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Ubc (unofficial Bionicle Contest) #1: Makuta's Black Heart

Metallic O'Dalek


First off, the only way I am associated with this is that I volunteered too host it in my blog. That out of the way, the rules and goal.


My first unofficial contest!

Topic: Build the MoMN(a.k.a.

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) or anything related to him.



Same rules as in the BBCs…



Entry must be received by april 1st at noon EST.

Although the original rules said to PM your entries to him, I'm changing it slightly, making it so you must post a link to the MOC using the following format:


Entry Name:

Entry Pic URL:

Topic URL (if applicable):




Recommended Comments

Can we make a rahkshi since the rules say MoMN or anything related to him?





Yes, you can make a rahkshi. Or his throne, like I made. Or anything that he would make or use.

PS: Ya' like my MOC?

PPS: 'Kay, I got prize ideas. I have to admit, they are kinda lame.

A banner certificate to show that you won

A PM with a picture of a moc of you

I'll come up with more prizes later, but this is all for now.



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Aww... I have too many WIPs going to enter this, it turns out. Ah well.

Mecha = Huge, uses black.
Firebeetle = Huge, uses black and red.

Nope, can't make Makuta.

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Would Shadow-Leeched Takanuva be related to him? Think about it, he's a Makuta, the Makuta use shadow leeches...(or at least Icarax does, and he has Teridax's mask...)

EDIT:He was also Teridax's sparring partner, if you know what I mean....


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Woo! Another contest!

I will enter. So we can make anything related to a Makuta? Can we make a vignette?

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I has finished.


Entry Name: Vohrahk

Entry Pic URL: Here

Topic URL (if applicable): here




Can you do Brickshelf? Maj won't open.

Edit: Yes it will. There was just something wrong with the server.

I will be posting the voting topic in my (new) blog.

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