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This is really more of an FYI than anything else, as many of you already guessed this -- but to make it official, the grand prize winner of the BrickMaster Makuta Building Contest will be considered Makuta Miserix for the purposes of the story.




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What?!? But, but, but the magazine had people write essays with the personality, special powers, and role of their Makuta! Those Bionicle fans went to all the trouble to write them, and Lego's not using them and instead giving the winning entry the iddenity of an already existing character?!? Why is this happening?


Plus, with "poorly made combinders", Bionicle fans would be able to easily build Miserix. We can't always rely on the winner to post instructions later. I didn't see Justin Lamb post instructions for the Tahtorak, for one thing.

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the brickmaster not arrive in argentina, but i can participate here in bzpower for make miserix ?

To win the contest?

No, you have to send the entry to Lego.

Besides, it's already over. But who's to stop you from making another Miserix?

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Ugh my essay is no good now...and my model has a shadow leech, so that won't make sense.

Oh, and two questions about this: have the winners been chosen yet and is it possible that we'll see later winners (like Silence and those DHs)?

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Alright, this'll be interesting. And, to answer you guys's question, the essay is becuase if there are sveral really good entries, and LEGO wants to choose one. But which, they all look quite similar. How do they choose? Whoever wrote the best essay would win.


Hopefully the winner would post instructions on BZpower if they are a member. If not, hopefully it'll be easy to make by looking at it.

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I guess that there is one person on earth that knows what Miserex looks like then....he/she/it just doesn't know that it is Miserex yet. :P

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Thank the gods, this means Miserix will actually look good and coherent and won't be forced together with an odd color scheme like Spiriah was.

Suuuuuuure. :P


I spent hours building an entry for one of the LEGO-based contests in the LEGO magazine. I set up a nice place to take photographs and made sure everything looked perfect... and the prizes went to these ###### castles that my four year old cousin could have built.


That's why I stick to LGD contests now.


~Sidorak The Hunter

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Ugh; I spent how ever long working on my entry, worked so hard on my essay (well, okay, it could have been better, but still), and I almost miss the deadline due to pictures getting messed up, just to find out that none of my ideas are going to be used? What was the point of all that work, then? -_-
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Well, if, for example, you give your Makuta Radiak's mask, and call it a Mask of Anger, it (might)be called that in the story. Guess what mask my entry has.

Plus stuff like weapons might still be used..

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Cool. I just hope it's a good one that someone just threw together at the last minute. It'll probably be like ToM said, though( Even though some of the winners weren't so great, the grand prize winner was always awesome. ).

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Alright, this'll be interesting. And, to answer you guys's question, the essay is becuase if there are sveral really good entries, and LEGO wants to choose one. But which, they all look quite similar. How do they choose? Whoever wrote the best essay would win.


Hopefully the winner would post instructions on BZpower if they are a member. If not, hopefully it'll be easy to make by looking at it.


This is exactly what greg told me about the essay. I do hope it will have instructions like Krakua and the piraka fusion. I also hope I will be able to build it :o

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Thank the gods, this means Miserix will actually look good and coherent and won't be forced together with an odd color scheme like Spiriah was.

*looks at Dark Hunters*




We can only hope for a Krakua-esque model, but, of course, Makuta-like.





Well, there were a lot of Dark Hunters, and some of them were very good. Gatherer, Ancient, Tyrant and Eliminator come to mind. Since there can only be one Miserix (right? :unsure:), then it's more likely to be good.


I only wish they had actually said in the contest description that it would be Miserix so that people would enter with him in mind.

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Thank the gods, this means Miserix will actually look good and coherent and won't be forced together with an odd color scheme like Spiriah was.

*looks at Dark Hunters*




We can only hope for a Krakua-esque model, but, of course, Makuta-like.





Well, there were a lot of Dark Hunters, and some of them were very good. Gatherer, Ancient, Tyrant and Eliminator come to mind. Since there can only be one Miserix (right? :unsure:), then it's more likely to be good.


I only wish they had actually said in the contest description that it would be Miserix so that people would enter with him in mind.

But then people that didn't have internet connection or something wouldn't get to win because they wouldn't know who he was...

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