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Aliens Are Here!



Note that this is in the "Real Life" category.


Yesterday was an interesting day, more than once did I get ideas for customer rants... the one here is going in place of the one I had planned. Why? Cuz customers can be so hilarious sometimes.


Paranoia helps too.


Everyone is out to get -you-.


Now this one I wasn't actually apart of it but I rewrote the entire thing to make it make more sense. And to add myself in. Besides, I don't even work in Photo... :P


A customer walks in goes to photo. He wanted a camera. Probably for taking pictures of stuff.


Customer: I want to buy a Camera.

Photo: Do you know what type of camera?

Customer: A good camera. For taking pictures.

Photo: Yes. Pictures of what?


Now that's a normal question. Different cameras are better at taking different types of pictures. Not all things are normal.


Customer: Pictures of UFOs. I've seen them over the past few days. And today.


UFOs... Yes. You read that correctly. UFOs. Over a small town with nothing of interest to UFOs. Cept a Lake... Lake Michigan. I'm not sure about alien interests. If I meet one, I'll ask.


Photo: UFOs?

Customer: Yes. You know the flying discs. Flying saucers.

Photo: Yes. I know what UFOs are. Well you'll want a...


So she went onto describe cameras and SD cards. I won't add the interesting (read: boring) details.


So she got him his camera and card. And he was off on his way. Well... he would have been. He bumped into me. Which is like a crime or something. Or should be.


Kohaku: Hello customer! It seems as if you can't watch where you are going.

Customer: Uh... hi. I must be off, sorry for bumping into you. I have to get pictures of UFOs...

Kohaku: UFOs? Do tell. The universe fascinates me.


Before you do laugh, astronomy is awesome. I do so love learning about the universe.


Customer: Well, I've been seeing flying saucers over the area for the past few days.

Kohaku: Uh huh... when, might I ask?

Customer: All times of the day and night.

Kohaku: Uh huh... I know a guy who specializes in UFOs. And being crazy.

Customer: Did you just call me crazy?

Kohaku: No. I implied it. I didn't say it directly.

Customer: So you did?

Kohaku: More or less.


Kohaku: I'm insane, there is difference. You seem aggravated, would you like to talk to our complaints manager?

Customer: YES!




Kohaku: Please wait while we teleport...

Customer: Teleport?


*Kohaku uses Mask of Dimensional Gates to Transport himself and the customer to Xia*


Kohaku: I suppose I should tell you... there are things in this universe that aren't of our world...


Mountain uses Devour to eat Customer. Customer takes 43,558 points of damage. Customer has been defeated by Mountain


Kohaku: ... Then again, we aren't in -our- world.

You are probably wondering where my trio of Kanohi Dragons were. I let Hahli Husky borrow them, she needed some help up at the service desk of her K-Mart. Keep them fed HH!


Now this person was a real customer. And after talking to those in photo who actually talked with him. We all decided he was crazy. And then laughed. There was much laughing.


I'll admit that I do believe in UFOs, however, I won't get paranoid about it like this guy did.


Customers are so much fun sometimes.




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*laughs like crazy* Yes, I yesterday there was one woman who was mad because she couldn't return a gift (how rude of her to return someone's gift anyway), and another who was angry that I "didn't pay attention to her" while I was putting about $200 into the cash drawer while helping a customer on the phone. They've been eaten now.

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There are just some people out there who have not the brain capacity nor common sense that most of us do. I also have to deal with constant, angry and rude customers at my job. However I get all the drunks and criminals!


Aliens huh, seems like the only real valid complaint he could have is that you did not buy into that line of garbage.

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*laughs like crazy* Yes, I yesterday there was one woman who was mad because she couldn't return a gift (how rude of her to return someone's gift anyway), and another who was angry that I "didn't pay attention to her" while I was putting about $200 into the cash drawer while helping a customer on the phone. They've been eaten now.

HH: First ever man-eating husky. :P


Alien story gave me a laugh.

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