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Turakii, You Might Want To Read This...



I've got Omi's approval, now I'm aiming for Turakii's... Remember that I can't come up witha good name for my life...




The Hate-Honcho stepped out of the bank, bags of money in his hands. The Henchmean behind him carried a huge machine with a pair of headphones on one side and a glass tank on the other. “Let’s test the Meany-Machiney out…” he muttered. A tractor-beam from his Bad-Blaster pulled a Bumblyburgian towards the Hate-Honcho, who pulled the headphones on the whimpering carrot. “Flip the switch!” the Hate-Honcho giggled. The headphones sparked and rumbled, and as a yellowish fog clouded up the inside of the glass tank, an evil grin appeared on the now calm Bumblyburgian.


Larry Boy zoomed through the air, the wind whistling in his ears, multiple gnats splatting against his face. He spoke into the communicator at his ear. “Alfred, what ever happened to that wind visor I ordered? It sure would help keep these gu-nats out of my mouth.” “Sir, it’s pronounced nats,” a voice came from the other end of the communicator. “And it should be here Wednesday.” Larry Boy flew on, hooking his plunger ears to sides of buildings and slinging himself off them. His majestic and proud appearance was ruined when he crashed into a telephone pole and fell to the street below…


The Hate-Honcho giggled in glee as the carrot he used the machine on yelled at the veggies around him and got into arguments for no apparent reason. But his mirth was cut short as a purple and green figure crashed down on the angry Bumblyburgian. “Plungerco and their stupid ‘no slip guarantee’…” the figure muttered as he picked himself up. When he saw the Hate Honcho, he jumped. “I know an evil-doer when I see one and you’re the evilest one I’ve ever seen! Prepare to face the wrath of Larry Boy!” the figure shouted and sprung towards him. Larry Boy was stopped short, though, by a Henchmean grabbing him, but he had other tricks. A plunger hit the Hate-Honcho in the face and stuck. He ran around blindly, swiping at the plunger, until he smashed against a telephone pole and fell over.


Larry Boy shot a plunger at the wall in front of him and pulled himself free of the Henchmean’s grasp. “Well, that was easier then I thought,” as the Henchmean shrieked and scampered away once they saw their master was unconscious. Larry Boy hopped over to the evil-doer he had conquered to handcuff him, but a laser shot from the gun of said evil-doer froze him in place. “Heebly heebly heebly heebly!” the figure cackled, jumping to his feet and pulling the plunger off his face. “Heebly! Do my, the Hate-Honcho’s, mad acting skillz terrify you?” “The Hate-Honcho?” Larry Boy stammered, trying to come up with a way to distract the criminal. “That’s a terrible bad guy name!” “Yes, I know.” The Hate-Honcho replied. “The author of this story couldn’t come up with a good pun for his life. Anyways, how would you like to be my next victim?” Larry Boy blinked. “Um, I wouldn’t like it at all. In fact, I-““Silence!” the Hate-Honcho cut in. “You will be, whether you want to or not!”


The Hate-Honcho strapped the earphones on Larry Boy and cackled once again. “Heebly heebly heebly heebly!” As he started up the Meany-Machiney, Larry Boy struggled, but finally, the purple-clad cucumber stilled. Eventually, his eyes opened, with a fiery glint in them.


Larry Boy laughed and knocked over a garbage can, then threw it into a window. Breaking stuff was fun! “Hey!” he snapped as a tomato walked in front of him. “Stop breathing my air!” He plungered the miserable little veggie to the next county. Hitting stuff was fun! His intercom fizzled, and Alfred’s voice came through. “Sir, your visor arrived early. You could swing by to grab it-“”Alfred, you silly asparagus, why would I care about some dumb visor? I hate visors! In fact, I hate everything!” He tossed the communicator to the ground and squished it. Being evil was fun!


The Hate-Honcho giggled again. Everything was working perfectly! Eventually, the citizens of Bumblyburg would all hate each other so much that they would flee Bumblyburg just to be away from their wretched neighbors, leaving an empty town for him and his Henchmean to plunder! He giggled once more, his mirth bringing tears to his eyes..


Junior the Asparagus trudged down the street. No one wanted to put his stories in the paper. He brightened as he saw Larry Boy walk by. “Hey, Mr. Larry Boy!” Junior called as he ran toward him. “What do you want, kid?” Larry Boy said, his voice as sharp as a razor. Junior paused, wondering why Larry Boy sounded so crabby. “Um, could you convince the editor-in-chief of the Daily Bumble to put one of my stories in the news?” Larry Boy looked shocked, but slowly, a smile split his face. “Sure! His office is on the 4th floor of that building over there, right?”

“Yup! Thank you, Mr. Larry-“

“Let’s just go.”

Larry Boy snatched up Junior and plungered himself up towards the building. They passed the 2nd floor, than the 3rd, and the 4th, but they kept on going. “Mr. Larry Boy,” Junior had to yell over the wind. “You missed it! Why are we still going up?” Larry Boy just grinned.


Larry boy let out the evil laugh he’d been working on. “Heeby Hooby Habby Habby!” He was about to do his first evil deed, stranding the asparagus on the roof of the 20 story building he was shooting up. “Mr. Larry Boy, watch out!” “I’m fine, asparagus boy-“He crashed into a telephone pole, knocking Junior out of his grasp. His vision went fuzzy, and when he opened his eyes, he was staring at a slimy banana peel. He pulled himself out of the garbage bin he fell into, only to see his little buddy Junior flying through the air. He didn’t remember what had happened after he got those headphones on, but he knew he had to save Junior. “Hold on little buddy, I’m coming!”


Junior closed his eyes. He was too young to get mashed into a salad! His eyes were forced open when a large object slammed into him. “Larry Boy! You saved me!” “Well yeah, why wouldn’t I?” “Well, you’ve been acting kind of…evil lately.” “Evil? Gasp! It must have been that machine! Junior, stay here!” He gently dropped Junior on top of the school and zoomed off.


The Hate-Honcho turned more and more vegetables evil, laughing uncontrollably all the while. His Henchmean fended off all policemen that tried to stop him. He was invincible! “Heebly Heebly Heebly-Hoik!” He had been knocked off his feet by a heavy object. Henchmean! Seize that…uh…thing that hit me!” He flipped onto his back, and stared into the face of Larry Boy. ”Your reign of evil ends here, Hate-Honcho! The forces of good shall destroy evil! Justice shall overcome chaos! Monologues shall stand true! I shall rant on, making terrible metaphors about virtues! I- oh. I let him get away.” The Hate-Honcho had already rounded the next corner and kept running.


“Come back here, you fiend!” Larry Boy shot a heat-seeking plunger towards the direction that the Hate-Honcho ran off to. While he was waiting for the plunger to bring him back his target, he kept up some pleasant small-talk with the Henchmean. But when the plunger came back, it was empty…suction-cupped. Larry Boy heard a cry from a few blocks away. “Heebly Heebly Heebly-Ow!” He rushed to the site where he heard the noise, only to find the Hate-Honcho unconscious on the ground. He had ran into a telephone pole and passed out. The police were soon at the scene, who then handcuffed him and the Henchmean and sent them off to the Bumblyburg jail. Finally, Larry Boy found himself back at his mansion, playing a fierce game of Chutes and Ladders with Alfred. Rain poured outside. “Alfred,” Larry Boy began. “I feel like we’ve forgotten something…”


Junior crunched his body into a ball behind the school’s chimney. It provided a bit of comfort against the rain. He called out once again. “Mr. Laaaary Boooooy! If you don’t come soon, I’m taking your poster off my wall!” He gave up. “Oi.”





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