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Why Do We Blog?



I've faced this question with my mom plenty of times.


"Why do you have a blog? Can't you have a journal? Diary?"


Thats tough to answer. Not because I have don't have an answer, but because it's complicated and emotional.


Before I was going to type my first blog entry, I looked over other blogs. A lot of it is freedom of expression.


And by that, I mean randomness. Exo and Spitty being the two front-runners. In my mind, they are the unoffical comedians of this enormous forum. Its amazing how I much I chuckle at their jokes as they see one thing, make it a joke the next. I remember after Chii made a topic sparking a huge flame war with him just dominating the members in the arguement using their own fire. It, of course, was closed. I go Chii's profile, I laugh with him. Then I see at the bottom where Exo commented:





Could stop laughing.


Another thing I saw were discussions on the sets and storyline. Plenty talk, but not my cup of tea. Why? I grew out of it, and I don't even like Ice Tea for that matter.


Though I believe I saw one serious blog. I believe it was Lady Kopaka going on abot her life. A few comments, but I knew she was popular.


So I made a choice.


Either I make a blog on my life and the things that haunt it, or I decide to make others laugh.


I tried random. I wanted to become a popular member, like Exo and Spitty. I wanted to fit in, I wanted to make others laugh.


I couldn't feel it.


The words that I typed weren't real. They weren't who I am. They didn't say who I was, what I am, what I wanted to be, what I was, what I've done, what I saw, what I expericenced, what I felt, what I had to let out.


This is the outcome.


Hey, I may not be popular, but I sure felt better after that.


So to answer the question as to why I use a blog instead of a journal or a diary, is simple.


A journal and diaries are written thoughts only accessable to the world. A blog is a journal or a diary that is given to the world to read. To release thoughts. To say what can't be said.


Well, to me anyways.




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As a Bloggie, I've seen many types of blogs, and most fit into the two categories you pointed out. However, not all do. There are those which combine the two categories, then there are those which have none. They are different.


The blogs give a lot of freedom, which is the best part about them. People can talk about what they want to talk about. They can be who they are. No need to put up an act. Every blog has a unique feel to it, your blog is no exception.


Good entry.





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A lovely entry, AA. :)


The best blogs, in my opinion, are those which reflect the humans behind the usernames. Funny blogs are good for a chuckle or two, but the more personal blogs usually have entries a (random) person can relate to.



Also, lovely doves up there. ^_^


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