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Quite The Shock...

Lady Kopaka


So I had a pretty good day today, hung out with friends, so on...


But I get home, and dad gives me this look, and I knew something was up immediately. No jokes, nothing.


Remember when I and my dad went up to Tennessee? Well that was a job interview/along with meeting stuff. Well anyway, dad said this guy called back today, and he has been offered a job up in TN.


I asked dad what’s the percentage of moving, and he said 99%.


I have mixed feelings. First off I have some really close friends here, like one, my friend Lauren. I don’t know what I’d do without her. She’s always involved in my life somehow. ;; And I don't know how I could make anymore friends, I always have had a trouble fitting in.


But I really need to view this over, though I never really see it everyday our family is experiencing terrible financial drains, we can barely pay for anything these days, yet my dad is working his head off. If we moved, not only we would get a stable and nice pay, but actual health insurance. And we really need that, since my mom has suffered a bad illness for years. And of course we’d probably be able to get a better house…is around the country, and I love Tennessee.


But it’s such a shock. Well…that’s my wow for the day.


Edit: forgot to say, we'll be moving pretty soon...in a month or so probably.


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Seriously guys, I don’t want to be mean, but stop it. Though it may be true; I'm going through some bad life crisis' and giving me lectures on how long friends will last during my moving problems is the LAST thing I need to hear. I already know consequences and the like, I've moved all over the world a zillion times.
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uh, sorry, I think I started the debate about friends, :( I didn't mean to start a debate, I was just trying to be reassuring. as I said before, I call my friend who lives on the other side of the country all the time. I also have been friends with someone since I was five. now, lets all just stop the debate here hmm?

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Apologies Lady K, I'll stop it then. Just one last response o DT on this, kay?


Paul, John and Ringo were born in 1940. George was in 1942. Neither of those are 90 years. ;)

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Apologies Lady K, I'll stop it then. Just one last response o DT on this, kay?


Paul, John and Ringo were born in 1940. George was in 1942. Neither of those are 90 years. ;)


Sorry, LK. I guess I started It. :P


@ Necro : Exactly.


- DT

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There are worse things. Trust me.

I usually do not loose my temper but...


Don't EVER, EVER, tell that to me again. I may be sensitive right now, but you have no idea what've I've been through.


I'm closing this entry.

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