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Prove It! You Can't...



The only thing one can prove to oneself, is that he/she him/herself does exist. And the only reason that can be displayed is via René Descartes's "Cogito ergo sum" (eng: I think therefore I am), which is fairly true. Now, you might say "Well, Nukes, you are," to which I respond "I know I am, but you do not. I may just be something of your imagination. You do not even know that I think, because it might be that you think I think."


Therefore, nothing can be proven except your existence, which you can't prove to me. Beyond this, everything else depends on how you view it. Actually, I can't prove that.


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Must you continue to destroy my mind? You already did so with that 1=2 thing back there...

Yeah, but you cheat with the 1=2 thing. You end up dividing by 0, which doesn't work.


IMO, the human brain isn't intelligent enough to completely make up the entire world around you, and if nothing other than myself existed, then why do I learn new things? The extent of my knowledge is the extent of my knowledge. I would not learn anything new if nothing else existed.

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But if we were figments of the imagination of a complex being from another dimension where they were able to imagine people thinking?

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Och. My friend returns to annoy me in another reincarnation.


So, how about this one, Nukes: What if we're all just some fiction book or TV series for some super-beings? Or a computer program?


What if, the great qualifier of the world. Ah...So many possibilities.



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You disagree with "cogito ergo sum", ToM? I would say it's pretty true...Or at least, "dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum."


Indeed, there are many possibilities. None of which can be proven.

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I can say that Eduardo here is human, but that is only in my mind. Eduardo is in my imagination.


The logic actually doesn't folow.


I exist and I am a human does not mean all humans exist. See below image:


The second person ("you") may exist anywhere in the circle of Humans, but not necessarily in the circle of existence.

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I can say that Eduardo here is human, but that is only in my mind. Eduardo is in my imagination.


The logic actually doesn't folow.


I exist and I am a human does not mean all humans exist. See below image:


The second person ("you") may exist anywhere in the circle of Humans, but not necessarily in the circle of existence.

Stupid Venn Diagrams... :P


Me, a figment of your imagination? Yeah, sure, whatever, right.






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Actually, you're a figment of my imagination. Get it right. :P


I've had this discussion a few times with a friend of mine, who I always end up talking philosophy with. I have now decided that it's too depressing to think about, so I ignore it.

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Actually, you're a figment of my imagination. Get it right. :P


I've had this discussion a few times with a friend of mine, who I always end up talking philosophy with. I have now decided that it's too depressing to think about, so I ignore it.

You should hear me with my friend Joel. We spend about 5 hours (all together) in one day at a camp discussing Temporal Mechanics and Quantum Physics. Even my head was sore afterwards.



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Wow, even Ta's head was sore.

Well, think about it: you go back in time 60 years and find yourself at a train station. You're marveling at all the things that you see when a woman bumps into you. She says "excuse me", etc., and pretty soon, you're having a nice conversation with her. You talk and talk and talk, when the woman gasps and declares "I missed my train!". You apologize and part company. What you don't know is that the woman was actually your grandmother, and she was going to meet your grandfather on the train that she missed (all because of you). They never meet, and your father is never born. Because he is never born, you aren't either, and you cease to exist. Because you no longer exist, you never went back in time, so your conversation with the woman never happens and she gets on the train and meets your future grandfather. Now, your father is born, and you are too, so you end up going back in time in the same way as mentioned before, and the event repeats itself. Congratulations, you have been caught in a temporal paradox. You are caught in a never-ending loop of your existence and non-existence, and time, as we know it, is shattered.


That was one of the easier things we discussed, and I left out all the quantum formulas, etc. here.



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Just the way you said "even" was kind of strange to me.


Love the example.

Oh, sorry. I'm usually looked upon by my acquaintances as being "smarter than average", so that was kind of a habitual "slip of the tongue" if you will.



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Oh, sorry. I'm usually looked upon by my acquaintances as being "smarter than average"

Same here. I hate it. It's not really that I'm smart. I just know "facts" (mostly just popular opinions, really), and equations.

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Oh, sorry. I'm usually looked upon by my acquaintances as being "smarter than average"

Same here. I hate it. It's not really that I'm smart. I just know "facts" (mostly just popular opinions, really), and equations.

For me, I enjoy reading. I read constantly, and books are the source of lots and lots of knowledge. It also helps to be able to remember all that stuff too. :P



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