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Yes, you know who I'm talking about.


He has been making a statement, and a rather large one, by insulting the BZP mascot and techically calling BZPower a dictatorship. Not really the best way to approach.


You see, in order to change the system, one must have everyone on his side.


Have everyone on your side, what can the ones in power do?


Though going up as one person isn't right. One person can be easily flicked away, like the person who is depicted in his banner and avatar. They will simply get rid of you because you're disturbing the BZP communnity. What are you compared to them. Maybe thats why you're fighting.


Of course, you have spent at least several dollars for the running of this site. You only benefitted it. Foolish I say...


But consider this.


What if you did make a change?


What would that change be?


I doubt we can change the way this forum is set and expect it to be right.


Anarchy is a bad direction. But it is your direction.


Unfortunately, you're going to be flicked away.


Yet you know this?


Well, my aqquaintence, I respect your beliefs, though not my own, as I do with others.


Enjoy your life after this day. I believe you will... somewhat. Who's to say?




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Who exactly is this your speaking of? I think I may know him...


No offense to the mods, but I actually see a LOT of ways the forums could easily be changed, especially with a pay forum like BZP since I know this form running a free forum of the same system.

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