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I Feel So Sad...

The Phyre of Tahu


It's almost like I'm dying, or losing someone I love... well, not literally, I'm just saying that I'm going to miss blogging. I'm going to be sad. Hopefully it won't be too long before I scrape up the money to be Premier Member permanently.


~Phyre, sobbing again :crying:


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Lol... Well, I just realized something -- I can continue my blog!! I can just post comments to my latest entry here, so that'll work out.


I just hope I can DP here...



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So much for continuing my blog.... Well, I will now!! Prepare for the comment blog!! YAYYYYNESSSS!! Anyway, stay tuned for tomorrow's entry in the Comment Blog! It's gonna be awesome! Now I just have to think of something to write about...



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Okay, NEWS FLASH: I am going to make 2 or more Comment Blog entries each days. You will watch as my blog goes from page 9 on the most commented in list to page 1!! Yes, I am going to make my Comment Blog great!! And when I become premier member, I am going to make my blog even BETTER!! I can't wait for that day! LOLZ!



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So, last night, I developed a new interest in saying both "Holy ######!" and "Ewww... What the HECK is that?" Anyway, that's all, so farewell for now. What the heck? I said c---. not the s-word. I didn't think c--- was a bad word... huh... oh well...



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So, yep, I finally got up to posting my picture. Yep, that goofy guy with long hair and glasses is me. The picture was taken by my mom at a surprise birthday party for my grandpa at Hooters. And guess what I ate? 3 dill pickles right before I ate the cake. :P Yuck.



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By the way, the two people on either side of my head are my great aunt and my great uncle. They've been married 60 years! Talk about a good relationship. Why do they call it "relationship" anyway... I mean, it's not like it's a boat full of relations... :blink:



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Hopefully I'm allowed to do this "Comment Blog." I hope the mods won't go after me cause I did this... :unsure: Now I'm scared.


Okay, due to a little, um, mishap, or whatever you may call it.... well, just check out the comments in blog entry Wondering... I now will continue my Comment Blog, but now it is an Edit Blog. So, there.



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Hopefully I'm allowed to do this "Comment Blog." I hope the mods won't go after me cause I did this... :unsure: Now I'm scared.


Okay, due to a little, um, mishap, or whatever you may call it.... well, just check out the comments in blog entry Wondering... I now will continue my Comment Blog, but now it is an Edit Blog. So, there.



Please do not abuse the blog system by using it in ways it was not intended.

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