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Bbcc 1: Epic Characters!



A bit unoriginal, but I need characters for my Epic.




Props to Distorted for the banner.


You must make a creature, such as a Toa, Rahi, Matoran, Dh, etc., that will fit into my Epic. My prologue is here, and you will have to come up with a basic setting for this creature to live in. The places in Kapa-Nui are:




Lava Fields

Matoran Villages

Great Temple


Dormant Mountain





1. No pieces that are non-Lego, painted, or mutilated

2. Entry must be at least 50% Technic, and no more than 50% System.

3. Your entry must have a Gallery, Title, and Entry Picture

Entry Name:

Entry Picture:


4. No editing MoCs through Photoshop or Paint, such as changing the color. You may add Text and other things that do not interfere with the MoC.

5. You may have multiple MoCs in your entry.

6. It must be an entry not posted on BZPower, prior to the contest


Entries will start being accepted as soon as this post is made, and will stop being accepted on April 19th.

Prizes are: Vahi for first place, Gold Hau for second.


Have fun,




Recommended Comments

Entry Name: Frejkal

Entry Picture: here

Gallery: Gallery

Setting: Jungle


I can't wait to see other entries. Hopefully all of them are good.




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Entry Name: Frejkal

Entry Picture: here

Gallery: Gallery

Setting: Jungle


I can't wait to see other entries. Hopefully all of them are good.






Name: Mutant Visorak

Entry Pic: Link


Setting: Mines





Yayz! Two more entries!


I love them both. Draxon, it looks amazing, and very cleverly built at that. I love the basic feel, and it justs screams. . . mutant.


~ Niev


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If the Orange Vahi is for first place, I'm entering. I have a really good MOC going, so watch out...



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I just need a head connection then I am done. Only problem is, I cant find a head connector!!

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Name: Mutant Visorak

Entry Pic: Link


Setting: Mines






Awesome entry, Draxon. Very, well not spooky, but not creepy. It's more of a mix between monster-under-bed and Zomgspider.




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I is done!


Entry Name: The Workshop

Entry Pic: Since My MoC is so big, could you include both these pics? Here and Here

Entry Topic: Here


It's in the Matoran villages, BTW.




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like, can I be in the epic? and if so, i'll build myself :P


he's built actually.. i'll take pics tomorrow


oh, PM me back please..



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When is the end date for the conest?


And if I post a topic entering it in BBC 49, can I enter in this too?

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DexStar: Well, entries will stop being submitted April 25, and voting will start on the 26th, which is a Saturday.


Yeah, you can enter it here if you want.


~ Niev

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