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What's The Difference Between Me And You? (pokeymaaan?)

Little Miss Krahka


My brother and I are both huge music geeks. My major areas of interest are modern Canadian indie pop, New Weird America and outsider music. His are mostly British hip hop-ish stuff, strange electronic soundscapes, and

We both love jazz. However, he's more Miles Davis and Charlie Parker, I'm more Billie Holiday and Scott Joplin. And we both love Sun Ra, but c'mon, who don't love the Sun Ra? And I needa get him my Moondog . . .


He listens to music that gets 10s, 6s and nothing at all on Pitchfork, and I listen to music that gets 4s, 7s, 8s and sometimes 9s on Pitchfork, however, they'll constantly namedrop the bands I listen to in their reviews, occasionally hating them so much for no good reason. But they'll never hate on them in the actual reviews that have anything to do with the actual band. No, they'll start ranting and raving about how much they hate Destroyer in a review about some Scottish guy that has absolutely nothing to do with Destroyer, other than a general whimsy.



However, I think the most telling moment?


We were in the car, listening to Massive Attack. The song Teardrop comes up, and he mentions that he doesn't know what instrument is


(Note: If you watch House, you've heard the song I speak of, at least, the part after the only-bass intro and before the chick starts singing. I don't watch House, in case you're wondering, even though, for some reason, I know all about the shipping wars. I know way too much about the shipping wars of a lot of things that I am not involved in. And the fandoms I'm into are lacking in shipping wars.)


(Note: Bionicle needs a good shipping war that doesn't consists of People Who Actually Ship vs. OMG EEWWWW KISSING! That one is getting old. I'm thinking Tahu/Gali versus Kopaka/Gali with a side of Takanuva/Gali and Onua/Gali and Pohatu/Gali shippers who are too dang nice to get involved, since that's setting up for some nice venom, or maybe Vakama/Nokama vs. Matau/Nokama, whilst we Nuju/Nokama shippers sit back and mock them with our awesome.)

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Using my modly powers I must comment:


A. So many shipping wars. So many fandoms--even I know about the House Shipping Wars, and the Doctor Who...oh man, the Doctor Who fans are crazy.


B. Remember the good old fashioned Shipping war of Tahu/Gali vs. Kopaka/Gali? KOPAKA ALL THE FREAKING WAY.





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