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...and Death Abounds



In the earlier days, a Bionicle character didn't die often. With the recent 'passing' of Matoro, we see a true sense of duty and honor more than we have before. Botar's slaughter was basically a way to make things look like they were important or something. But now, with the most recent installation of "Who Kills Who", I've decided that 2008 will probably end in something truly shifting, because of its beginnings.


If you haven't read FoF 6, beware of the spoiler:

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I liked Carapar, more than Takadox. He was one of the cooler Barraki, and now we see him dead, just to get an idea of Tren Krom's power. Lariska is for some reason important to me, Vezon is funny, and Brutaka is important. Basically, that leaves Takadox and Roodaka who I would have rather have died. Roodaka was awesome for a few years, but she's not as cool to me anymore.


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Yeah, I agree with the duty and honor thing, but the deaths are great in this, and as for Carapar, well, Roodaka or Spirah would have been better to kill off because Carapar could have some comedic effect due to his stupidity...

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Yeah, it's weird how things are just getting killed off. I agree that it should have been Takadox, just personal preference.


I like Lariska because we've never seen a picture of her. She's just that mysterious. Vezon is weird/annoying, maybe. Roodaka is old news, but interesting. Brutaka...is smart, I guess. I don't know much about that Makuta (forgets name) that's with them, but his looks are horrible judging from the Lego pix. Eww combiner models.



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Yeah, I agree with the duty and honor thing, but the deaths are great in this, and as for Carapar, well, Roodaka or Spirah would have been better to kill off because Carapar could have some comedic effect due to his stupidity...

Oh yeah, I forgot about Spiriah. I thought there were 6 of them, but that was before Lariska was revealed. And now there are 6 again. He's somewhat important to the final battle, though, considering his knowledge of the BoM.


CF: the Makuta you speak of would be Spiriah.

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Here is the end of the year for Bionicle. Our expert researchers are are verifying it as we speak


Act 5: Scene 6

Everyone dies.



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CF: the Makuta you speak of would be Spiriah.[/color]

Yeah, he is probably the worst combo model I've ever seen. At least a very bad color scheme.



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I almost get the impression that all of these deaths are meant for shock value. They certainly don't serve any other purpose that I can see. Unless it's Lego's way of saying the sets will never be released again. :shrugs:
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I agree Macku, they do seem like they were for shock value somewhat.

Greg did confirm that he killed off Botar to remind everyone that this is a war that we're in, and it won't be resolved by a big Kolhii match. (Or something like that).

I recall that he said that he killed Carapar since this is a suicide mission.

That makes sense, as it may be easier to downgrade the importance of this mission if nobody dies. :shrugs:

Anyway, I did like Carapar a little better than the other Barraki, and was rather sad (or shocked) to see him kick the bucket.

My two widgets. :)


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Greg did confirm that he killed off Botar to remind everyone that this is a war that we're in, and it won't be resolved by a big Kohlii match. (Or something like that).

Jaller died in MoL. And that did end in a big Kolhii match. :lol:


I do sort of see the point, of course, he's just not my first pick.

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True, forgot about Jaller. :lol:

Yeah, Botar wouldn't have been my first choice either. I had a liking for him.

Still, I guess that since we knew Botar better than we know Trinuma, the death does have more impact.


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Greg did confirm that he killed off Botar to remind everyone that this is a war that we're in, and it won't be resolved by a big Kohlii match. (Or something like that).

Jaller died in MoL. And that did end in a big Kolhii match. :lol:


I do sort of see the point, of course, he's just not my first pick.

Ah, but Jaller was revived at the end, remember? Right before Giant door fought takutanuva and Giant door won? :P

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Ah, but Jaller was revived at the end, remember?

Which actually made it even more lame, IMO. I wouldn't have wanted Jaller to die even more than I didn't want Carapar to die, but revivals are even worse than deaths.

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I almost get the impression that all of these deaths are meant for shock value. They certainly don't serve any other purpose that I can see. Unless it's Lego's way of saying the sets will never be released again. :shrugs:

Good point on the shock value. I've been writing some short stories lately, including an epic for BZP, and I have deaths. I'm going to have to limit the amount of (matoran) deaths in my epic.



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