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Knights Of The Round Banner!

Grey Snow



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So you're using yours now.

Sorry if the letters don't look that good, the black was the best I could do, and if you want a redirect to my blog, the sign up page or the purpose, I'll add the link to the banners.

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I like them a lot! Maybe you could change the colors depending on what the person wants? (Just a suggestion) Could you put a redirect/link to your blog or whatever you prefer in mine? "Advertisement" for the "Knights of the Round" banner wise doesn't hurt. Also, do you mine if I switch back and forth from this to my current banner? You know, to add variety.



Note to Moderators- When I said advertisement, I meant a link in the banner to this blog, I won't go around PMing people about the blog or club.


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Fine with me, and as for the colors, I went through a few and black looks the best, but ok, I'll try some others, its just hard getting the colors to look right on that banner.

Also, my name will be changing, so I will now be Byakuya Kuchiki: Neverending Night or something like that, so that'll be me now, not Koji.

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Sounds good and if you make other banners, please keep those up so the members of the club have variety. If you change the colors of the banners' text, could you make mine dark red or red? Sorry if it seems like I'm trying to take control of the banners, I'm not. :( Thank you for making these banners for our club.


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Yeah, I'll try to fix your text and make it look good. It'll take some time, if my computer keeps going slow like this and I have some homework tommorow, but I'll do it.

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Guest kopakanuva13


I just got a sig done by Biohazard I requested a few days ago, and I can't not use it, so I'm gonna post my Knights of the Round sig in my blog (once I get one, most likely next Friday ;) )

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That's fine Kopaka.

And after the name change I'll keep the blog name the same so you won't forget that I changed my display name.

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