutsu; Kori Shinchuu no Jutsu; Flower Petal Escape; Flower Petal Dissolve; Magen Narakumi no Jutsu; Nehan Shouja no Jutsu; Katon: Kasumi Enbu no Jutsu; Katon: Haisei Kishou; Hien; Konoha Senpuu; Konoha Dai Senpuu; Konoha Gouriki Senpuu; Konoha Raiken; Konoha Kage Buyou; Konoha Shoufuu

Clan: Yuuhi; Tasare is considered the same clan as that of his mother, according to tradition, though he holds traits from his paternal clan, such as a natural fire affinity.

Trivia: Tasare was born on the same day that Uzumaki Naruto became the youngest Hokage in history. His mother was Yuuhi Kurenai, and his deceased father Sarutobi Asuma.

Tasare’s overprotective mother, Kurenai, was the one who requested that Tasare substitute in as the Academy teacher while Shikamaru was organizing border patrols for the Fire Country. Kurenai hoped that Tasare would get some practice teaching, however Tasare did not, as Shikamaru returned to the Academy earlier than expected.

Tasare’s Jounin mentor was Rock Lee; it was from him that Tasare picked up his taijutsu skills.

Tasare has chosen training ground 56 for Team 16.




Name: Sunawara Shizake

Member: Hydraxon of the Pit

Age: 14

Rank: Genin

Missions completed:

D: 1

C: 0

B: 0

A: 0

Personality: Shizake is a laid-back quiet teenage boy that enjoys reading. He has a cool temper and doesn’t let a taunt aimed at him affect his external mood. He doesn’t hold grudges, and is loyal to his friends at the Academy. However, some other students see him as a social misfit. He is respectful to his teachers and enjoys learning from his teachers. He can be rather closed to those he views as annoying. Shizake also tries to treat girls with healthy respect. He doesn’t like fighting girls, preferring to run from a potential conflict with a female. However, when his friends are insulted, he is quick to speak up for them. However, his actions can be rather awkward around girls and makes comments which unintentionally offend them. On the inside, he is calm and collected, this aspect of his personality is also amplified to the outside, which can result in him ignoring people and focusing on details. He enjoys schoolwork, thinking tacticallyzs and plays games like Shougi, and Xiangqi. Some other hobbies of his include rock collecting, drawing (one day he hopes to train under a certain Konoha Anbu that uses his artwork in battle), and building small marionettes to entertain his younger siblings. He would like to join the ANBU in the future. His primary aim is to one day lead his clan and increase its reputation, size and overall degree of influence in Konoha.

Appearance: Shizake has dark brown, almost black hair.His hair has a small, but noticeable spike in the middle, the hair is gelled upward creating a “dramatic” effect. Shizake keeps it at medium length. He is 5’9”, thin, and agile. His eyes are a golden brown, and he keeps his nose and mouth covered by a black mask. His skin is pale and smooth. The mask is connected to his long sleeved shirt, which is black with a small red spiral on his left sleeve. He wears a dark blue vest with a large neckband and his clan’s symbol adorning the back. Two cream-colored bands criss-cross across his chest. He keeps his chokuto strapped to his back angled towards his right hand. He wears long dark blue pants with a kunai holder on his right leg. Dark metal arm guards cover his forearms. He also has small earrings in both ears. Since his stricter taijutsu training, he has also begun covering his hands with bandages to protect them. Shizake’s shuriken and scroll pouch is attached to his belt, a finely multi-linked silver chain. He wears the standard shinobi sandals. Around Shizake’s neck is a small pendant, which is the Kanji for water, a gift from his parents symbolizing his clan’s affinity to water jutsu. He also wears black weight holders on both his legs (to make him train to increase his speed and let his Body Flicker technique get faster).

Fighting style/skills: Shizake has above average chakra control and potentially high chakra levels. He specializes in genjutsu and ninjutsu. He has received clan training that assists him in stealth and how to assassinate an opponent with minimum noise. He is also at the beginning stages of his clan’s genjutsu training, as such, he can only dispel E to C level genjutsu. He often starts out a sparring match or battle by using the Hidden Mist Technique before using the Body Flicker Technique to approach an opponent swiftly, to cut short the time spent in hand-to-hand combat. His taijutsu is average, as such; he is working on improving his hand-to-hand combat skill. He lack of stamina; the cause for his taijutsu training, is one of his major weaknesses, as he tires easily during a prolonged taijutsu battle. He possesses his clan’s affinity for water jutsu, and also has an affinity for wind-based jutsu. However, he has received little training in his wind-based jutsu. Another weakness is that he is afraid of letting down his friends or clan, and is afraid of being surpassed by his peers. His cautiousness can also be a disadvantage in a fight that can give an opponent time to gain the upper hand. Shizake has learnt tracking, as well as outdoor survival skills from his clan. He also has photographic memory and is semi-ambidextrous. Although Shizake possesses an eye kekkei genkai, he has not yet awakened it. His has high mental strength, but at this point, he lacks large reserves of physical strength.

Weapons: Shizake carries a chokuto, a straight single-edged sword (like a katana), made of the same chakra-friendly material as that of Sarutobi Asuma’s trench knives. He has been training with it for the past 4 years. However, he has not yet mastered how to infuse it with his natural chakra and is still only proficient with it in hand-to-hand combat. He uses it for short to mid-range attacks.

List of jutsu:

1. Illusion Clone Jutsu

2. Substitution Jutsu

3. Body Flicker Jutsu

4. Hidden Mist Jutsu

5. Henge/Transformation

6. Suiton: Teppoudama

Clan: Sunawara clan. This clan is relatively new and quite small, only having come to Konoha in the past 18 years. It is related to and led by, Ranmaru. Members of the clan possess a kekkei genkai that can create incredibly convincing illusions. However, it does not appear automatically, and must be awoken by a dangerous situation, before it can be used. It is similar to the Byakugan, and allows users to see through solid objects, have night vision, perceive someone’s “life force”, create illusions with chakra circulatory systems, and partially predict upcoming attacks. It can interfere with the workings of the Byakugan and can affect the ordinary vision of others. When activated the eyes glow red. This clan specializes in the art of swift and silent assassinations as well as the study of kekkei genkai based – genjutsu, water ninjutsu, and tracking. Most members of the clan are not taijutsu specialists. Their preffered fighting styles are genjutsus used to immobilize and confuse opponents before using close-range lethal ninjutsus to finish off the trapped opponent.


Name: Mercuto Robert

Member: Robo

Age: 11

Rank: Genin

Missions completed:

D: 1

C: 0

B: 0

A: 0

Personality: Typically mild mannered and lazy, Robert prefers to do as little as possible. Was forced into the academy by

his father who failed to be a shinobi. His mother and older brother (who were shinobi) died while trying to bring honor to the family, and that is the only reason Robert doesn't just quit. Will normally ignore bullying unless someone is picking on his short size, then he goes berzerk and often attacks the person making fun of him.

Appearance: Appearance: green hair in a crewcut. Green eyes. One foot shorter than most kids his size. Favorite outfit is a black muscle shirt under a red t-shirt with baggy red pants. Wears black sandels with moss sown to the soles so its harder for him to leave footprints. Has pale skin that makes him look perpetually ill. wears a ring on his right index finger that has the symbol of his clan (A snowflake with a kunai in it) imprinted in it. Wears thin-framed glasses to correct his nearsightedness.

Fighting style/skills: Specialized in ninjutsu, no aptitude for taijutsu, and stopped bothering to try genjutsu. Particular talents within bloodline are water jutsu. Fights at close and mid range, but cannot fight longrange due to nearsightedness. Small stature gives him excellent agility and maneuverabilty and speed. But, because of small stature, direct hits cause more damage. Robert heals slowly. Has a nerve disorder in right elbow that enhances sensations (pain) in that area to near cripling levels. Able to reduce breathing and heart rate to make himself completely silent. Combine that with his smallness, and he's great at sneak attacks and spying.

Weapons: A single dagger that has been passed down through the generations of the clan. Whenever a clan member dies in battle with the dagger, a bit of his life essence is imbedded into the blade, making it harder and harder to destroy or dull.The handle is made with a sacred wood that helps focus (focus, not enhance or change) chakra.

List of jutsu:

1) Substitution jutsu

2) illusion clone jutsu

3) body flicker technique,

4) [unnamed] Mizugakure

5) Kasumi Juusha no Jutsu/Mist Servant

6) Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Penguin

Clan: Mercuto clan. The clan is small but thriving, but the bloodline is fading with every generation with the exception of the occasional person born with 'whole blood', or, born with all of the traits of the bloodline, like green eyes. No specialized style of fighting, but have a natural tendency to use water justus and have a great aptitude for them. They have an heirloom as well, a dagger that is passed down through the generations.

The Mercuto Clan originated in Amegakure, in the Land of Rain. It was a very prominent Clan of the village, but was divided during the Civil War that ravaged the Land. The 'pure blooded' half of the Clan remained with Amegakure while the non-pure blooded half fled. It was the kindness of the Second Hokage that saved them, by allowing them to come and live in Konoha. Because of the 'blood-loss', the part of the Mercuto Clan in Konoha hasn't had much skill surface, leaving them in anonymity. In fact, there have been no successful missions completed above C-rank by the clan.

Trivia: Rob’s birthday is August 21st. Rob’s father is named Mercuto Richard.


Name: Uchiha Ukuru

Member: Shard Esquire

Age: 13

Rank: Genin

Missions completed:

D: 1

C: 0

B: 0

A: 0

Personality: A "punk" of sorts, very disobedient and rude at times, but only on the outside. However, Ukuru is helpful and considerate when need be, and has a strong conscience. However, Ukuru is very gentle and kind with animals, especially the robin who lives on the tree outside his window. Ukuru cannot bring himself to kill, no matter what the circumstances. During a battle, Ukuru is in total focus, to the point of ignoring just about everything arond him. Ukuru is also a very light sleeper. Ukuru is very interested in smithing, and would go into it for a career, if he was not a ninja. He can also

Appearance: Ukuru is about 5'7". He wears baggy shorts with a belt, and chain down the side, with a black tshirt. Ukuru's left arm and leg are bandaged, like Neji's were, as he had a large tattoo on both arm and leg. The tattoos are 6 black lines intertwining multiple times, with a black rose in the foreground. Ukuru's eyes are the normal Uchiha black. He also has a tan, but it isnt too deep. His skin is smooth, and is tattooed with a thorn band across his upper right arm. His hair is grown straight down, and is very shaggy, going to his shoulders. His hair is also highlighted with dark red, and has is spiked down in the back and bangs. His ninja sandals are like normal, except have the Uchiha Fan imprinted on them. He has fingerless gloves, think Kakashi's, and wears his kunai on his right leg. Ukuru has an extra pouch for his bomb tags, also on his right leg, because he uses them a lot. He wears a greyish jacket on occasion. (Picture coming soon.)

Weapons/Fighting Style: Ukuru has no fighting style, per se, but fights at midrange. The chain on his shorts functions as a close range whip, and is much longer than it looks. He has Fire Element chakra, and uses bomb tags with special skill. His fighting style is a "Float like the Butterfly, Sting like the Bee" one, and his battles always start with a Bunshin or two for reconnaissance. After the Bunshin, he uses many shuriken and bomb and smoke tags as a distraction. His weaknesses are skilled Taijutsu users and Genjutsu in general. Ukuru has almost no defences against Genjutsu, so he is currently training extra hard. Ukuru can also hold his own in Taijutsu, but is quickly overcome by the likes of Lee. (At the start of Naruto 1, like when he beat Sasuke before the first exam.)


1) Kawarimi

2) Kage Shuriken

3) Illusion Clone

4) Kanashibiri (Temporary Paralysis)

5) Henge no Jutsu

6) Katon: Ryuuka no Jutsu

Clan: Uchiha. His father was away on a mission during the massacre, and was spared. However, his father's wife was killed in the massacre. He later remarried and Ukuru was born. Itachi later discovered this and came back for Ukuru, but his parents were killed instead, which is why Ukuru won't kill.


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We're up next. I was going to put Team 8 next, but with Shawn's departure I'll save the now-two-member team for later. And after Team 10, I'll put 12, and then 14, 15, and we'll be done for now.

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