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Personal Messages, Personal Memories

Lazzy the Spazzy


As a premier member, I have room in my inbox for 1000 messages. But the PMs I've been getting over the years I've been here are stacking up, and already past halfway. I panicked, and went on a sort of cleaning spree, reading through some of the PMs and deleting ones from the same thread.


I did this at first to clear space for future PMs, but soon found myself happily reading the PMs I sent to friends and vice versa. It awoke so many good memories...Hak discussing his Hunters of the Dark comics...Dwin and I talking about BZPower, the Final Battle the RPG...Me, asking Moutekea about catalysts...that MoC of Lazok that Khote sent to me...The 'how could you' PM I sent to Hahligirl56 after her character, Alta, was killed...All those PMs that I and the other four mods of the Naruto RPG sent back and forth...I remember sitting late at night, typing up the rules for the RPG, rules and more rules...It took hours, didn't it?


Haha, I even uncovered that PM that Black Six sent to me for posting one of those 'I'm the first one to post on this page' posts. I lost proto for that... ^^;


And then I found this PM that I didn't even remember sending; it was this guest star request for an epic that Nidhiki99 (now Nid) was writing. I didn't even know that I knew Nid from before BZPRPG!


And there was even this PM that Lady K sent to me! Imagine that, one of the BZP legends talking to me, just a normal member!


Man, reading all those PMs brought me back...I feel so old right now. I've done so many things on BZP, some that I don't even remember anymore.


Good times, good times.


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I'm still amazed I never became a Moderator for the original. :P 1,000 messages? Wow...I could use that... :P


Err, I'd consider you not a normal member vs. Lady K, but actually very close, just a little under her. And Lady K and I occasionally talk in her blog, which I frequently read and, if I can say this, she seems to be like some celebrities: They know their big and famous, however once you get to talk with them more you realize they prefer people to treat them like normal people rather than stars.


Were there any from me?

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Oh yeah. :D You sent me that PM with Ha's pictures in there, remember? And there was also that one when you asked about Kendrick, and it moved into this sort of discussion about Hak's omniscience.


Yeah, Arch-Angel, I got kind of sad afterwards...not sad, more like nostalgic. But it's really fun to experience.


Thanks for all the comments, people. :)

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I remember drawing those...I still need to send you the new ones for after the Chunin exam training period. The one about Hak's omniscience was fun though. ^^


Btw, the blog still says "A muse's musings". If you do ever change it back, just as a reference, it's "Muses", not "Muse's".

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