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Ufos And Aliens



So I was watching Larry King tonight, they had a panel of high ranking government officials on claiming they each had an encounter with UFOs. They have said the United States government remains reclusive on the subject, though France, Brazil and China have released information confirming the existance of UFOs. They claim the US plans to weaponize space and views them as threats to society and religion, hence the classification of information. Upon the release of this info in the other countries, there was panic and the infrastructure (internet, telephone) was overloaded with curious people. Even the Vatican, perhaps the center of christianity views UFOs as real.


Several videos and reports were quite convincing to me, I do believe that we are not alone in the universe, it is so huge, how could we be the only intelligent life? I have never had any kind of sighting or encounter with a UFO, but there is just too much information out there to dismiss it. Indeed, I believe the people would panic and religion would be thrown into turmoil if this info was made public and proof of UFOs was revealed. Perhaps the government is waiting for the proper time, I do not think society is ready for these things yet myself.


So I ask you, do you believe there is life beyond the stars? Truly a facinating subject. I leave you with some images of UFO sightings over Europe, the US and other locations. The last 2 images are more recent ones.








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I'm ambivalent to it. If there are aliens, will I be disappointed? No, I'll think it's awesome. But if there is nothing, I'll be just as cool with that too.
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I do believe that there is life at least somewhere else in the Universe, though not anywhere near Earth, or at least not evolved to the point of space travel. Planets and moons in our galaxy have been shown to be capable of harboring life, such as Europa, Gliese 581c, and maybe even Mars, but the life in our immediate vicinity would be primitive, maybe even microscopic. Life elsewhere we have no information about, but even if it had space travel, even at the speed of light it would take a long time to get here.

Therefore, I don't believe in UFOs as aliens.

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The funny thing is, they're all the cliche shape. Though i suppose that shape could come from the sightings.


As for extra-terrestrial life: I don't believe any would be intelligent.

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Demons or hoaxes or experimental government aircraft. ( :P )

It's the mass sightings that get me.

But I don't believe in extraterrestrials.

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I'm no saying that I disagree with you, but I know al lot of UFO sightings are stealth experimental aircraft. I've done some research and actually around the 70s people were seeing triangular objects in the sky. The government later said they were F-117, a stealth aircraft. There's just so muckh evidence on either side that I'm neutral for UFO's but I do agree with that how large the universe is that we're not the only life.

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I have always found it interesting how every UFO we see look just like we've stereotyped them to look. Same with "sightings" of actual aliens. Do I believe that aliens exist? No. Why? Sorry, but I can't discuss it too extensively here. Ultimately, it's not plausible in the slightest way, but like I said, I'd end up breaking BZP guidelines if I went into more detail.



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Several videos and reports were quite convincing to me, I do believe that we are not alone in the universe, it is so huge, how could we be the only intelligent life? I have never had any kind of sighting or encounter with a UFO, but there is just too much information out there to dismiss it. Indeed, I believe the people would panic and religion would be thrown into turmoil if this info was made public and proof of UFOs was revealed. Perhaps the government is waiting for the proper time, I do not think society is ready for these things yet myself.

But why do you jump to the conclusion that it is aliens? When that is the least likely explanation? Isn't it a lot more likely that UFOs (which simply means unidentified flying objects) are simply classified aircraft?


If you think the mere sighting of an aircraft implies aliens from lightyears upon lightyears away, I think you don't understand the incredible difficulties any aircraft would have to overcome in order to cross such a huge distance. Especially if you assume they weren't from the nearest star system -- that would be unlikely anyways. And Mars is pretty much old hat now, lol.


And if you pay attention to US aircraft history, you know that from time to time the military de-classifies aircraft that it's had all along. So isn't it logical to assume they've currently got some aircraft that are still classified? And are in operation?

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The subject is rather interesting, and I'd be shocked if there were no life somewhere else in the universe; whether intelligent or not, who knows? Earth has only been around for a comparatively short period compared to the age of the universe; some higher life form could easily exist elsewhere from an older planet of similar size and origin...


But I'm not believing anything for certain unless I see it with my own eyes, as always...

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I think the truth is generally something that has to be sought out with a pure, driven intent. There is so much error and falsehood in this world that it takes courage and sometimes even a shocking life experience to see what is behind the veil we so naïvely call reality. Not everyone is ready for Truth, naturally...


As far as the UFO phenomenon, I'm sure many of the sightings have been of classified government/military aircraft. The fact remains, however, that that alone cannot account for the full UFO record -- there are just too many sightings, and the abilities displayed by too many UFOs are light-years beyond what any human technology can yet conceive.


And yes, to me, the spiritual implications of the existence of extraterrestrial life are nothing short of world-shaking. That the Vatican now officially states that aliens are a very real possibility is an indication, to my mind, that we are being prepared for some big revelations not far down the road. Of course, that's just my take on it. :)


No one can be made to believe something they choose to disbelieve. No one should be ridiculed or ostracized for their beliefs, either. This subject is not one that lends itself to debate. We each make our own choice, to believe, to disbelieve, or to refrain from either extreme.



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