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Banner/avatar Making Competition!



Competition time!


I want a LEGO Indiana Jones banner and avatar next, but I don't actually feel like making one myself. As a result I have decided to make a little contest. :happy: There are two sections -




What it must contain -

  • Lego Indy!
  • Lego Indy's hat!
What it can contain to get you extra bonus points -
  • Lego Indy's whip!
Generally though, if you can't fit the whip in without making it look bad, leave it. If it looks over crowded you're more likely to lose points, not gain them. :P


What I want in an avatar -

  • Not much of that white stuff you get from cropping it poorly.
  • As said above, I don't want it too crammed.
  • NO WORDS! :P I would definately prefer no text.
  • Not too many effects. Try and not go overboard with effects, especially with glowing etc...
Banner (468x60)


What it must contain -

  • Lego Indy!
  • Lego Indy's whip
  • Lego Indy's hat
What it can contain to get you extra bonus points -
  • Include a Lego treasure of some type
  • Include a Lego vehicle of any type
  • Not much of that white stuff you get from cropping it poorly.
  • Not too crammed.
  • NO WORDS! :P I would definately prefer no text.
  • Not too many effects. Try and not go overboard with effects, especially with glowing etc...
The winner will receive a free Gadunka whilst all participants with receive a free dog! Contest starts 01/04/08 and ends 01/05/08. :) I hope you guys enter! :lol:


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A Gadunka? A Gadunka what... :P Sticker? Avatar? Banner?


And we have only a day to make it =O


You'll see....

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Me no like Indy, so no. :P






I'm pretty shot from making this, but after those 186 LAYERS OF PURE AWESOME wear off, I might give it a go.


That looks cool. :P

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Sorry,Adv but I don't like Indy.


Traitor. *Hisses*


Is the award the Gadunka I fought in your profile?


No, this one's alive. :P

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I'll check back when Maj comes back online. I have a cool Indy avatar and some cool Indy banners... although the banners are from the non-Lego video game.


Oh well.





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....a little contest on April the first, eh? :P

Probably a free bit of Gadunka text that isn't copyrighted so you can copy and paste anywhere you wish without Adventurer coming to get you. :P



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You sound like Voldemort,Adv.

My Gadunka is alive.

Are there actual awards for this?


I suppose so. Your not going to get anything in the mail though if that's what you mean. :lol:

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I know, it's bad, but that's the best I could do with Microsoft Picture Manager and MS Paint. :P


(I'm not using my comp, so there's no Photoshop)


But atleast I'm not like other people who are traitors! =P


I'm back on my comp! And now I made a banner and an avatar!



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I know, it's bad, but that's the best I could do with Microsoft Picture Manager and MS Paint. :P


(I'm not using my comp, so there's no Photoshop)


But atleast I'm not like other people who are traitors! =P


It's the best in the competition so far. :P


You could wait until you're home, it does run for a month. :lol:


[sarcasm] I never knew that. [/sarcasm]

I mean something on here.


Well obviously. :P

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Oh, yeah, maj is back, isn't it.




You can even see the corner of his whip in his hand!



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Oh, yeah, maj is back, isn't it.




You can even see the corner of his whip in his hand!




I'm not a staff member though. :P

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Oh, yeah, maj is back, isn't it.




You can even see the corner of his whip in his hand!




I'm not a staff member though. :P

You don't have to be. It'll resize. :P

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