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Lady Kopaka


Yay, the package from TLH and Omi FINALLY CAME. :D


I got, a Relient K CD, two copper Hunas, a cool Bionicle comic, Bionicle Legends#8...And...yep.


Why did I get this stuff? Well the Huna from Omicron was for being an OBZPC, the other stuff? I really don't know. TLH just wanted to give me stuff. :rolleyes: Perfect timing though, since I'm leaving tomorrow!


Anyway, going to be gone this week, or for most of it. I might be able to get on a computer, but I really think I'm just going to stay off. There are a lot of things I need to handle so I'm just going to take a break I think.





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Woah! So you get a real copper Huna for being and OBZPC?

I'll probably sound stupid if I ask who TLH is, so I wont ask. :P

Sounds really cool though. Too bad they don't sell the books here...

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Omi actually sends them?


How long did yours take to come? I thought it was a mean joke or something, since he never responded to my PM with my address.

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I hope you fare well in your move! Aw, man I'll have nobody to annoy with PMs for a whole week! :lol: I'm going to try and get full proto without becoming a premier member(I won't get a copper huna, but there's still the satisfaction of a great accomplishment)










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What kind of music do you like exactly(Except Relient K since thats basically a given due to the blog post,)? I was thinking of sending you a CD as a birthday gift, but I don't know what band(s) to get...

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Wait, so your parents won't let you meet people from the internet, yet they don't mind you giving them your address? If I had known that I would've asked years ago and would've been sending you junk all this time. :P No, seriously, I don't have space for... Well, anything. I need somebody to give all my origami/kirigami/etc. stuff to, and besides you everyone I can think of is in Canada (blargh, shipping fees! :sarcastic: ). Toss me your address after you move, alrighty?

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