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Why I Hate April Fools



People get too skeptical, and no one can really be trusted. Even if you're known for telling the truth, people tend to doubt you... and you don't even have to cry wolf twice.


The phrase "this is not a joke" means almost nothing anyway, so why use it? It's kind of like using the phrase "no offense" before saying something to whomever you're talking any other time of the year. (I hate that phrase.)


People have these big expectations for jokes. When there is a big joke, people aren't impressed because they were expecting it. When it's small, people are disappointed because it wasn't what they expected. Cruel irony.


On the note of expectations, everyone who pays attention expects jokes and pranks on April 1, which kind of defeats their purpose. Whereas, if they were done at another time, the whole poem about being an April Fool comes into play... even if someone else falls for the prank. :blink:


The cake is not the only thing that's a lie. (A Portal's Fool Day) Er... yeah, I have nothing to add to that one.


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM


Recommended Comments

Of course, this could just be an April Fools joke too, whadya have to say about that? Huh? Huh? Huh?

No really, I completely agree.

*hates April Fools Day*

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