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Conspiracy Theory #188

ToM Dracone


Avotoran life before the Brotherhood attacked was like Victorian Society.


Really, after they cleaned up everything after the Great Cataclysm, they had about a thousand years with absolutely nothing to do. (Not that time seems to pass quite as slowly or years be as long in the Bionicle universe, but that's beside the point.) Naturally, they would turn to forms of cultural sophistication and artistic expression. Architecture, for instance. There must have been loads of interesting buildings, and with that much time with nothing to do you can be sure they lived in something more extravagant than huts. And then they probably had sculptures and such things everywhere... maybe of Takanuva...


And oh my goodness, they had hanging gardens. Lots of them. Seriously hanging, given that they lived on top of fallen stalactites and had all that open air all around them. And then the bridges between villages would probably be all decked with vines and flowers and whatnot...


But back to Victorian England rather than ancient Babylon, there must have been opera. Oh yes. In elegant theaters. Or, if the weather was good, the best singers who could project their voices the most probably sang in the open air so that the residents of other villages could hear them and their voices would echo throughout all of Karda Nui. It would have been amazing to hear.


Some form of sport would have been developed, most likely, to make use of all the open air. Maybe an imported form of Akilini, or for all we know it was something entirely different. And of course they would have gone exploring, once they devised an adequate means of flight, so by the time they were attacked they'd have known everything about Karda Nui and its geography and the cave walls and what sort of plants are found on which ledges and which Rahi lived in the swamp down below. Then some of them probably vanished, never to be seen again, while exploring the caverns leading off from the main cave... and legends developed about them at the same time as Solek and others like her recorded and translated and such the old legends about the Toa, which were read aloud (because all legends are written in metered verse, and thereby pleasant to the ear) alongside epic poems and the like...


Oh, and they definitely developed all sorts of aesthetic things to do with light, given their innate light powers. Art nouveau, things that looked like Lothlórien, etherial glows at night, decorative borders... extrapolations of lightstones... fireworks, maybe...


There might even have been sky pirates, but that's just getting excessive.

~ ToM


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Very cool idea.



they had hanging gardens.

That's a little morbid, don't you think? A whole garden for hangings? I though there weren't any bad guys around to hang....



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*Looks at past few entries*


Either it's me, or you skipped 101 theories...


Interesting though... (Ok I admit it, how does Victorian England come into this? :P )

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Oh yes, I'm sure they did. And of course there were plays, too; you can't have opera without having plays first...


CF ~ Ever hear of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?


DexStar ~ You never saw the original Conspiracy Theory #204, did you? :P And Victorian Society (yes, with a capital S) can be summed up by the upper classes having too much free time and as a result doing all sorts of things to enjoy themselves, like going to plays and balls and the opera...


And yes. Solek is female as far as I'm concerned. She has wide hips. Deal with it.

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I approve of this whole heartedly. Bionicle needs more in the way of demented steampunk sophistication.

I mean seriously, when it comes to the steampunk-ness, they're already halfway there with the kind of anachrostic technology and the industrial dystopias. Might as well go all the way to victory.


For cripe's sake, airships are canon on Metru Nui. That's one step away from monocles, corsets and excellent hats.

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CF ~ Ever hear of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?


I was joking by taking it in another literal sense. I'm guessing you're talking about gardens that hang....


I approve of this whole heartedly. Bionicle needs more in the way of demented steampunk sophistication.

I mean seriously, when it comes to the steampunk-ness, they're already halfway there with the kind of anachrostic technology and the industrial dystopias. Might as well go all the way to victory.


For cripe's sake, airships are canon on Metru Nui. That's one step away from monocles, corsets and excellent hats.

Steampunk Bionicle! Sweet!

Hmm, next BBC Contest? Brown!





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