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Hau Nuva Mistika: The Longest Of Names

Wrinkledlion X




One thing that's been astounding me lately is the inability of people to see similarities between the Mistika and their original versions. Granted, they are very different, but many parts (Masks in particular) are not far off at all... Except the Kaukau...


I'm going to start this off with the Hau Nuva Mistika. It actually resembles the classic Hau far more than the older Nuva version, which I think was a great decision. This will be the end of BIONICLE's first chapter and it's good to see Tahu's mask resembling its iconic beginnings.


First off, observe the shape of the forehead. Not the fin or that little hole, but just the forehead itself. It's nearly identical. It has the same rounded, largely featureless appearance we've gotten used to- Both include a small feature to throw off the monotony, too.


The eyes show a great deal of resemblance as well. They are similarly shaped and arranged in proportion with the rest of the mask the same way. The main difference is that the new ones are slightly less down-turned, but I personally like it because it makes him look more noble and less angry, representing his increased maturity.


I don't know why so many people insist he has no mouth. It's certainly not as deep or pronounced as his original, but there's no doubt that it's there. Just look here- You can easily spot the lines outlining it. It's actually shaped more than a little bit like his classic Hau.

Outlined in light green you can also see the slits to the side of his mouth on the original, and also that it has the same amount of ridges on the new one, this time moved inwards and joined in the middle.


I'm personally quite happy with his. I've always preferred the appearance of the Mata Masks to the Nuva masks and I'm happy to see the Mistika's embodying the first collection to such a degree.


I'll do Onua's next... Tomorrow, maybe.

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Thank you for pointing these out. I've been meaning to, just haven't gotten around to it.

There IS no signoff!

Edit: How you'll find similarities between the old and new Pakari, I don't know.
Kaukau looks more similar, IMHO.
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I dunno... I think this mask looks more like an enlonged Great Huna than either of the Haus. But, hey, maybe we'll see more similarities when we can actually see the mask in plastic.



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I have stated the serrations all along, but I don't think your points about the mouth area or the eyes or back of head really work. For the record, I didn't like the Nuva 03 masks much either though, I preferred the Mata.


Eyes -- All masks have eyes of some sort, aside from the Vahi and Kakama Newva. I don't see that as relevant, at least not how you outlined it. Also, the actual shape of the plastic above and below is different between the two, whereas with the Nuva Hau (my fave of the six in 03) it was the same. However, the basic equals-sign division between the lower edge of the eye area, and upper, stretching across the nose area, is a similarity


Back of Head -- This has been pointed out before and as I said then -- tons of masks have the roundish back of head shape. Take the Matatu 01 as one example. I don't think that counts.


Mouth area -- It doesn't really look like a mouth to me -- it looks like an area where a ninja-like mask is totally covering the mouth area. And if it's a mouth, the serrations on the Mata are outside it anyways, so I don't think it counts as similar.


So again, I think the only real similarities are that it does have serrations, and the eye area bears a slight similarity, and also something you didn't bring up -- the shape of the things on the lower cheek follow the lines of the boundaries of the serration area of the Hau 2001, though obviously jutting out this time.



But similarity is also not as simple as that -- fact is, when you look at it, while honestly assessing whether it's very similar or not to a Hau and trying not to let any bias affect judgement, don't you have to conclude that overall, it's barely similar at all? I can't honestly say this is similar to a Hau.


But if you look at any of the Phantoka's masks, it's easy to see the similarities. Those are similar, which nobody can really dispute (well, some have tried, and of course you can dispute whether they could be more so, but I'm just talking unbiased facts).



I'll be especially interested in your takes on the other two Kanohi, though, since this was the one out of three I have been saying does have a slight resemblance. I really don't see it in the other two even slightly.


Edit: BTW, the image you linked to later in the entry gives an access forbidden error.

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I see these similarities, but unfortunately they do me little good compared to similarities between the Nuva Mistika masks and the original Nuva masks. I would have much preferred the 2008 Matoran masks for this reason, as outlined here. Gali's mask currently expresses the most similarity from what I can see, as the mouth shape is *vaguely* familiar. There may be more similarities to be found once I am able to hold the final masks, but I fear that for the purposes of my drawings these will be far inferior.


Nice to see someone else doing comparison edits.


EDIT: And I too prefer the Mata masks (if not for my drawings, where they are incredibly simple-looking), but the retrogression to a more Mata-like form makes things difficult for the purposes of drawing similarities between these and the masks which are actually the same in terms of power, though I appreciate the change to less organic forms.

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Bones, if you look closely enough at this, you'll see that only about 8-10 out of the 38 Great Masks pictured have that shape. Maybe more, but then those have more of a harder, more edged shape, similar to the Sanok. :P

And out of the Noble Masks, only the Matatu has anything similar to that shape. :P


I think it should be interesting that 5 out of 7 Red Toa have that eye shape, or something similar. :P

I'd point out how many other masks have that shape, but I think it would come down to opinion. :P


For the mouth, if the top of the mask is different and there was no serrations, then wouldn't it look like a mouth, albiet more of a Miru-ish mouth? Don't look at what's inside the mouth, look at what's around it that forms the mouth. :P

And let me use an analogy: In the movie adaptation of the Lord of the Rings, many parts that were extremely similar to the book were put in a different place in the movie than in the book. Yet it's still easy to see them as similar to the event in the book. :P


Oh, and question: How do you know who is actually using no bias judgement and who isn't? I honestly have no idea. :P

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I object to two things.


One, the eyes have a completely different shape. Hau Mistika – rectangles. There's nothing more to them. Hau and Hau Nuva – made entirely of cuves, and when viewed head-on the forehead forms a smooth curve across the top of them, reminiscent of human eyebrows in a frown.


Two, the mouth. The Hau and Hau Nuva share the same large, deep, distinct, ovular mouth. The Hau Mistika doesn't. It's as simple as that.


Mind you, I still think the Hau Mistika looks more like its Nuva self than either Gali's or Onua's (the cheek-ridges; the pointed "cheeks" in silhouette view; the forehead ridge of the Hau Nuva became the fin on the Hau Mistika). But the mouth and eyes are enormously different.

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-Adv.-: Well, by my math:

Greats: Hau, Miru, Akaku, Huna, Rau, Faxon, Rode, Akaku Nuva.


Nobles: Almost Huna, Rau, Mahiki, Komau, almost Ruru, and Matatu. Also, Hau noble.


Note that the Hau Nuva doesn't really (at least not unless you can count some other more textured roughly round masks like many of the Inika ones, or the Kaukau Nuva).


So I count 15. :P






Oh, and question: How do you know who is actually using no bias judgement and who isn't? I honestly have no idea.

Well, bias would be if we let our personal tastes affect our forming of statements intended instead to be factual. Meaning even if we don't like the masks, we would admit where there are similarities. :)



Two, the mouth. The Hau and Hau Nuva share the same large, deep, distinct, ovular mouth. The Hau Mistika doesn't. It's as simple as that.

I agree -- what I think you're pointing out as a mouth looks more like the edges of the serration areas on the Hau Mata, Wrinkle -- so if a matching mouth was present it would be "cut into" the serration area in the middle. See that?

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I object to two things.


One, the eyes have a completely different shape. Hau Mistika – rectangles. There's nothing more to them. Hau and Hau Nuva – made entirely of cuves, and when viewed head-on the forehead forms a smooth curve across the top of them, reminiscent of human eyebrows in a frown.


Two, the mouth. The Hau and Hau Nuva share the same large, deep, distinct, ovular mouth. The Hau Mistika doesn't. It's as simple as that.


Mind you, I still think the Hau Mistika looks more like its Nuva self than either Gali's or Onua's (the cheek-ridges; the pointed "cheeks" in silhouette view; the forehead ridge of the Hau Nuva became the fin on the Hau Mistika). But the mouth and eyes are enormously different.

Just my personal opinion, but I see way more similarity between Gali's old and new Nuva masks than between Tahu's. Gali's at least has the mouth shape vaguely similar, but I don't think on my own I can pinpoint a single major parallel between the two forms of the Hau Nuva.

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