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Tahu Nuva Phantoka



Well, I've decided I will design a revamp of Tahu Nuva Mistika. About time I tried my hand at setlike revamps. However, since I want to be able to pretend this is official for the sake of my drawings, this revamp will not be Tahu Nuva Mistika, but Tahu Nuva Phantoka. Here is a list of what I have decided to do so far:

  • Same feet as the set. Tahu Nuva Mistika is my favorite of the Nuva Mistika on account of his abundant similarities to Kopaka, a trait which has been standard for Tahu both in story and in sets since his debut.
  • Bley limbs. I had so hoped the Mistika would share this trait with the Phantoka, and while silver is no worse (perhaps even better), I want the team to look more unified as I had initially intended.
  • Piraka glaives, as are on the set. Again, similarities to Kopaka are a must.
  • Dark red Inika thigh armor, like Kopaka's but flipped. His current thigh armor has not disappointed in pics, but after experimenting with it I find that it is possibly the least attractive design from direct side view, which is saying something considering that direct side view almost never is flattering for any simple thigh layout. This thigh armor is chosen for its stylistic consistency and overall attractive appearance, but flipped so his legs are not identical to Kopaka's.
  • Leg blades as on the set. While I haven't seen what they actually look like, making this subject to change once building of this revamp is underway, I feel that these are rather attractive on him. Forget realism!
  • Dark red (possibly) Inika torso. Kopaka and Tahu may not see eye to eye in the story, but I feel that they need to in the set, which Tahu's current height does not facilitate. Also, I am not a fan of how his "backpack" is currently attached, as it appears too low for my tastes. This decision may change depending on how the wings work out in this configuration, but the dark red is more than likely a must unless bley proves more suitable.
  • (Possibly) Extra chest armor. This depends largely on the appearance of the actual set and on whether I use an Inika torso. What armor I would use remains to be seen, as I find Kopaka's the best but do not want to overexpress the similarities of the two characters.
  • (Possibly) No jets. This is my desperate attempt to hold onto the system established among the Phantoka that each set will have three new parts which it does not share with any of the other Phantoka: the mask, the tools, and the means of propulsion. Of course, if I keep the leg blades, this attempt at continuity and uniqueness is scrapped, but I figure it would be nice if this pattern could be maintained, as I am not at all a fan of the random sharing of new parts seen in the Mistika. (Carapar and Jaller Mahri were tolerable in sharing Mantax and Matoro Mahri armor, but here we're seeing parts shared between the Toa and Makuta, as well as among the members of each group!)
  • Silver wings. All of the Phantoka maintained this in that the means of propulsion was silver (though of course Pohatu's means of propulsion was also his tool, and his budgeted new piece was rather the arm armor piece used in the functioning of both). I love that Tahu has a variation on Kopaka's wings, and this is the one new piece that must be kept at all costs.
  • Arms identical in style to Kopaka's. Of course, I may leave the lower arms flipped as they are on the actual Tahu set for the sake of poseability, as I see the configuration of Kopaka's as a definite flaw. Nevertheless, the upper arms are more my focus.
  • Midak Skyblaster. The Nynrah Ghostblaster is becoming all the more intriguing in the story with a recent revelation in OGD concerning the nature of the Nynrah Ghosts, but I still find it rather ugly as a projectile launcher and would have preferred that the Midak Skyblaster continued to be used. After all, if it works on the large sets, it should work here.
  • (Possibly) New tool. I like his tool, but it is rather sloppy from the look of it, and while Tahu without argument ought to have some sort of blade as Kopaka thankfully did, I feel that this one (which would appear to double as yet another unnecessary means of propulsion) is not the best he could have. What it will be replaced with remains to be seen.
  • Solek's mask. Here's the most important aspect of the whole revamp. Solek's mask is the one I feel should have been the new Hau Nuva all along, and moreover serves as a perfect means of bridging the gap between the old Hau Nuva and Tahu's Mistika mask. It will need to be painted of course, and for this reason I continue to wonder whether it ought to be dark red as is more convenient or Mata red, which would require painting many other pieces but would better match the rest of the Phantoka's bright colors.

Many of these ideas are subject to change once it becomes possible to begin work on this revamp. However, I personally can't wait to see whether this will prove an improvement on the set, and whether it might be possible to revamp the other Mistika similarly. Oh, the possibilities...


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Umm...OK, do what you want.


I can't keep you from using bley limbs, but might I say...

Piraka legs have small ankles, IMO (although all sets look like this, it's actually visible here because of the curve) and I think they look bad on good guys. Especially as arms; at the least I'd suggest bley Toa Metru legs or Vahki legs.


Why are you using dark red? We've seen that color for too long and Tahu has been a beautiful bright red forever.


Give him a flame-y sword. Yes, that's an order and not a suggestion. Sorry, but this is Tahu after all.


Good luck with it. I don't agree with a lot of it but you're a good MOCist and can pull it off.



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Umm...OK, do what you want.


I can't keep you from using bley limbs, but might I say...

Piraka legs have small ankles, IMO (although all sets look like this, it's actually visible here because of the curve) and I think they look bad on good guys. Especially as arms; at the least I'd suggest bley Toa Metru legs or Vahki legs.

Use of Piraka legs on both the arms and the legs helps to avoid spoiling the stylistic consistency, and better maintains the parallels with Kopaka which I intend for Tahu. I have my Kopaka set in front of me and the ankles don't bother me; maybe my mind just tends to overlook the thinness because I see it so often. Regardless, I'd like to keep the Piraka legs.


Why are you using dark red? We've seen that color for too long and Tahu has been a beautiful bright red forever.

Simple: If I use Mata red I have more parts I need to paint, namely the feet. The more parts I need to paint, the more I need to buy extras of. If I use dark red, I can use the feet he already has, plus I'll have more options for the torso.


Give him a flame-y sword. Yes, that's an order and not a suggestion. Sorry, but this is Tahu after all.

Flame-y might be hard. He needs some sort of blade, that's certain, but whatever part I use I want to avoid it gathering the connotation of its set of origin. That limits me to the use of blades that are less iconic, therefore either of Tahu's old fireswords is out of the question. If I end up making custom parts I might have more options, or I can use Lewa's sword-- they might not be flames, but the electric charge running through it might be an acceptable substitute bearing in mind that if this were an actual set he would wield a new and unique weapon not featured in any sets, even ones from this year.


Good luck with it. I don't agree with a lot of it but you're a good MOCist and can pull it off.



Thanks. I'll do my best, and hopefully the end result will seem, if not the ideal set in your opinion, at least a pleasant alternative to the actual set. :)

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Why are you using dark red? We've seen that color for too long and Tahu has been a beautiful bright red forever.

Simple: If I use Mata red I have more parts I need to paint, namely the feet. The more parts I need to paint, the more I need to buy extras of. If I use dark red, I can use the feet he already has, plus I'll have more options for the torso.

True. (What I didn't say was that if you used Mata red you could use Toa Mata feet and some red double joints, seven length.)

I certainly don't want you painting pieces, but I think if you try to make him a little more like from 2002-03 you'd have some doors opened.


Give him a flame-y sword. Yes, that's an order and not a suggestion. Sorry, but this is Tahu after all.

Flame-y might be hard. He needs some sort of blade, that's certain, but whatever part I use I want to avoid it gathering the connotation of its set of origin. That limits me to the use of blades that are less iconic, therefore either of Tahu's old fireswords is out of the question. If I end up making custom parts I might have more options, or I can use Lewa's sword-- they might not be flames, but the electric charge running through it might be an acceptable substitute bearing in mind that if this were an actual set he would wield a new and unique weapon not featured in any sets, even ones from this year.

Lewa with electric charge? Did I miss something?

"avoid it gathering the connotation of its set of origin"...using Jaller Inika's sword (for example, please don't use it) being mistaken as Jaler or using Tahu Mata's flame being mistaken for Tahu Mata? (or Lhikan's swords for Lhikan?) I think if you did it right, you could certainly give him a sword, as I think lots of fans on BZP would like to see Tahu with a flame again, even before we thought of having the Toa Nuva in 2008.

You could buy a few spare swords and fuse/melt them to make something new. (I've never done this before, though, only seen it.) Or get an extra Tahu Nuva sword and cut out the flame (again, I've only seen this. Look in the Dark Hunter book under "Charger.")

I think there is a way you could do a sword, if you want.


Good luck with it. I don't agree with a lot of it but you're a good MOCist and can pull it off.



Thanks. I'll do my best, and hopefully the end result will seem, if not the ideal set in your opinion, at least a pleasant alternative to the actual set. :)

Definitely a pleasant alternative, despite the bley.




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Why are you using dark red? We've seen that color for too long and Tahu has been a beautiful bright red forever.

Simple: If I use Mata red I have more parts I need to paint, namely the feet. The more parts I need to paint, the more I need to buy extras of. If I use dark red, I can use the feet he already has, plus I'll have more options for the torso.

True. (What I didn't say was that if you used Mata red you could use Toa Mata feet and some red double joints, seven length.)

I certainly don't want you painting pieces, but I think if you try to make him a little more like from 2002-03 you'd have some doors opened.

Ah, but that's not my intention. From the start I've felt it more of a priority that the Nuva maintain their appearance relative to each other than that they maintain their classic appearance. For this reason I approve of Tahu greatly already, but would like to further express his similarities to Kopaka. Thus, while Toa Mata feet would certainly be ideal for these Toa, I am more concerned that Tahu look like a Phantoka version of himself than like his classic self. Besides, if you take away the webbing and toe-guard from the webbed Inika foot it's not too much unlike the shape of the classic foot. Really the only foot I dislike greatly is the clawed Inika foot, which, while tolerable, does not at all match the classic shape of feet. The Rahkshi foot is getting closer to unbearable for me, though I still don't mind too much on Toa; really feet where two roughly Bohrok eye-shaped "toes" are evident are my favorites for Toa.


Give him a flame-y sword. Yes, that's an order and not a suggestion. Sorry, but this is Tahu after all.

Flame-y might be hard. He needs some sort of blade, that's certain, but whatever part I use I want to avoid it gathering the connotation of its set of origin. That limits me to the use of blades that are less iconic, therefore either of Tahu's old fireswords is out of the question. If I end up making custom parts I might have more options, or I can use Lewa's sword-- they might not be flames, but the electric charge running through it might be an acceptable substitute bearing in mind that if this were an actual set he would wield a new and unique weapon not featured in any sets, even ones from this year.

Lewa with electric charge? Did I miss something?

His sword has a little zappy thing going down the side... I don't find it necessary, but at least it's on an air Toa-- Lightning/Thunder and Air never seemed too horribly distant in my eyes.


"avoid it gathering the connotation of its set of origin"...using Jaller Inika's sword (for example, please don't use it) being mistaken as Jaler or using Tahu Mata's flame being mistaken for Tahu Mata? (or Lhikan's swords for Lhikan?) I think if you did it right, you could certainly give him a sword, as I think lots of fans on BZP would like to see Tahu with a flame again, even before we thought of having the Toa Nuva in 2008.

It's just the whole idea of a tool looking rehashed. If you can use it creatively enough then it's forgiveable, but using an old sword as a sword on a Toa gets old. I dislike reusing Toa tools without any creative use, and am getting sort of tired of Hewkii's Aqua Warblade being used by itself. Maybe something can be done with an existing blade (Kopaka's bayonet, maybe, or Chirox's blades?) with other System or Technic parts. I want to simulate a brand-spanking-new piece, even if I don't custom-fabricate one.


You could buy a few spare swords and fuse/melt them to make something new. (I've never done this before, though, only seen it.) Or get an extra Tahu Nuva sword and cut out the flame (again, I've only seen this. Look in the Dark Hunter book under "Charger.")

I think there is a way you could do a sword, if you want.

That's basically what I'm limited to. Of course, I don't want to do anything so simple as removing the flames from Tahu's fireswords. (Isn't that undermining the purpose of this?) I'd rather try something more creative, if I'm customizing at all...


Good luck with it. I don't agree with a lot of it but you're a good MOCist and can pull it off.



Thanks. I'll do my best, and hopefully the end result will seem, if not the ideal set in your opinion, at least a pleasant alternative to the actual set. :)

Definitely a pleasant alternative, despite the bley.



Glad to have your confidence.

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But the Hau Mistika is amazing!



Amazing, perhaps, but in terms of continuity it is very bizarre. Solek's mask helps bridge the gap between the original Hau Nuva and the new Hau Nuva which more resembles the classic Hau. If I didn't want to acknowledge the masks of the actual sets as canon, I wouldn't bother making these Phantoka versions. As it is, this allows me to recognize the sets as canon in my drawings without throwing out the beauty of my own designs.

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But the Hau Mistika is amazing!



Hoping you aren't kidding, I agree.


I'm interested in your ideas. My idea of revamped Tahu is a bit different, but I wanna see how this one comes out.



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Solek's got bloated cheeks. Doesn't scream Hau/Hau Nuva to me.


Only predicates in sentences. Seems to be a trend. Sound odd? Bet it does.

I think Solek's mask makes a great Hau Nuva. Just my opinion, though.


rofl at second line.

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Hmm, your vision of Tahu Phantoka is pretty interesting. I would like to see how Metru gray and Metru red look like together so (if you do that) please take nice clear pictures because I'm really interested in how the color scheme looks.


I see that you would like Tahu Mistika resemble and be a Phantoka, and that what I'm trying to aim for in my revamp but I want him to still have some Mistika traits like jets, fins, etc...


I would have to disagree with you about using Solek's mask as a Hau Nuva. It doesn't show Tahu to me and I would actually prefer a thinner version of the official Hau Nuva.


I can't wait to see your revamp because you have some really interesting ideas. :)



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Hmm, your vision of Tahu Phantoka is pretty interesting. I would like to see how Metru gray and Metru red look like together so (if you do that) please take nice clear pictures because I'm really interested in how the color scheme looks.


I see that you would like Tahu Mistika resemble and be a Phantoka, and that what I'm trying to aim for in my revamp but I want him to still have some Mistika traits like jets, fins, etc...


I would have to disagree with you about using Solek's mask as a Hau Nuva. It doesn't show Tahu to me and I would actually prefer a thinner version of the official Hau Nuva.


I can't wait to see your revamp because you have some really interesting ideas. :)



I am a bit worried about the Metru gray and Metru red together... I originally hoped for and later intended Mata red, but I am trying to be realistic and when designing these revamps I realized exactly how many parts would have to be introduced if I intended to give him a vibrant Mata Red color scheme. No matter where I place this on the release timeline (Currently I'm designing them as if they were released alongside their teammates in place of the Phantoka Makuta), there would be many new Mata Red parts called for, an almost unreasonable amount.


I am planning to use the Mistika-style wings, actually-- If LEGO were to release these, they would naturally have new parts as their forms of propulsion. However, I intend to distribute such propulsion parts as evenly as was done among the Nuva Phantoka, so Tahu will have wings but not jets, Gali will have jets but not wings, etc. Not sure what to give Onua for his means of propulsion, as I'm quite inclined to give Gali the jets given their similarity to her old propellors from the 2002 release.


Solek's mask has struck me as a Hau Nuva since I first opened the set, and I love it as such. Regardless of whether other people see it as well as I do, I hope there will be a reasonable concensus that it is a better Hau Nuva than that in the set. I also am very happy to use it since it bears much resemblance in overall shape and some more minor details to Tahu Mistika's mask, a convenient means of transition between the forms in my drawings.


Glad you find my ideas interesting. As soon as I can finish conceptualizing Onua I will have a good idea of what parts each of these three Phantoka will have, and thus should have a pretty good image of them in my head unless the new parts for summer prove to be inconvenient for any of my plans.

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Hmm, your vision of Tahu Phantoka is pretty interesting. I would like to see how Metru gray and Metru red look like together so (if you do that) please take nice clear pictures because I'm really interested in how the color scheme looks.


I see that you would like Tahu Mistika resemble and be a Phantoka, and that what I'm trying to aim for in my revamp but I want him to still have some Mistika traits like jets, fins, etc...


I would have to disagree with you about using Solek's mask as a Hau Nuva. It doesn't show Tahu to me and I would actually prefer a thinner version of the official Hau Nuva.


I can't wait to see your revamp because you have some really interesting ideas. :)



I am a bit worried about the Metru gray and Metru red together... I originally hoped for and later intended Mata red, but I am trying to be realistic and when designing these revamps I realized exactly how many parts would have to be introduced if I intended to give him a vibrant Mata Red color scheme. No matter where I place this on the release timeline (Currently I'm designing them as if they were released alongside their teammates in place of the Phantoka Makuta), there would be many new Mata Red parts called for, an almost unreasonable amount.


I am planning to use the Mistika-style wings, actually-- If LEGO were to release these, they would naturally have new parts as their forms of propulsion. However, I intend to distribute such propulsion parts as evenly as was done among the Nuva Phantoka, so Tahu will have wings but not jets, Gali will have jets but not wings, etc. Not sure what to give Onua for his means of propulsion, as I'm quite inclined to give Gali the jets given their similarity to her old propellors from the 2002 release.


Solek's mask has struck me as a Hau Nuva since I first opened the set, and I love it as such. Regardless of whether other people see it as well as I do, I hope there will be a reasonable concensus that it is a better Hau Nuva than that in the set. I also am very happy to use it since it bears much resemblance in overall shape and some more minor details to Tahu Mistika's mask, a convenient means of transition between the forms in my drawings.


Glad you find my ideas interesting. As soon as I can finish conceptualizing Onua I will have a good idea of what parts each of these three Phantoka will have, and thus should have a pretty good image of them in my head unless the new parts for summer prove to be inconvenient for any of my plans.


Color scheme: I agree with you about the Metru red and Metru gray. I'm a little nervous now ever since I saw the disaster that was the Kopaka Phantoka prototype - you know with the Mata blue and Metru gray... If it means anything to you, I made a standard Toa Moc when I was younger and it the colors were Metru red and the really light gray. Almost silver - you know what I'm talking about? Also, if you want a good supply of Mata red limbs, I would pick up a Maxilos or two, if you don't mind the old style clashing with the rest of the new ones. ;)


Propulsion methods: So, you're saying that Tahu will have the smaller Mistika wings? If so, I'd like to see how that turns out. I think you made a good choice by giving Gali jets. By the way, will you still keep her Inika lower legs or will you change them? Maybe you could give Onua a simple hover/surf board? Like you could attach two Hewkii blades together sideways so it looks like a wide broadsword using the (+oo+) pieces (that's what they look like from the top). Then, you could attach a Mistika jet or two or a Lewa jet.


Tahu's Mask: I see why you prefer a Solek mask for Tahu. I see that they both have a lot of ridges around the mouth and there is a mouth hole (well two of them :P ) but a mouth hole nonetheless. So, how are you going to color it dark red? Acrylic paint? Spray paint? That's the tricky part. ;)


So, are you building prototype models so you get a feel for how the existing pieces look together or are you "building" it in your head?





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Hmm, your vision of Tahu Phantoka is pretty interesting. I would like to see how Metru gray and Metru red look like together so (if you do that) please take nice clear pictures because I'm really interested in how the color scheme looks.


I see that you would like Tahu Mistika resemble and be a Phantoka, and that what I'm trying to aim for in my revamp but I want him to still have some Mistika traits like jets, fins, etc...


I would have to disagree with you about using Solek's mask as a Hau Nuva. It doesn't show Tahu to me and I would actually prefer a thinner version of the official Hau Nuva.


I can't wait to see your revamp because you have some really interesting ideas. :)



I am a bit worried about the Metru gray and Metru red together... I originally hoped for and later intended Mata red, but I am trying to be realistic and when designing these revamps I realized exactly how many parts would have to be introduced if I intended to give him a vibrant Mata Red color scheme. No matter where I place this on the release timeline (Currently I'm designing them as if they were released alongside their teammates in place of the Phantoka Makuta), there would be many new Mata Red parts called for, an almost unreasonable amount.


I am planning to use the Mistika-style wings, actually-- If LEGO were to release these, they would naturally have new parts as their forms of propulsion. However, I intend to distribute such propulsion parts as evenly as was done among the Nuva Phantoka, so Tahu will have wings but not jets, Gali will have jets but not wings, etc. Not sure what to give Onua for his means of propulsion, as I'm quite inclined to give Gali the jets given their similarity to her old propellors from the 2002 release.


Solek's mask has struck me as a Hau Nuva since I first opened the set, and I love it as such. Regardless of whether other people see it as well as I do, I hope there will be a reasonable concensus that it is a better Hau Nuva than that in the set. I also am very happy to use it since it bears much resemblance in overall shape and some more minor details to Tahu Mistika's mask, a convenient means of transition between the forms in my drawings.


Glad you find my ideas interesting. As soon as I can finish conceptualizing Onua I will have a good idea of what parts each of these three Phantoka will have, and thus should have a pretty good image of them in my head unless the new parts for summer prove to be inconvenient for any of my plans.


Color scheme: I agree with you about the Metru red and Metru gray. I'm a little nervous now ever since I saw the disaster that was the Kopaka Phantoka prototype - you know with the Mata blue and Metru gray... If it means anything to you, I made a standard Toa Moc when I was younger and it the colors were Metru red and the really light gray. Almost silver - you know what I'm talking about? Also, if you want a good supply of Mata red limbs, I would pick up a Maxilos or two, if you don't mind the old style clashing with the rest of the new ones. ;)


Propulsion methods: So, you're saying that Tahu will have the smaller Mistika wings? If so, I'd like to see how that turns out. I think you made a good choice by giving Gali jets. By the way, will you still keep her Inika lower legs or will you change them? Maybe you could give Onua a simple hover/surf board? Like you could attach two Hewkii blades together sideways so it looks like a wide broadsword using the (+oo+) pieces (that's what they look like from the top). Then, you could attach a Mistika jet or two or a Lewa jet.


Tahu's Mask: I see why you prefer a Solek mask for Tahu. I see that they both have a lot of ridges around the mouth and there is a mouth hole (well two of them :P ) but a mouth hole nonetheless. So, how are you going to color it dark red? Acrylic paint? Spray paint? That's the tricky part. ;)


So, are you building prototype models so you get a feel for how the existing pieces look together or are you "building" it in your head?




The Mata red and bley might not look so bad, actually, and the PKD (Prototype Kopaka Disaster) was mostly due to the excess of reeeeeaaally uuuuuuugly silllllllverrrrrrr. With enough Mata Blue for it to constitute a primary I could very easily use such a color scheme for Gali, and a Mata Red primary for Tahu.


I've got plenty of Maxilos parts, thanks to my little brother (its owner) and his tendency not to leave sets together. Anyway, I would plan to use the new ones in the actual set if not in the MOC which will showcase the final output of these plans. Still, if I do design these for a release alongside their teammates, I can afford a new color or two of those, so I reckon it might be possible.


I'm keeping Gali's Inika limbs-- they look nicely feminine in shape. Onua's propulsion issue remains my reluctance to use parts I'm using on any of the others, or which were used on the original Phantoka.


Some sort of paint will be used for the new parts I need. What it will be remains to be seen, and depends both on what works best and what exists in colors to adequately match the LEGO colors.


So far, I'm building these in my head, though I sometimes do a quick mock-up (or rather, MOC-up :P) of the torso or summat in order to figure out what parts I need, and what parts will work for more creative torsos. Regrettably, I found that the dot pattern of the Inika parts does not exist on the Onua Mistika torso armor as I had previously thought, so I may have to reuse torsos from the other Phantoka, if in creative and individual ways.

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