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Bold social experimentation, testing the diseased, tattered membrane of society, or for laughs?


I will believe it is both.

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Bold social experimentation, testing the diseased, tattered membrane of society, or for laughs?


I will believe it is both.

Yep, both.


Though technically, they're both for laughs.




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You should see how many people are now looking at that old topic.

You could have just posted the link with a nicely written paragraph explaining your feelings but that wouldn't be like you and we'de all assume you were hacked.


Funny as it was to some people, your next joke should probaly be lesser scale or it might be your lasts one here. And that would be a shame. It's fun reading your blog. You're one of those eccentric bloggers that manages to draw attention while not going too far over the rules.



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So, I just want to say something. So gather 'round, my friends. I'm going to tell you all about the National Socialist German Workers Party, commonly known as the Nazi Party.


The Nazis were a specific political party in Germany from 1919 to 1945 headed by a man you may have hear of--he was named Adolf Hitler. Just like any political party it was, at its core, something built around ideological principles--the principles this party stood for were extreme nationalism, anti-parlimentarism, collectivism, and strong opposition to the Treaty of Versailles (which ended World War I and, they argued, left Germany in a shattered economic state).


The Nazis first tried to seize power in the Beer Hall Putsch, a failed coup d'état attempt that left Hitler in jail--a time which he used to write Mein Kampf, a ponderously long dissertation of racist and fascist principles. Upon his release, Hitler reformed the Nazi party and mobilized, and in 1933 he became Chancellor of Germany. Establishing himself as "Der Führer," he speedily transformed Germany into an entirely totalitarian state. With absolute power and armies of stormtroopers at his fingertips, he instituted and upheld regime of racism, fear, and bloated nationalism.


And what did Hilter's regime do? They started the largest war of the twentieth century, what came to be called World War II. he invaded other countries and conquered a greater portion of an entire continent. Countless soldiers and civilians died because the Nazis wanted power. And what did they do back home while their armies were killing people abroad? They committed a massive genocide we now call "the Holocaust." Countless innocent people were rounded up, shuttled to death camps, tortured, and killed. By the millions. People were mutilated and murdered simply because the Nazis deemed them "inferior." The Nazi party represented the ultimate in racism.


That's what it means to be a Nazi. Murder. Genocide. Burning people alive in furnaces. Throwing human beings in chambers of poisonous gas. Showering people in corrosive acid. Performing gross medical and scientific experiments on still-living persons. Loading people into trains and shuttling them to extermination camps. Shooting someone in the head in the middle of the street just because his race or religion is different.


That's what Nazis did.



So, why am I giving you guys this history lesson? Well, simply because many people seem to have never learned it.



Please, if you're going to use a word or term, especially to describe other people, please make sure you know what it means first. Otherwise you'll probably end up looking like a raving lunatic.

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You should see how many people are now looking at that old topic.

You could have just posted the link with a nicely written paragraph explaining your feelings but that wouldn't be like you and we'de all assume you were hacked.


Funny as it was to some people, your next joke should probaly be lesser scale or it might be your lasts one here. And that would be a shame. It's fun reading your blog. You're one of those eccentric bloggers that manages to draw attention while not going too far over the rules.



That topic wasn't the point of the entry, though, and I only found out about it(thanks to Mandragora) after Id posted the entry.




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History lesson is pretty old news for me but that's because it's a large part of History class in European countries anyway. I could go into a lot of things such as the effect of WOII on the power of Europe and how the 14 steps plan from America didn't work to solve the problems after WOI but this isn't the place to do so.







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re·spect (rĭ-spěkt'):


1. A feeling of appreciative, often deferential regard; esteem.

2. The state of being regarded with honor or esteem.

3. That which DV does not hold for people who hold none for others, as evidenced through insensitive and immature actions.


I would be wary, if I were you. There is a difference between stating opinions on how you think something has been done wrong, or how you feel someone has been wronged, and comparing mascots to maniacal genocidal dictators. There are even times and ways to do so creatively and cleverly. But as ToM stated in your last, irreverent, blog entry, there is also a line that, when crossed, maims not only your character, but that of your cause itself. People confuse the cause with the deliverer. How you present yourself is crucial to what you are presenting.


In this case, yours was insensitive and incredibly ridiculous. There are better ways to get your point across, with maturity and respect.


By the by, 'doing it for the laughs (lulz)' just heightens the sheer ridiculousness of your last entry. But not in the 'haha' way. It also should heighten your wariness. Do not think that such an excuse will keep punishment from being levied if such punishment is decided to be deserved....


"Those who fail to learn the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them."



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I always chuckle at how many people seem to think having an "opinion" is immunity to being wrong.
Quoted for truth.
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"Opinions are immunity to being told you're wrong"


If Relient K says so, it must be true.


Murder. Genocide. Burning people alive in furnaces. Throwing human beings in chambers of poisonous gas.


Sounds like GLaDOS to me. :P



Goodness, I haven't used the quote tags in ages...


I missed this whole ordeal, but from what I saw, it was interesting.

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Meh, opinion.


And thanks for the Disapproval Seal, BTW.




I'd like to say something. While lulz can indeed be funny, often times it's just an excuse for ignoring the feelings and emotions of others, making one feel little guilt for skipping reasoning and manners. You had a point to make, and sometimes points need to be over the top, but yours went over the top and into a toxic fog.

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