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Weekly Update - 3/7

Black Six



Welcome back to what I'm sure you all look forward to on Friday evenings: BZPower's Weekly Update. Not much new these past seven days, but take a gander anyway.



Congratulations to Kex and Smeagol4, our newest Forum Leaders. I think everyone agrees that they earned it with all the hard work they've put into the site over the years.


In other news, we should have a new set review up tomorrow, after a bit of a hiatus. Don't worry, we haven't forgotten about them. After the initial rush though, things tend to slow down. We'll get to them all though.


39,000 members. That's a lot. Some people have said numbers aren't important, and in the big scheme of things they're not. But it's still pretty awesome if you ask me.


Finally, I may be appearing on LAML Radio's Lego Talk Podcast again soon, so keep your eyes peeled for that!



1) How do you get to the Toy Fair, do you buy a ticket?


2)What qualities doyou look for in a Forum Assistant?


3)Can u give us the server password and name so we can hack it?


4) Tell us the long story of why yu are called "Black Six." Pretty please :D



1) You get invited by Lego.

2) An understanding of the rules, respect of the site, members, and other staff, a good attitude, and fun-loving nature. Probably some other things too.

3) Umm... no.

4) Sorry.


1-why is it that if theres a spam topic, people go and post ten bazilion things saying, "thats spam" but i go and make a great topic, and nothing happens?

2-have you ever seen blink in real life?

3-do you speak french, mon?

4-why is it that there is a burst of promoting members to staff?

5-how did you get on the list to toyfair? i've heard that you've got to be some what inporten, but being a amind of bzpower doesn't mean that much, does it?

6-do you have a lego account?

7-if so, do you use it?

8-last one, why are you so cool?

1 - What defines a "great topic"? It's all up to the members to decide if they like it or not, nothing I can do.

2 - You mean Bink? No, we've never met.

3 - Nope.

4 - We felt we needed some more to help out since other Forum Leaders have been busy and not as active.

5 - Lego has graciously invited us since 2003. We represent a large portion of the Bionicle fan-base, and Lego likes for us to get the information out to you guys as quickly as possible.

6 - Yes.

7 - Every now and then, but not often.

8 - I guess it's a genetic thing.

Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



So that's it for this week, thanks for reading. As always, give me some feedback so I know how I can improve future shows.


Until next time!

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