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Finally, Something Worth Blogging!



It's Wednesday, and Wednesday is when we usually go grocery shopping. I don't usually go, but I went to see if Wal-Mart had any Inika. I was particularly after Hewkii. Our whole family ended up going, except my dad. He was at work. And once we get there, we stop at McDonald's for lunch. My sisters got happy meals, and I must say, the toy they got is pretty cool for a happy meal toy. They got a PotC Pirate journal thing. I saw the image of the toys they have. I like that that Jack Sparrow plushy! :P


Anyway, we start the shopping, but first I go check out the Bionicle stuff. My sister came with me, and when I got there, I almost overlooked them. Those canisters are huge! I'd say they're about the size of the Nui Rama box! As you probably saw in the Hahli review, the canisters are 9" tall (aprox. 18cm), and the width is the same as the width of a CD case.


Well, all they had was Kongu and Matoro. No Hewkii. So I got both Kongu and Matoro. They also had V&F, and Axxon, and I had enough money for all of them, but I thought it wiser to wait a little longer.


After I put them in our cart I remembered that I needed clothes. I literally only had two pairs of pants that fit, and of all the shirts I have, Only a few are appropriate for summer, and I was getting tired of repetitively wearing them. So I asked if I could get some clothes, and my mom was all "Oh yes, definitely, you need more cloths. Go pick some and you can try them on." So I chose a bunch of clothes I liked, and tried them on. This one pair of jeans I liked was too small, and they didn't have any more, and two shirts we ended up not getting. And there was this pair of tan urban pants I liked, but my mom didn't like them, so I couldn't get them. But I did get a similar pair, though it was black camo. They're awesome. After that we did actual grocery shopping.


I'm so glad I got Kongu and Matoro. They're better than I expected! Below are some pictures I took.




Strike a Pose

Matoro using his Iden




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