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Yet another case of the title having absolutely no bearing on the entry proper.


So, here’s what I did while taking my self-imposed break from the computer: I saw a Wii in person for the first time (They’re much smaller than I thought), got baby powder spilled all over several of my Bionicle sets and parts drawers by a mischievous sibling or siblings unknown, watched Season One of Smallville in less than 24 hours, began what will undoubtedly become the arduous process of sorting all my System by part, started eight MOCs, (Out of which I finished six, the two remaining WIPs being a Mistika revamp and a Larsonesque vignette) wrote precisely one chapter for my epic and pretty much finished a shorter scific story for creative writing, singlehandedly saved our toilet from your basic fate worse than death, almost swatted a police officer with the right side mirror of our van, and did all sorts of other things that, if mentioned, would probably bore you even further than the above highlights already have, or have not as the case may be.


So, anything terribly exciting or interesting happen BZPwise while I was offline? I’ve already gathered that we have had some new staff (Congragoodlucktions to them!) and a BBCC, but other than that I am largely ignorant of recent events.


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Yay! He's back!

Woah... was that one sentence?
*hands Sardines*
You deserve that for such a long sentence.

Anyway, on BZP...

Ca's made some more controversial blog entries, and there have been some interesting blog contests, (like mine! Go enter!) but largely nothing has happened.

Oh, and there were several Easter Dramas.

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RPGs? I don't do RPGs.


Dramas like "censored-religious-discussion-and/or-I-hate-Easter" dramas, or Dramas like plays?

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RPGs? I don't do RPGs.


Dramas like "censored-religious-discussion-and/or-I-hate-Easter" dramas, or Dramas like plays?

I had an entire entry typed up, in hilariously caustic terms, but decided I'd be better off not posting it, despite the truthiness.




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RPGs? I don't do RPGs.


Dramas like "censored-religious-discussion-and/or-I-hate-Easter" dramas, or Dramas like plays?

The former.



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How'd you enter the BBCC without going on BZP?


Let me guess, a sibling?

He probably just popped in on the first of the month and then popped in again to enter.



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I changed my font .


A lot of other stuff happened too, but that's irrelevant.


All you need to know is that I changed my font.





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How'd you enter the BBCC without going on BZP?


Let me guess, a sibling?

He probably just popped in on the first of the month and then popped in again to enter.



He allowed himself to come on on Sundays.



So, you saw a Wii after it being out for so long (don't worry, I didn't see/play one until Feb '07, and haven't seen one since). I hope your pieces are fine after you washed them off. I like Smallville, but haven't gotten into it lately. I need to sort my System pieces by part now, after color. But I did some tupperware to help. Yay, MOCs! Yay, Epic! Eww toilet problems. (Overflow?) How's driving coming along?


As for here on the Board....

There was a fairy/anti-fairy war between Bunda and me.

I love LED lights.

Interesting point on MOC number ratings.

I reached 1K posts!



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Yeah, my Piraka spines still feel a little weird though.


Epic overflow, yes.


Driving's all right, I'm sitting for my knowledge test tomorrow, and possibly the driving one as well. I should blog about the four scariest things I've done while driving...

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