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The Evil Apple



Instead of posting the rules of the tournament today they will be posted tomorrow. Instead I bring you another look inside my head while I'm at work. Dealing with customers.


And... *shudder*


Other companies which are supposedly experts on Wal*Mart policies.


Let's just say that at the end of it all, I was angry. Very angry. And when I'm angry, it takes awhile for me to calm down, luckily I had my lunch break. There were no casualties.


The day started out like any other day. I was dead tired. More dead than anything. However before my first break I had a customer call. She had iPod problems. Here are the facts.

  • She bought it March 31, 2007
  • She got the 2-year extended warranty from Wal*Mart
  • She called Apple who has a One-year warranty on their iPods
  • The told her to get it replaced through Wal*Mart
Wait, what? As you can expect to keep things interesting I will start from here.

Kohaku: So, they told you to call us, even though they still have the warranty, they told you to get it replaced through us?

Customer: Yes, and I'm sick and tired of having to talk to different people about it.

Kohaku: Well, because the warranty is through Apple, they are obligated to replace it, the two-year care plan takes place after their warranty ends.

Customer: I want it replaced now!

Kohaku: Honestly, right now their is nothing we can do, as the product care plan hasn't started, even then you have to go through the number for the product care plan.

Customer: So there is nothing you can do?

Kohaku: No, all I can do is suggest you call Apple.

Customer: Could I get the number for them?


Wait? What? She said she called them... unfortunately I did not have Apple's phone number, then again they don't give us that information. So I had no way to check.

Kohaku: Unfortunately, I do not have their number, however it would be on the Apple website.

Customer: Ugh, fine.

The way she said that last part was in an I'm better than you attitude, which is something I have a strong dislike for. Honestly I thought it was over, things were done. My day was still good.


About two hours passed.


And she called again. Why didn't I just let it ring?!


So, she calls a second time, and said Apple said the exact same thing.


Kohaku: So, they said to exchange it at Wal*Mart?

Customer: Yes.

Kohaku: Well, they are wrong, we can't exchange it.

Customer: Why not?!

Kohaku: First off, it is way past the returns date, which is 15 days on MP3 players. The warranty is still through them, they are obligated repair it or replace it.

Customer: They won't so I want you to replace it!

Kohaku: We can't, the only way Wal*Mart can is through the product care plan. And they will tell you the exact same thing.

Customer: Why can't you replace it?


I had to repeat things anywhere from five to eight times. Seriously. Eventually she was angry because I wouldn't let her return it. I wasn't going to go against policy, if we accept it the store losses money. I was having none of it. So she acts... well... kind of stupid. Ok, really stupid.


Customer: Well, I'm never buying from your store again!

Kohaku: ...

Customer: I'm never shopping at a Wal*Mart again!

Kohaku: If you want I can transfer you to a member of management.

Customer: No, your customer service is horrible. Just give me the phone number for the product care plan.


So I got her the number and she hung up. Not before I traced the call and warped the Kanohi Dragon to her...

Kanohi Dragon bites Former Customer for 153,795 points of damage. Former Customer was defeated by Kanohi Dragon.


Honestly, I don't care if you will never shop at Wal*Mart again. Wal*Mart doesn't care. No retail store would care. Why? Well, there are always more customers. Imagine that, I would have never known. Plus, a store won't change policy for one person. She thought that because I was lower I would slip up, well I didn't. An management would have also said no.


The other part which I left out was that she said Apple said Wal*Mart would return it... uh... Apple isn't an expert on Wal*Mart return policies. The only company that truly would be is... *gasp* Wal*Mart.


I then went on lunch to avoid destroying everything in my path... with my Kanohi Dragon. If my Kanohi Dragon is on the news, you don't know me. ;)


As for Apple... anyone have an army of creatures, preferably dragons, that I can borrow?


Seriously, I don't know if she was telling lies or not about Apple. The ironic thing is with the Mac computer updates. Security updates. I thought Mac's had awesome security and didn't need updates... what is hilarious is these updates caused problems. XD


Thanks... however, I'll stick with my PC. I know the updates for that won't actually cause me problems.


This was the first customer to truly get under my skin... the other bad customers were funny... she was just rude and arrogant in how she addressed me. I'm a person too, and I would like to be treated like one.


This also goes for BZP. Not too long ago I saw someone post how Wal*Mart hires and I quote, "retards". Yet, I know many intelligent people at my Wal*Mart. However Wal*Mart does hire people who aren't as fortunate as you and I, people who aren't as smart. Why? Wal*Mart is an equal opportunity employer, so just because someone is slow they still can get a job, and that is something that I do respect about Wal*Mart. Do I agree with the way Wal*Mart does everything? No. Only somethings, and Wal*Mart does a lot of things right, more than you would expect. And I must give credit where credit is due. This is one case, so before you start bashing Wal*Mart, try working in one, it has it's ups and downs like any other job. So yeah, let's not ridicule people you don't even know.




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Ah yes, customers are a fiesty bunch. They get angry, they get impatient, they get annoying. They expect us to have all the answers the second they ask the questions, I deal with them everyday also.


I can relate to anyone who deals in customer service, it takes a special kind of person to deal with the masses of people we see every day. We are not people, we are scapegoats to them, nothing more. All we can do is be polite and continue to try and help them, its just not fair is it?

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Don't you just love retail? :D


I have numerous people come in my store, try to use coupons, yet don't understand how the coupons work. It's one coupon per customer. It's buy one, get one half off. And yes, the expiration dates are there for a reason: because coupons expire!


And I love people who act like they know how to do my job better than I do. Excuse me, but I've been working here for close to two years now...I think I can do my job on my own, thank you.


But remember, the customer is always right. *coughcoughhackhack* :rolleyes:

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Yeah, Kohaku, I got a complaint!


I went to Wal-Mart, thats right, Wal-Mart, I ain't doin' no star *! And I ask someone close to the Athletic Department if they have L/XL sized knee braces. She then says she doesn't work in that department and had someone else she pointed out TWO AISLES AWAY. I had to limp there and my knees are crying out, "Jon, why has thou forsaken us?"


So I get there and this woman points them out. I said thank you. Moments later, I pass by the first woman again and she asked me if I found what I was looking for. I said, with my respect to her as person, "Yes, thank you."








So, the moral of that story above was...




Its 6:11 Kohaku, forgive me.



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Ah yes, customers are a fiesty bunch. They get angry, they get impatient, they get annoying. They expect us to have all the answers the second they ask the questions, I deal with them everyday also.


I can relate to anyone who deals in customer service, it takes a special kind of person to deal with the masses of people we see every day. We are not people, we are scapegoats to them, nothing more. All we can do is be polite and continue to try and help them, its just not fair is it?

It isn't fair, which is why I have my Dragon-Related Justice. :P


As for Apple... anyone have an army of creatures, preferably dragons, that I can borrow?
No, but I can lend you a couple thousand of my soldiers. =D

That works too. :D


Don't you just love retail? :D


I have numerous people come in my store, try to use coupons, yet don't understand how the coupons work. It's one coupon per customer. It's buy one, get one half off. And yes, the expiration dates are there for a reason: because coupons expire!


And I love people who act like they know how to do my job better than I do. Excuse me, but I've been working here for close to two years now...I think I can do my job on my own, thank you.


But remember, the customer is always right. *coughcoughhackhack* :rolleyes:

Thankfully we don't get coupons back in electronics. But I do get those who act like they know how to do my job better than me. Those are the customers, I can't stand. Haha, always right. Never.


Yeah, Kohaku, I got a complaint!


I went to Wal-Mart, thats right, Wal-Mart, I ain't doin' no star *! And I ask someone close to the Athletic Department if they have L/XL sized knee braces. She then says she doesn't work in that department and had someone else she pointed out TWO AISLES AWAY. I had to limp there and my knees are crying out, "Jon, why has thou forsaken us?"


So I get there and this woman points them out. I said thank you. Moments later, I pass by the first woman again and she asked me if I found what I was looking for. I said, with my respect to her as person, "Yes, thank you."








So, the moral of that story above was...




Its 6:11 Kohaku, forgive me.



Uh... hi? Forgive. *eyes glow red* I do not know this word. :P


...:plain:... Ookay... (:lol:)




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