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Bbcc 1: Epic Characters!



A bit unoriginal, but I need characters for my Epic.




Props to Distorted for the banner.


You must make a creature, such as a Toa, Rahi, Matoran, Dh, etc., that will fit into my Epic. My prologue is here, and you will have to come up with a basic setting for this creature to live in. The places in Kapa-Nui are:




Lava Fields

Matoran Villages

Great Temple


Dormant Mountain





1. No pieces that are non-Lego, painted, or mutilated

2. Entry must be at least 50% Technic, and no more than 50% System.

3. Your entry must have a Gallery, Title, and Entry Picture

Entry Name:

Entry Picture:


4. No editing MoCs through Photoshop or Paint, such as changing the color. You may add Text and other things that do not interfere with the MoC.

5. You may have multiple MoCs in your entry.

6. It must be an entry not posted on BZPower, prior to the contest


Entries will start being accepted as soon as this post is made, and will stop being accepted on April 19th.

Prizes are: Vahi for first place, Gold Hau for second.


Have fun,




Recommended Comments

*Is interested*


*Wants to make something*


*Isn't sure what to make*


*Goes back to working with Bomonga*


Did I think that last part out loud?



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Hmm... I are liking this....

I are concidering this...

I may or may not enter, I'll see how much time I've got to MoC...

But I do like the original idea.



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I think I know what I'ma make. Can we brighten and enhance the pics If we don't change the MoC?



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I have two or three big WIPs going.

I may be able to enter. I know what to build, if I can.

A Fervakh revamp.

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I'm going to enter, but I need to go get to Mom's house. *Waits another day*

What color are your Po-Matoran here? I've got a WIP going...... :sly:

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Can you omit the System-Technic Ratio? It stifles creativity. BTW, my entry is called 'The Shop'.



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I'm going to enter, but I need to go get to Mom's house. *Waits another day*

What color are your Po-Matoran here? I've got a WIP going...... :sly:

They are:

Brown and Tan

Steel and Tan

Steel and Brown


Is that an orange Vahi? If so, I'm gonna make sure that I win this!



Yep ^_^.



Can you omit the System-Technic Ratio? It stifles creativity. BTW, my entry is called 'The Shop'.




I'll make it 50-50, any more and I think it is too much. Sorry.


~ Nieve

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2 questions.


One, can I enter the spider I just posted in BBC?


Two, when you say you need a gallery, does that mean you have to have a gallery with more than one picture?

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A gallery with just a back picture, side, and front. That would be all I need.


And. . . I guess if you wanted to.

~ Nieve

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Wait, DH is an option?



Maybe you should choose more than one MOC? I'm sure you'll get lots of interesting entries.
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Can you omit the System-Technic Ratio? It stifles creativity. BTW, my entry is called 'The Shop'.




I'll make it 50-50, any more and I think it is too much. Sorry.


~ Nieve




Ah well, I'll probably not be able to enter then. :( My entry was BBCC48esque, with a system base and a Technic figure. I have about 160 Technic pieces, and I don't know how many System pieces. I'll PM you a pic, and and if it's not Technic-y enough, I have a dastardly plan to fix it.



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Aklan, as long as you have a Technic figure with 75-25, I'll let you enter.

~ Nieve

Oh, thank Mata Nui! Thanks for letting me enter, Niev! BTW, Niev is now your new nickname. It sounds more awesome than the Spanish-derived Nieve.



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