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Saving The (model) World!

Dr. Bionicle


Yeah, so I got to miss the past two days of school due to Model United Nations in Topeka. For those of you that don't know what that is, it's basically where a bunch of middle/high school kids assemble and simulate the United Nations, speaking to the world's major issues and voting on them.


Seeing as this was my first year, I got one heck of a nifty country: The United Arab Emirates.


Don't worry, I'd never heard of it either.


I convened in General Assembly II with my friend Sebi, who was representing Chile, and we began speaking to the agenda. I won't bore you with it, I'll just give you the highlights...

  • I presented a resolution (basically, a bill addressing a problem) on getting the world clean water, which got passed.
  • After arguing over the issue of global warming for an hour-and-a-half, we decided to table all resolutions pertaining to the issue indefinitely (basically, we decided we never wanted to talk about it again).
  • Whenever you present a speech of negation or affirmation (that's a speech you make saying whether you agree or disagree with the bill presented and why the members of the council should vote for or against it), you usually present a "fun fact" about your country. Over the course of two days, I heard 11 fun facts about Russia, because the dude did nothing but talk.
  • Fun fact about the UAE, two popular sports of ours are camel racing and falconry.
  • Today we all voted down a resolution to establish a secret ninja task force that would combat all terrorism in the world (yes, that does include me... sorry, but jedi > ninjas *shrug*).
  • General Assembly I spent two hours arguing over whether polar bears should be allowed to live or not.
  • The Economic and Social Council entertained the idea of dissolving Canada under the rationale that it was utterly useless. It was suggested that it would be split into 5 pieces and be given to the five greatest powers in the world. (This did not get passed.)
  • Mongolia dissed Russia three times, while Netherlands came in a close second with two disses in the direction of Russia.
  • In the end, the UAE brought home the "Best Delegation" award, with one of our representatives taking the Silver Medal for "Best Delegate."


So yeah, if that doesn't sound totally nerdy, then you must have interesting parties at your house. :P


Moving to adjourn this blog entry,

Dr. Bionicle


Recommended Comments

Lol, something like that seems fun. I could imagine both the teachers I had in Social Studies this year and last year making that awesome. Sucks though that in High School, there are so many different Social Studies classes. I wish they could've taken Math out of core classes instead of SS. :\


And the way I see it, Jedi = Ninjas > Pirates, and Ninjas to the power of Jedi times Pirates equals Zyglaks, or NinjasJedi x Pirates = Zyglaks. 8D

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