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I Can Has Entriez?



I don't know what VGM was so worried about. Yeah all my pals from college are mostly still an hour away on campus. But that doesn't mean I don't know how to have a good time. And yeah, I may have been eyeing the litterboxes...but what's wrong with having one or two cats?


Or eight?


And I haven't given them names, that'd just be crazy. I did however make sure to assign each of them a formal Digimon partner and functioning Digivice. After all, if you're going to have an army of cats you'd might as well do it right. Right?


Sure, I'm going to have to adjust to the smell of litterboxes...and I never know when their pal Ceiling Cat may pop in to survey the surroundings, but otherwise I look forward to my new feline friends. But, of course, all these pets means I'll have less time for the Blue Vice. VGM will likely get his pink slip by the end of the day tomorrow. I'm expecting my new help to show up around the offices by then. It'd awkward to have the old hand still loafing around.


Oops...I gotta go, Harris (the delightful siamese watching over the General section) just hocked a hairball. Hmm, and Trixie (that smiling cat guarding the Inuva section) has now gotten into the catnip.


Okay, so the transition will make for a shaky April. But I'm no fool, in the long run I'll wonder what I ever saw in a bunch of humans.


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Not just eight cats...eight cats with the ability to assume the form of Digital Monsters. It's going to be the best April ever.

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