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The Fallen Amph




I planned I was going to ask at our first recess (11:00 AM) So I could get it done early. Well, apparently my friend, Brent (He's not my friend anymore..), a kid named Josh, and a kid named Luke didn't want that to happen. They wanted me to do it that morning. I said I was going to do it later. Then Brent kept yelling and trying to get over to her and creating a scene (DX). Then, without me knowing, this Luke kid went over there to ask for me. That's exactly why she's currently upset. Then he comes back saying that she said, "No."


Now, this could be for 1 of 2 reasons:

  • She plain does not like me.
  • She's really upset because she thinks that I had someone ask her out for me.
... :mellow: ... :( ...


But, it seems, she hasn't completly lost attention in me. For some reason, my friends and I ended up going up to her "hang-out" area (junglegym...thing). And, she glanced at me a good 3 times. Also, if the fiasco in the morning didn't happen, I would have had a lot of chances to ask...


Now to Strings time (music).


We are both in Strings in music. But, for some reason, we had "free time recess" instead (Band and Strings people). Nothing really to say here. Except that we played kick ball and she was on the opposite team. :P Wait! there is something... I was standing in line to kick. She was standing in the outfield when, suddenly, I noticed that she was looking at me and the girl in front of her turned around after she did a small point to me....

...I don't know what do think anymore...

Also, when I got close to her when it was time to leave (or ever got close) she looked as if she was expecting me to say something...


Am I dumped? Do I still have a chance? :(


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Honestly, Amph, I'm saying this because I care. You're my friend.


I would (if I were you) just let it be. She's said no twice, and although your friends are C+o+o+l+ +d+u+d+e+s (yes, I mean to say that), I'd not risk it. If need be, like her in secret. DO NOT INFORM YOUR FRIENDS when you ask her again, at least a good 1-2 weeks minimum.


I've liked this girl I know for 4 months, and though she never said no, she obviously meant it. But the good thing is, i apologized, and we're great friends. Someday...


Hey look, no flashbacks!

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Along the lines of what BioHero said, don't associate with people like those "friends". There's this guy at school, and he's the most annoying, inappropriate kid I've ever met. I sat with him at lunch (Or rather, he sat with me) and I just couldn't take it anymore. He'd been at the table for weeks. I said I'd sit at another table, one with my real friends. So I did. You know what? No more trouble with that guy. If your so-called-friends are ruining your chances, then you'e got to cut 'em loose. :mellow:



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You're kidding.


I want to kill your friend right now.


*angry sigh*


I say keep it low for a month, month and a half, let the heat cool down... stop looking at her. Only talk about it with TRUE friends that don't tell everyone (though at 12 that'll be hard).


Luke nearly, if not cmpletely, ruined it for you.



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Guest kopakanuva13


I really have no clue what to say to you, my advice would easily screw things up. I mean, another "RIP Matoro!1322121!!!" Entry would have been easier to help you with :|

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