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The Saga Ends



My grandmother has passed away peacefully - just as we hoped.


I've just survived the harrowing graveyard shift, watching over the premises of the wake site and all the flower wreaths. Staying up all night and not partying is not so fun, but the remaining relatives who stayed behind as well made good chat - until I K.O.ed halfway through the conversation.


I'm fine, and am providing support for my family as well. I'm past the bereavement stage, and I hope things can get back to norm soon.




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I don't really know what to say here, except that I want to say something, and I wish I was here to give comfort and prayers when it happened...but I can still pray for strength as you continue to move on. And I will.



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My heartfelt condolences to you for your loss. I know you said you're past the bereavement stage, but I just wanted to express that thought.


My own grandparents are all living. My mother's father is a cancer survivor and has reached the advanced age of 81. Sooner or later, the old generation will pass away, as do we all in time.


I myself have not faced death on an intimate level. I have never been to a funeral, and nobody very close to me has yet died. I count myself fortunate in this regard. I know that the moment will come, but for now I retain my innocence.


Death is no more than a passing of the soul through the veil of time. I believe we have many lives, and that to hold on to grief is to hold oneself prisoner.


The passing of your beloved grandmother is ultimately an opportunity for you to learn and grow. Mourn her loss, go through the process, and you will emerge stronger because of it. Always remember the beauty of that person and the ways she touched your life. Be assured that she sees you now, and her gaze is full of love.


Your friend,



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Thanks so much for your thoughtful words. :) I definitely did learn how to handle the passing, and things have gone back to normal. I don't miss her, but I remember her. :)



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