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Oh My Goodness...

Lady Kopaka


To those who told me in various ways that "It could be worse.", man were yall right.


We were supposed to be back home by Wesnday, but here I am typing a entry as fast as I can in a hotel because of a sudden change of events...Lots of stressful events. :wacko: We have been house hunting if some did not know for our spring break and let me tell you I was hoping life would turn around for us during this move, boy were was I wrong. :\


I have NO clue when I'll be back home, but pray/wish me luck that everthing will be alright. But, wow stressful...Please don't give offer any advice guys, this has been really bad and stuff I haven't had to deal with in a long time. I just wanted to tell you what's up.


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Oh no. I am so sorry, I really hope you can find a house soon. I was hoping to hear from you, though this is not remotely what I would have wanted...




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I pray things settle down. I pray the move proves to be auspicious. I pray your family will be able to overcome whatever trials it may put before you.


I had hoped that this week I might find relief when I heard from you again... Don't worry, it's not your fault that such hopes were in vain.


I love you, Lady Kopaka. I wish there were something I could do besides pray, but until it becomes clear that there is I will do what I can and pray for all these things and more.

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Guest kopakanuva13


Blaaaaaaah, I hate moving, you're right Lady K. Doesn't it just make you want to lock yourself in a bathtub and blast metal? Or is that just something I do? :P


Good luck, anyways, I hope everything is good in the end...

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