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Wii Got It!

Grey Snow


We got a Wii! We have two controllers w/nunchuks, Sports, and Super Smash Bros. I'll get Bleach Shattered Blade soon though.

We had to wait about half an hour out in the cold in front of Shopko because they only had 10 systems, we were third in line. The first two guys in line who were together were great, saying things like "They're probably watching with security cameras and sending the video to Japan to people with Wii's." and things like that, and it looked like it was going to be a foot race to electronics to get a ticket for a Wii, so he turns to everyone in line, holds up his coffee, and goes, "If this turns into a foot race I'll throw this hot coffee at you guys to slow you down, though not hot enough to drink, still warm." And saying they were in a position of power, calling to see how much they were going for on Ebay, stuff like that.

Great morning.


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Nice. *Is jealous, because I need to gather money for any of those* Ah well... Hey, if you sold a used SNES, and N64, plus a few games, how much would that come to? And would EB Games take it?

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Nice. *Is jealous, because I need to gather money for any of those* Ah well... Hey, if you sold a used SNES, and N64, plus a few games, how much would that come to? And would EB Games take it?

One word: eBay.


You'll get more money if you sold those on eBay than to a store. ;)


Congrats on getting the Wii. :)



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Guest kopakanuva13


Awesome, you managed to get SSB and a Wii in the same day! Cool, please tell if SSB is worth buying, my friend owns a Wii and he's considering getting it :)


Oh, @Neo Blademan- Yes, eBay is the best place. At Gamestop, they would only take Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, The Hobbit and Yugioh: Worldwide Edition for GBA, for, like, four dollars total :S

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As far as I can tell so far, worth buying. They had a lot of them there, it didn't look like any were bought yet, though all I've played is multiplayer twice, and a bit of adventure mode, but worth it.

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Yeah, the only thing is the controlling seems a bit touchy, and I lost the new character on Super Smash Bros because of my sister, she shut it off before I could save, oh well, I can beat the game on normal easily with Fox or Princess Zelda/Sheik.

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Well I still have him somehow, but I'll tell you of who I've played as:


Fox: Great, he's my best on all three games, great character, same attacks as the previous games

Zelda/Sheik, great, a bit difficult to get to Sheik sometimes, but great, a dagger throwing attack and a melee, and teleportation

MetaKnight, pretty good, his attacks seem a bit weak though, like when I fought and lost to Wario

Ike, good sword character, if you like Link you'll probably like him

Pit, great, though some of his attacks are hard to pull off, usually I end up pulling another off instead

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