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I Got Shadows In The Sky!

Auserv: Toa-Kal of Emotion


Being that it was March 1st, I decided to ask my parents to take me to Barnes and Noble to check for Shadows in the Sky. We didn't get there till after 7:00 PM (despite having asked them the moment I woke up :P), but sure enough Bionicle Legends 9 was there.


We had to go to Borders for a different book that Barnes and Noble didn't have. I stayed in the car and began reading from the light of a streetlamp. Next we had to go to Lowe's. I brought the book in and spent the entire time there reading. In a matter of less than three hours, I had finished. I actually finished the book as we were checking out at Lowe's. :P I think I look forward to the books more than I do to the sets, really.


I can't say anything about it for two weeks (either that or six weeks, I can't remember if it was supposed to come out in March or April), but I will say that the ending was very interesting. So was the beginning. And the middle. :P


And I just used a :P emoticon in every paragraph so far... They're invading...


In other news, Brawl comes out in exactly one week! In 168 hours (and counting down), I will be playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl. And I will probably do a blog entry about it. With pictures. Just to show off.


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Must.. Have.. Book.

..And Brawl.

It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who wants Brawl to come.



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Must.. Have.. Book.

..And Brawl.

It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who wants Brawl to come.



Brawl's release date is coming so close that I'm beginning to giggle insanely every once in a while.


*giggles insanely*


As for the book, we bought two copies (one for me and one for my brother). I'll send you the extra one through the Internet.







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