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Number Ratings



I posted this in my Nuparu Mahri MOC topic regarding number ratings:


The thing behind it is that a couple of us MOCists want more than just number ratings with the reviews. We don't want someone saying it's 1/10 or 1000/10. If it's bad, tell us why and how we can change. If it's good, tell us what you like so we can do something similar in our next MOC. And tell us bad stuff even with the good stuff so we can still improve. (Every MOC probably has some point. Take the eyes on [the Nuparu Mahri Revamp] for example. I wanted to go with storyline canon, but the reviewers prefer a flow of colors as to tradition. :angry: The arms are also an example.)

Just think about that the next time you review a MOC.

Wouldn't you agree?

(I had said that posting a number rating killed a Fikou, and I love Fikou.)


In other news, I posted my 1K Post MOC Topic.


In other news, I think I found a cool font to use since the amazing Tag LET is hard to read at this small size. (This one is called "Lucida Console")


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: If I was lying, wouldn’t my pants be on fire?


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And, y'know, sometimes they don't even really apply to what they said. Someone once replied to one of my MoCs, saying that it wasn't that good at all, but he gave me a "9/10".



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This post gets a 5/5


Er...I like it...um...because it's true?


I was thinking the other day how hard it must be for Lego to operate only on the numbers of their sales, and trying to figure out wrong things from there. I guess their set testers help some too.

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As soon as I make a Blog Approval Stamp, you get it.


Edit: Okay, I gave one to Kohaku First. Here's yours.




Scale it down to half it's size to make it fit.

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