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Naruto Rpg Profiles: Part 3

Lazzy the Spazzy




Brief Team History:

Team 10 is one of the most successful Genin teams; it is clear that Shikamaru put the right people in the same team, for its three members, Soratu, Ha, and Kikou, work as well together as brothers and are the best team in terms of teamwork. Team 10 has accomplished a surprisingly large number of high-level missions for a Genin team, and has largely met with success in completing them.




Name: Hatake Zakiyu

Member: All mods

Age: 20

Rank: Jounin

Village: Konohagakure

Background: Zakiyu was born soon after the attempted coup by Root to take over Konoha. During the early years of his life Zakiyu had little contact with his father, who was often away on high-ranked missions. However, when he was five years old, his father suffered a devastating injury in a mission (leaving Kakashi’s left arm withered and his Sharingan eye near blind), forcing him to leave the front lines. Kakashi and Zakiyu’s relationship improved since then, spending more time with each other. Zakiyu came to develop pride in his clan, looking up to his father especially as a role model. He advanced through the ranks through pure hard work (he did not have the genius intellect of his father), becoming a Jounin at the age of 19. Team 10 was the first squad he ever led, and he finds the experience fun, if at times frustrating. He recently began dating Saito Heira, a fellow Jounin who is in charge of a squad herself.

Personality: Hatake Zakiyu is normally calm but can be fun-loving and has a surprisingly good sense of humor, often enjoying playing tricks on his colleagues. Despite this, he is serious in battle. Zakiyu has achieved much in his life through hard work, and that is thus his code in life.

Appearance: Zakiyu looks exactly like his father, Kakashi, save for his Sharingan eye and his mouth-mask (his friends joke that it was the good-looking mouth he inherited from his father that won Heira over). Zakiyu dresses like a regular Jounin, except for a flak jacket; he opts to leave it off, exposing his black shinobi jumpsuit. Over it is strapped a sword-belt, extending diagonally from right hip to left shoulder. The Hatake clan’s tanto is in turn strapped to the sword-belt. Zakiyu carries scrolls on the sword belt as well.

Abilities: Despite being Kakashi’s son, Zakiyu lacks his father’s trademark technique; the Sharingan. Instead, his abilities lie in electricity- and earth-oriented elemental jutsu, and his swordfighting abilities; Zakiyu inherited the broken tanto of his father.

A unique trait of Zakiyu’s is his white-colored chakra. Although the Hatake tanto emits white chakra when swung, Zakiyu is the only known person to actually have white-colored chakra himself. However, if there are any special skills attached to that strange chakra, it is latent, for so far Zakiyu’s abilities are that of an average Jounin.

Clan: Hatake; Zakiyu does not have the Sharingan of his father, as that Sharingan was surgically attached to Kakashi’s eye socket and not a real Kekkei Genkai.




Name: Heikishou Kikou

Member: Zyglakky Lazzy

Age: 14

Rank: Genin

Missions completed:

D: 2

C: 3

B: 2

A: 1

Personality: Kikou seems quiet and a bit shy to outsiders, but his friends know him to have a different side to him. Kikou is cheerful and has a determined spirit, and can be quite outgoing at times. He is also intelligent, and is good with numbers and abstract thinking, meaning he can quickly go through mental formulas and equations. He hates it when his teammates fight or argue, and tries to act as the voice of reason. Kikou’s hobbies include running and target practice, and generally likes to relax on his free time. He loves Misou ramen and most types of sweet food.

Kikou lives in a large family, with a nuclear family of two parents, one younger brother, and one younger sister, and many relatives in his clan. Because of this background, Kikou feels most at comfort in large groups, which explains his natural fighting style that complements teammates and friends. However, Kikou finds it hard being the role model for his siblings, and a challenge leading and teaching them.

Kikou is very close to his second cousin, Tsurijo, who he feels is the older sister he never had.

Appearance: Kikou is fairly tall for his age (5’7”), with light brown hair that sticks up in the same direction as Kisame's does, and refuses to lie flat. Kikou’s eyes are deep blue, and his skin is peach-colored and slightly tan from his numerous missions. Wears a huge green jacket that holds various scrolls in its pockets. Kikou wears a black tight-fitting T-shirt underneath the jacket. Kikou wears khaki colored pants, and black leather boots. He places kunai holsters on both legs (ambidextrous), and has smoke bombs, light bombs, shuriken, and more scrolls in the pouch on his belt. His belt has several straps with scrolls in them as well, providing Kikou with a huge arsenal of weapons. Kikou wears standard shinobi sandals with fishnet “socks” reaching up past his ankles. Originally when he first received his Genin headband, Kikou wore it wrapped on his forehead, but during the Chuunin exams, Kikou wore it loosely on his neck instead.

Fighting style/skills: Expert in ningu, presumably the best ningu user in his class (Seeing as not many others in his class use ningu often, it is unknown whether or not his weapons skill can be matched). Also extremely accurate and dexterous. When throwing kunai or other projectiles at unmoving objects, Kikou has a 100% hit ratio from up to 300 meters away, and the ratio decreases beyond that point. Kikou can hit moving targets 80% of the time. Kikou is also ambidextrous, though he prefers to use his left hand more often.

Kikou is a mostly mid-range fighter, and uses combinations of Tobidogu and Soshuha to make several weapons attack the opponent from different directions at once while he himself stays out of range--this is a unique fighting strategy of his.

Sometimes Kikou also first uses Doton: Dochyuu Eigyo no Jutsu first, so he can attack the opponent from underground. This adds another advantage, which is that he can attack the enemy relentlessly from all directions without fear of getting hit or getting his allies hurt, since his allies will have gotten out of range as well.

His genjutsu skills are lacking in proficiency--however, Uchiha Soratu has taught him tips on how to deflect genjutsu, so he can block it if it is cast on him.

Kikou’s forte is mid-range, though he is a passable fighter at close-range as well, usually wielding giant kunai or sickles in close quarters combat. He prefers to remain back from the main battle, assisting his two teammates (who are both close-range fighters) with barrages of projectiles to distract their opponents and allow Soratu or Ha to move in for the blow.

Kikou is analytical in battle, constantly noting any weak points or openings in his enemy’s movements. He often relays this information to his two teammates, who can then exploit this to their advantage.

Kikou has learned how to form elemental wind chakra, but so far only uses it to augment the blades of weapons. He has the capacity for earth chakra as well, but hasn’t learned how to form it, only using it for some of his jutsu.

In team 10, Kikou provides a level-headed side in battle, being a sort of background fighter, mostly assisting his teammates as best he can. However, Kikou is very dangerous on in his own as well, and a force to be reckoned with. When fighting alone, Kikou usually alternates between close-range and long-range fighting, using Hien and Reppushou in conjunction to make his throwing weapons sharper and faster. When a fight isn’t going his way, Kikou tends to create a makeshift mountain out of his surroundings with Doton: Doryuu Jouheki. This leaves Kikou on top of a huge rampart of earth and his enemy below, giving Kikou a short time to recover from an attack, or setting the field up for his other earth technique: Doton: Iwayado Kuzushi. This causes an avalanche from the mountain he has just created, turning around the tables and putting his enemy on the defensive. To prevent from being caught up in the avalanche himself, Kikou often has his personal eagle summon, Kenta, get him into the air.

Kenta is a valuable addition to Kikou’s fighting strategy, providing him with fighting assistance, diversions, a life-line in case he needs it, or even recon. Kikou usually has Kenta fly around the battlefield without participating in any actual fighting. This may not seem dangerous at all, but Kenta actually searches for traps or tricks that may catch Kikou off-guard; for example, if Kikou’s enemy is hiding somewhere in the battlefield and having a clone fight, Kenta would notice this and relay the information to Kikou. In this way Kenta acts as a second pair of eyes and covers for Kikou in the same way that Kikou covers for his teammates in team battles.

One of Kikou's notable weaknesses is his inaptitude for blocking genjutsu, noted above. Although he has trained often to deflect genjutsu, Kikou is still lacking in that department.

Kikou also lacks the strength and stamina required for efficient close-range fighting, even though he can wield close-range weapons expertly. Tenten made a point of training that, slowly improving Kikou's stamina. Kikou has also found a way to make up for his lack of raw strength; he concentrates chakra through his weapons to make them more durable and give them more force.

Weapons: Growing up around weapons his entire life, Kikou had great exposure to them. As an Academy student, he could wield staffs and giant kunai proficiently, and continued to increase his skill with them as he progressed. He also learned how to wield a sickle before taking his Genin exam, and has by now trained enough to become an expert with it.

Kikou began to use bomb-type weapons more often while learning under Tenten, such as explosive tags and pouches, and smoke grenades, but it is yet to be seen how this affects Kikou’s fighting style.

Kikou has shown interest in learning a long-range weapon, but hasn’t yet.

Kenta, Kikou’s personal summon is a white-tailed eagle with brown downy feather and a beautiful white tail. He also has tufts of brown feathers sticking out of his head into a “spike”, almost like hair. Kikou received Kenta as a chick, and trained him by attaching weights to his claws. Because of this Kenta has sufficient strength to carry Kikou and one other person, and still fly easily.

Major Battles:

1) Kikou, Ha, and Soratu vs. Zakiyu: This was set up by Zakiyu to determine the fighting styles and weaknesses of each person. Kikou stayed in the background and attempted to assist when he could, but could not keep up with Zakiyu's fast-moving ninjutsu.

2) Kikou vs. Ha: This was a training battle between the two of them, but it was cut short before a clear victor was determined, as the weapons factory they were fighting in (Kikou’s clan’s factory) was being heavily damaged from their battle

3) Kikou vs. Shadow Village Chuunin: This was just a chase from the roof of the factory to the main house of Kikou’s family; Kikou evaded the Chuunin’s attacks and managed to spring some traps of his own before his father stepped in and knocked out the ninja.

4) Kikou and Ha vs. Fugama and Ling: This was a short skirmish before the battles broke into one-on-one fights. Kikou and Ha were cornered by long-range weapon attacks, and once they successfully countered them and lured the ninja out, they began one-on-one fights.

5) Kikou vs. Fugama: Kikou fought against a Jounin of an unknown village, who was a genjutsu specialist. Therefore, Kikou was heavily outmatched, because of his lack of profiency in countering genjutsu. Luckily, using some tips that Soratu had taught him, he successfully repelled Fugama’s genjutsu assault and quickly incapitated him. However, Ling returned (he had been defeated by Ha earlier) and distracted Kikou long enough so Fugama could recover and summon his bull animals: Bjazi, a summon passed down from his former sensei, and Senjamaru, the king bull summon (equal to Gamabunta in strength).

6) Kikou vs. Tsurijo: Kikou and Tsurijo demonstrated all that they had learned since last seeing each other, and the battle ended with Kikou’s giant kunai cut in half by Tsurijo’s chakra blade. Tsurijo was the victor.

7) Kikou vs. Intaki: A very short battle in the desert near Sunagakure. A team of shinobi attacked Team 10, and originally Kikou and Soratu were fighting Eija. After Soratu used his improved Sharingan, however, Kikou began fighting Intaki. The team retreated soon after, so Kikou didn’t fight very much.

8) Kikou vs. Ha: This fight took place during the training for Chuunin Exams. Ha made it into the tower in the center of the Forest of Death, where Kikou was training, and after Kikou taught the Tobidogu technique to Ha the two had a sparring match. The battle ended with Ha as victor, and afterwards the two exchanged notes and gave each other tips on ways to improve themselves.

9) Kikou vs. Ha: After Tenten, Kikou's mentor, left on a mission, Kikou left the Forest of Death and encountered Ha once again. The two had a re-match of sorts, in which Kikou displayed his teamwork with his summon, Kenta. The fight ended with Kikou using a bomb to send the two falling towards the ground, making Kikou the victor.

Team: Team 10, led by Hatake Zakiyu

Relationships within team: Has great chemistry and strong friendships with both his teammates, Uchiha Soratu and Kumore Ha; has practiced extensively with Ha many times, and even developed a strategy with him, Epsilon Necrosis (This strategy has not been seen to its full extent, so it is unknown just how powerful or effective it is); recently, Kikou thought of a strategy that included all three members of Team 10 and took advantage of Soratu’s and Ha’s Sharingan Kekkei Genkai. Occasionally when Ha and Soratu get into arguments, as with who should lead the team, Kikou interrupts and stops the argument rather angrily.

Outside of his team, Kikou considers Shawn a friend, often sparring with him and talking to him.

List of jutsu: (not necessarily in order learned; shown with Japanese name first, then with English translation)

1) Bunshin no jutsu/Illusion clone

2) Kawarimi/Substitution

3) Henge no jutsu/Transformation

4) Doton: Dochuu Eigyo/Underground Projection fish

5) Doton: Doryuu Jouheki/Earth Style Rampart

6) Shunshin no jutsu/Body Flicker

7) Kuchiyose no Jutsu/Summoning technique

8) Soshuha/Manipulate Advancing Blades

9) Fuuka Houin/Fire sealing method

10) Tobidogu

11) Doton: Iwayado Kuzushi/Stone Lodging Destruction

12) Reppushou/Gale Wind Palm

Clan: Heikishou: This clan specializes in fighting with weapons, including close-range, mid-range, and long-range. Almost all of the members of the Heikishou clan have wind-type chakra, to make their weapons sharper and deadlier; there are some exceptions, however. Some Heikishou clan members are able to use earth-type chakra as well as wind-type chakra from birth, but cannot mix them. Kikou is one of these exceptions.

The Heikishou clan is also one of the largest producers of ningu, or ninja weapons, in Konoha. They own a large factory with innumerable shelves of weapons, including kunai and shuriken with sizes ranging from hand-size to as tall as an average adult, various cutting weapons of unique shapes and styles, clubbing weapons, long-range weapons like bows and arrows, flails, and more.

Heikishou members tend to rely on weapons a lot in combat, wielding many different weapons in ingenious ways. Some are largely close-range fighters, like Kikou’s father with his sickle, some are mostly mid-range fighters, like Kikou, and some are even long-range fighters.

Trivia: Kikou likes training in training ground 17.


Name: Kumore* Ha (*Member of Uchiha clan; see Clan)

Member: Necro

Age: 14

Rank: Genin

Missions completed:

D: 2

C: 3

B: 2

A: 1

Personality: Having lost his father and seeming to be the cause of it, The few who know the truth about Ha's past would expect him to be a loner, And uncompassionate. However he usually has a rather easygoing and agreeable demeanor. Only his squad-mate Soratu, who suffered a similar loss in his past, knows about it, besides surviving family members. Often trying to be a peacemaker among his squad, He usually gets involved in the fight.

Ha has a taste for Ramen, as well as a determination to become a skilled swordsman. Not easily startled, he isn't caught flatfooted by an ambush very often. When entering combat, unless for sport, such as a tournament, he is hesitant, and usually seeks a peaceful solution, often offering his opponents a "Last chance" to be captured before pulling the knife.

Appearance: Black hair coming down in front of his face, His hair may seem untidy and unkempt, giving him a bit of a loner’s appearance, however the rest of what is visible of his face would make him seem more like a nerd than a warrior. His emerald eyes are hidden behind a pair of large, full-circle glasses that contain a deadly secret. The rest of his face is hidden behind bandage, but is not damaged, As on multiple occasions, in his team’s company usually, Ha has removed the bandages, usually for a jutsu requiring his mouth such as a fireball jutsu as well as for a meal. His peach-colored skin is tanned slightly as a result of much outdoor training, and its normal color is a light shade of tan as a result.

Bandage covering his hands up to his knuckles, Ha wears a set of darker, Slightly earthy colours to help him blend in. His shirt is deep purple, His vest a dark shade of blue. His pants are an earthy shade of green, With his Konaha headband strapped to his lower left leg, The emblem facing out. His sleeves are rolled up halfway down his forearm, Where the bandage on his hand begins. He keeps a Katana hidden behind his left leg, And two large swords are on his back, Which he is learning Tobigodu to be able to keep as scrolls.

Fighting style/skills: Ha tries to keep his Gen, Nin and Taijutsu in balance with each other, And is a potent fighter in each. His style is mainly short-range, However his speed allows him to close gaps rather quickly. Ha usually begins with a feint, As to get his opponents off-guard. He then falls back, Delivering a strong Taijutsu blow.

Not knowing much Genjutsu, He does know some. He often uses his Water Clones in great amounts, Often sending them in rather than himself. A water specialist, He is strongest near a body of water, However has learned to take the scarce amounts of water in the air and transform it into usable water. He can only due this with Water Clones and to summon raw water without use in a jutsu at the moment. He prefers to end a fight quickly, And will, When all else fails, Use shots of Chidori to end the fight.

Weaknesses: 1. While well-balanced, Ha does not specialize in any one area, Usually leaving his weaker than others in sed areas. 2. While he can close gaps fast, Ha is vulnerable when at a distance form his opponents. 3. Being a water specialist, Ha is at weakness away from water, With his Water clones being the only water-based Jutsu he does not need a body of water for. However, his water clones must remain 100 meters of the real body or Ha loses control of them.

Weapons: Swords mainly. Though he often improvises, His weapon of choice is the Katana on his back, And he is also, Though not as much as with his Katana, Skilled with the larger swords on his back. In a pinch, Ha's glasses hold a deadly secret. When the thin wire frames are broken, The edges of the lens framing opens, Revealing spikes, Transforming the glasses into a pair of Shuriken. Ha does not actually need glasses, But uses these to seem weaker and so he has backup weapon if needed.

List of jutsu: Suppose I'll start with what, As many of you from the original remember, Has become a trademark for Ha.

1) Mizu Bunshin/Water Clone

2) Water Prison

3) Kuchiyose/Summoning: Orca Whale At the current time, Ha can only summon one, a small whale named Puchi.

4) Tobidogu x2: Ha uses this with his two larger swords.

5) Chidori

6) Kirigakure/Hiding in Mist

7) Body Double Jutsu (Custom Jutsu): With an unbroken line of sight for 3 seconds, The user can disguise themselves perfectly as another for one hour.

8) Fireball/Goukakyu

9) Kawarimi/Substitution technique

Team: Squad 10. Team members: Uchiha Soratu. Heikishou Kikou Squad leader: Hatake Zaikyu.

Relationships within team: Thoughts on Soratu: Similar to Ha in many ways, Yet seems quiet. His brother can be annoying, But he is a fun guy to be around, And a competent fighter. Thoughts on Kikou: A great friend, And skilled with weapons. Has sorta become like a brother after Ha spending months living with him while his parents are away. Thoughts on Zaikyu: A lot like his father, Kakashi Hatake, In many senses, As well as his outfit. Also was a good source of free Ramen until a deal was hammered out between the two of them.

Clan: Uchiha, Family name changed to Kumore by Ha's birth father, Who is now deceased. Hopefully you know what a Sharingan is and does.

Trivia: Ha often uses training ground 29, as it is near a lake and thus has a large water source for his jutsu.


Name: Uchiha Soratu.

Member: Greed The Ultimate Shield

Age: 15.

Rank: Gennin.

Personality: Soratu is a very clam, and pretty lazy guy. He prefers to stay out of fights, and arguments. He is usually very nice to the people around him, unless they did something to make him mad, or annoy him. But it’s very hard to annoy someone like him. But at times, he can get very emotional, especially when it involves his former sensei, Amuzara Riazaki. And if he ever gets into a fight, he will fight with everything he has.

He is also very smart, and knows how to handle a situation. And he doesn’t have many hobbies. You can usually find him training in the Uchiha compounds. But for some unknown reason, he likes to read the infamous Ichi Ichi Tactics novel series, despite being under age. But he reads the book in a mature way, and isn’t considered a pervert like Kakashi and Jiyara.

Appearance: Soratu has smooth white skin, with dark blue eyes. He has dark black hair that is spiked up towards his back. He wears a dark blue long sleeve shirt with the Uchiha Fan symbol on the back. He also wears long black pants. He also wears lighting amplifiers for his arms and legs, for some of his ration jutsu’s. They looked exactly like Dosu's, except these thinner and lighter. The amplifiers are also black.

Also, Soratu wears a face mask that is connected to a regular black tank top shirt under his long sleeved one. The mask covers his face from the bottom of his face, to underneath his eyes, just like Kakashi’s. Soratu is about 6ft 2”.

Fighting style/skills: Soratu specializes mainly in Nin-jutsu. His gen-jutsu is a little above average genning level, and his taijutsu is at standard gennin level. He is also a fire/lighting chakra type user.

Soratu is good at mid and long range fighting but, not as good with close combat, unless he is using his swords. He is also currently working on some close range nin-jutsu. His speed is also above gennin level.

Soratu has no disabilities, and his body is in good shape. His weaknesses are going up against people who specialize in taijutsu, use water jutsu’s, or use wind jutsu’s.

Soratu is good at tracking, thanks to the wolves he can summon. But so far, he has not had to use this skill.

List of jutsu: n/a

Weapons: Soratu uses two twin katana’s that are kept in black sheaths. The name of both blades is Kitsuki. If you placed the two swords on the ground standing up, they would go up to Soratu’s shoulder (That’s how long the swords are.).

The blades of the two swords are obsidian black. In the middle of the blades is a dark red line that goes through the blade. On the sides of the red lines are the tips of the Sharingan tomones (There’s two on each side of the blade, and there at the end of the red line, to begging of the line.). The hilts resemble Kakashi's Mangekyou Sharingan. And the handle is long, with a good grip.

Soratu learned how to use a sword from his father, a master of the sword, and the previous owner of the kitsuki swords, when he was very young. He has mastered the way of the sword, and in doing so, his father gave him the twin kitsuki blades.

Team: Soratu is in Team 10. His fellow team members are Uchiha Ha, Kikou Heikishou, and his sensei is Hatake Zakiyu.

Relationships within team: Soratu gets along pretty well with his team. Soratu and Kikou usually help out each other with training, and Soratu and Ha get into fights here and there. And Soratu considers Zakiyu a pervert for always trying to take his books. But they make a good team, and there team work is good.

Clan: Uchiha Clan



1) @Necro: While spell-checking and editing your profile, I noticed that you left out some of the lower level jutsu that you had at the beginning of the original RPG, namely Kawarimi and Henge. If you'll tell me specifically which E-rank jutsu you had so I can add that in...? You also need to add in a brief description of Pucchi's appearance; post it here.

2) @Greed: I've sent you numerous PMs on this subject and you haven't obliged so far. :P I need appearances for your wolf summons and your twelve jutsu; preferrably before the Chuunin exams start, please.

3) You may notice that, halfway through team 10, there are spelling and grammar mistakes. This is because, with so many profiles with their various spelling and grammar mistakes, I decided to go through all the profiles in the Word document I kept, and clean them up. The reason I stopped halfway through Team 10 was simply because I snapped; I'd already edited Teams 7, 8, and 9, and the Academy student profiles (including the current Teams 14, 15, and 16; back then they were still Acad students). Given the torture I went through, I hope you can forgive me of the various mistakes still in there. ^^;


Anyway, there's Team 10 in all its glory. Team 8 will be posted next.


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Sorry about forgetting those. I don't really remember them as I stopped using them when I forgot them, would you mind putting them on?


Will edit in Pucchi's profile later; trying to unlock the last few things I haven't unlocked in Super Smash Bros. Melee before 10:00 tomorrow when I go to the tournament the local Gamestop I reserved it at has. After that I'll be buying it and I'll try to stop myself from playing it long enough to draw Pucchi for you Lazzy. :P

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would you mind putting them on?

Well, that's the problem. ^^; I can't put on a jutsu unless you tell me which ones you need.


You don't have to draw Pucchi, a text description is fine too. Just relative size, etc, enough description so people can have a clear picture of it.

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:lol: Oh. Well, what ones do I remember using...that one where you switch with a log...don't recall the name...there was another, don't remember which though...


Will edit in Pucchi's description later.

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Kawarimi? I'll add that.


What about Henge/transformation? Or illusion clones?


I'm also going to edit Kikou's profile once again, I put his weaknesses under the weapons section instead of under the fighting style. ^^;

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