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A Glimpse Into The Future/ Past



Epic preview! (So...Future) This is not the opening scene, but a flashback for character development that will come a little later. (So...Past) Here is a WIP. Should I keep the Kakama's? The Rahkshi legs, mask and feet are staying. I really want to use the Pridak foot as chest armor.


Now then, epic!


-CF :kakama:


Over 1000 Years Ago...


Toa Koji emerged from the hut of the Ko-Matoran seer. If what the seer had told him, he would have very little time to prepare, but prepare he must. He wasn’t even allowed to tell his Turaga; this was something that was coming and his Turaga was not a part of its plans.


The worst part was that it was all a part of destiny, something that can never be changed, Koji knew.


Although he couldn’t tell his Turaga the whole story, he could confide in him his deepest feelings and let the Turaga piece the rest together, at least allowing for a little more time. His Turaga would certainly have some words of wisdom.


He started to walk over the ice bridge connecting half of his Koro to the outskirts of his Wahi. Koji had already decided he would forget the name of this place, it was no longer important. Ko-Matoran scuffled past him, a look of fear on their faces. So it must have already begun.


Koji stopped in the middle of the bridge to look around; a Matoran bumped into his leg then kept on hurrying towards the village. Koji looked up to the top of the iceberg his land rested on. The observatory was being evacuated. Those Matoran must have first seen the oncoming danger. Now the scientists were warning the Matoran to flee from the unescapable.


This iceberg was only a portion of the entire island his Toa team protected, it having rubbed against the shore of the Ga-Matoran’s village and stuck there, and the bridge connected it to a desert of ice. They had been a good Toa team for the past millennia or so, protecting their Wahi’s separately from small skirmishes against Rahi and protecting their island together from more sentient, evil beings. Yes, thought Koji, they certainly exemplified the virtues of Duty and Unity. And now it is time for Destiny.


As he kept walking over the bridge, a Matoran slipped and lost his footing. The next thing Koji knew, the Matoran was falling over the edge and towards the icy cold river that ran from a Ga-Matoran lake. Without hesitating, Koji jumped off the bridge and took out his ice sword. With a swift, fluid movement, he commanded ice to rise from below to grow and embrace the Matoran. Another swift movement and the Matoran was sliding into Koji’s arms. He activated his Kanohi Miru, the Mask of Levitation, and the two of them traveled back up to the bridge together.


As he set the Matoran down, he gave him a look that told him to be more careful. The Matoran ran off after a moment of recovering from the shock, barely having said “thank you” to Koji.


Koji made it to the other side of the bridge with no problem. He could see Turaga Otom leading the remaining Matoran towards the bridge. Otom realized Koji was near and beckoned for him to come to his Amaja Circle.


“Turaga,” Koji started to say, but Otom held up a hand for silence.


“Place the crystal next to the grey stones,” Otom said. He could not do this himself, being blind. When there were not others around to help him, he relied his movement on the very disciplined practice of using his Kanohi Akaku, the Noble Masks of Vision. Koji did as instructed.


“You see how there are more foes approaching and surrounding the island?” Otom asked.


“Yes,” was Koji’s reply.


Otom swung his staff at the Amaja Circle, knocking over the crystal. “That is what will become of this island.”


Koji said nothing, thinking to himself.


“I know the legends; don’t think I’m a fool. Today is this island’s last day of life. What is coming is nothing anyone expected except the star readers.”


“Turaga, isn’t there something I can do?”


Otom nodded his head. “Yes, you must fight the on comers. Your fellow Toa have assembled in the Ga-Matoran village. The Matoran will fight, but the only ones that will survive are the ones that follow the Turaga’s orders to follow them to safety, if that is even a possibility. Goodbye, Koji, Toa of Ice.”


Otom held up a fist, and Koji bumped it. The Turaga stood up straight and began walking towards the ice bridge. Once Koji could no longer see him, he took the sapphire rock from the side of the Amaja Circle and stuck it inside with the others, dispersing the grey ones.


“I will not become a legend today.”

"But today I will not be the one falling, even if my island does."


Koji stood up. The snow that always seemed to be falling had stopped. He looked out over his Wahi, a dark cloud seemingly on the horizon. Less than a day away.


He started running the way he had come. Not out of fear, but to gather speed. He then threw his shield on the ground and jumped on it, sliding over the snow and ice towards the bridge. Right at the base, he turned slightly to jump off. This sent him over the edge and down a snowy bank. Using his sword, he created an ice path as he traveled. He didn’t slow down until he saw his fellow Toa ahead, waiting.


The Toa of Fire looked at him. Koji nodded. “Let’s do this.”


They traveled and met up with their attackers before sundown. It was on the desert side of the island, a plain with nowhere to hide and duck for cover, but Toa didn’t do that anyway. What was ahead of them was the weirdest thing they had ever seen in their time together. A swarm of Bohrok and zyglak. As the zyglak had a deep loathing to the Bohrok, what the two were doing together was beyond anyone’s wildest thoughts. But these zyglak seemed to not be spreading their toxic, organic tissue-eating plague with them, or the Bohrok would have been dead some time ago, and the mist would have already reached the Toa.


The Toa drew their weapons and took a battle stance. On came their attackers. It was a Bohrok who attacked first, a Lehvak firing acid from its shield. This just scraped the Toa of Stone’s armor, but he was tough enough to not show any pain he was experiencing. With that, he picked up a stone and kicked it right into the middle of the army, toppling quite a few foes.


The zyglak just made a scream and jumped at the Toa. Immediately the Toa of Fire was taken down. Not good, for seeing their leader fall distracted the Toa for just a moment, enough time for a few Bohrok to rain down. A Pahrak jammed his shield into the Po-Toa’s waist, then snapped its head forward, breaking the Toa’s neck.


Koji was, of course, not watching all this. He was doing a pretty good job at warding off some zyglak and Tahnok with his ice, cooling the Bohrok of Fire off and shattering frozen zyglak. So far he wasn’t even breaking a sweat.


The Toa of Water had already fallen, her water and Toa tools no match for a combination of Lehvak acid and specially hardened Nuhvok earth. To finish her off, the Nuhvok’s shields punched right through her while the zyglak clawed off her mask.


To make matters worse, the army was moving around the Toa, starting to make their way forward again. The Toa of Earth saw this and tunneled underground some. He emerged and triggered his Kanohi Huna, turning invisible infront of the zyglak and Bohrok, but they just trampled right over him despite his fight.


Koji was back to back with his Le-Toa brother.


“How you coming along?” asked Koji?


“These Skakdi-brains aren’t so tough-strong,” was the reply, as he swung his forestaff around to knock a few more Bohrok out of the way. Upon doing so, a zyglak grabbed the end and pulled him into a circle of Bohrok. Koji could only watch.


Koji eyed the remaining zyglak and Bohrok stare Koji, slowly approaching their last target. Koji would not lose to the likes of some simple minded creatures that felt like outnumbering a team of Toa. He jumped and triggered his Kanohi, hovering over the swarm. He was about to try something he had only heard the Ta-Turaga speak of. He had called it a Nova Blast.


Koji focused all his power into his element. Calling upon all the chill around him, he could feel the power of Ice being drawn into his body. He looked down, his attackers had long since stopped staring at him and were now worried about themselves, for the temperature all around must have been raised up some thousand degrees, growing hotter as the cold was drawn out of it and into Koji’s body. The zyglak were going mad and the Krana could do nothing to stop their Bohrok shells from cringing and almost melting at the heat.


Until he could no longer take it, the cold seeped into Koji’s body. Now it was time to end this battle that had taken his brothers and sister away from him. Almost without thinking, he released Ice. It went everywhere. He could feel it coming from his body, out in every direction. He focused it at the Bohrok and zyglak, though they were already frozen, and wiped them out. If there was anything left of them by the time the island thawed, no one would know what the remains were.


It was over. The Nova Blast had done its job. The Bohrok and zyglak were mere ice cubes now, and the entire island was now a chunk of ice. As for Koji, he had been wrapped up in an ice cocoon and had passed out. He dropped onto the island and slid off towards the coast, making a splash in the water before the waves led him to a new destiny.


Recommended Comments

Kakamas: good


Rahkshi legs: big no-no, try custom.. it'll look better..


nice epic though, can't wait for it to be posted!


is Tornaku gonna be in it?

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Kakamas: good


Rahkshi legs: big no-no, try custom.. it'll look better..


nice epic though, can't wait for it to be posted!


is Tornaku gonna be in it?

I could do custom legs, but since I want to have a full Toa team assembled at once (the Toa Team for this story) I can't do custom edits until I have pieces left over. I need maximum building freedom. Plus I really like Rahkshi legs so want them all to have them. I'll come back to them later and customize them if needed.


Tonaku was going to be in it, until I found out Seran already made an epic about beings who hunted Dark Hunters, so I sort of had to drop that idea. (It was going to be a background story inside the epic.) Maybe I'll write him in later as a warrior of sorts, but right now I need to focus on my 6 Toa, their back stories, and how they come together. (Not to mention the overall mission of the epic.)



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true.. but it'd still be nice.. that's what i'm trying.. i want the whole team together, and custom..


oh, that sucks.. well, maybe you can fit him in somewhere..

*Emailing you so I don't get into a big customness flame war here when I want people to talk about my epic.*



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Koji? An ice Toa? Hm.....somehow, that rings a bell...:P


Well, the story is pretty good, and you did a decent job of wiping everybody 'cept for Koji out. :P

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Koji? An ice Toa? Hm.....somehow, that rings a bell...:P


Well, the story is pretty good, and you did a decent job of wiping everybody 'cept for Koji out. :P

Wait! Is the name "Koji" already in use!?!? I was afraid of that. I will change it to a new name if needed, that won't be a problem, oh no.


But for the purposes of this, suspend your disbelief that this so called "Koji" is a completely new character. Like when you have the same named kids in your school class, or something.



As for wiping them out...yeah, I had to keep him standing but get rid of everybody else. So I caught everybody else unawares except for Koji, who just kept his cool (pun intended). I could have had a longer battle, but then this would have been longer and a little more complicated. Maybe I'll extend it for the epic, or just write more detailed battles later.


Why all the :P 's?




Edit: Apparently "Koji is steamed rice that has had koji-kin, or koji mold spores, cultivated onto it."

It's also the name of a Digimon character. That could be a problem for my purposes....

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No, there's a member, Byakuya, Arctic Knight....his username used to be Koji, Knight of Ice....and a couple of variations of that.


Alright, I guess I'll change it then....


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The sentence, "I will not become a legend on today" is very awkward.
Remove the 'some' in "the Toa of Earth saw this and tunneled underground some."

Good story, more than slightly depressing.

On the MOC: Kakamas = good.
Pridak foot = so utterly terrible. Try something else.

It might look better if the upper legs were long light grey pieces.

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The sentence, "I will not become a legend on today" is very awkward.

Remove the 'some' in "the Toa of Earth saw this and tunneled underground some."


Good story, more than slightly depressing.


On the MOC: Kakamas = good.

Pridak foot = so utterly terrible. Try something else.


It might look better if the upper legs were long light grey pieces.



That's why I'm showing it here, to get some kinks out, like "on today" (It was originally "On this day.") Does that help, taking out the "on"? Or do you mean the whole sentence doesn't fit.


As for the Pridak foot, don't you think it would be really cool to use that as chest armor? I do. Plus I've used a Metru foot for chest armor on too many MOCs.

I can't give him long grey pieces because then the light grey and light bley clash would be noticeable. I am thinking of giving him long white pieces though, but that would add to his height which is already too big, so I'll have to scrap the Pridak foot idea so I can make his body a stud shorter.

Ah, the joys of MOCing.



What? No Quote of the Day?


~Sidorak The Hunter

What? No comment on the epic? Usually I have the quote there so if people feel like it they'll comment on that, but I really wanted the focus to be on the epic. (It's in an off blue color (Called teal, FTW), so think of it like that and comment on it, please.)



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(Can not be bother with reviewing epic just yet. Call back later. Please record your message after the Bugblatterbeast of Trall devours your left pinky for an appetizer.)

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That's why I'm showing it here, to get some kinks out, like "on today" (It was originally "On this day.") Does that help, taking out the "on"? Or do you mean the whole sentence doesn't fit.


As for the Pridak foot, don't you think it would be really cool to use that as chest armor? I do. Plus I've used a Metru foot for chest armor on too many MOCs.

I can't give him long grey pieces because then the light grey and light bley clash would be noticeable. I am thinking of giving him long white pieces though, but that would add to his height which is already too big, so I'll have to scrap the Pridak foot idea so I can make his body a stud shorter.

Ah, the joys of MOCing.



Well, I don't really understand the whole sentence. Why is he saying that? But I guess it would work if you just removed the 'on', becuase that just clutters up the sentence and makes it gibberish.


I think it would be cool if used correctly. In this case it seems like you're forcing it, and that's never a good thing.

Why does the chest armor have to me a foot at all? This makes no sense to me.

Long white would work.



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Maybe my fix will help it. Basically I wanted him to realized there was going to be a battle and the island would be destroyed, like the seer told him, but he is now determined to survive. ("Not become a legend" I had hoped would translate normally to "not die today.")


Yeah, maybe I am forcing the Pridak foot. We'll see what I come up with. I don't have to use a Metru foot either, but that's my MOCing style, so I was just thinking out loud. I can figure out other things to use.



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