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I Just Wanted One Cinnamon Roll...



I'll rant on the cinnamon roll thing later, but as for now, a random update.


1. I'm in Arizona. Nothing to whoop about, but it's a nice hotel, one we've been to before (and unintentionally came back to this time), so I can at least navigate my way around it. Already have a sunburn, so good day, good day ^_^. As my overall internet connection is... tempermental, at best, I'll handle all PM's, Blog Comments (yes Bfahome, that means you), and Profile Comments and anything in that vein of things when I get back, which will be Saturday.


2. I hope the Blog Approval thing is a joke, though I can see the reasoning behind it, they have gotten rather out of hand lately.


3. Sevendust's new album came out today, unfortunately, I was not able to procure a copy. I instead ordered it off Best Buy, which gives me two bonus tracks. If they offer bonus tracks for Division, I will be very angry, as I already purchased that off Amazon. I also just bought Disturbed's new single, Inside the Fire, but I'm waiting till I get back to the hotel room itself (I'm in the lobby) to give that a listen.


4. I have a -really- good idea for the BBC, but I'm waiting till I get home to sample out piece structure. Mebbe I'll order a few parts while I'm here.


That's about it, feel free to leave me comments and such (unlikely), and like I said, I'll address them when I return.


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No more blog approvals? Aw, man.

*goes and reads blogalert entry*

They didn't answer the question if we can still give them out....


And I was about to make some blog awards for my blog....


The new BBCC looks great! I might enter. But it's really hard to get a perfect black and white MOC. Some come close, but other than that, no. Hmm...I might have something already built....



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Hey, I got mentioned! :D


Now I want a cinnamon roll... T__T

Yes. Yes you did. Go shout it from the rooftops.


And I did too ;_;


No more blog approvals? Aw, man.

*goes and reads blogalert entry*

They didn't answer the question if we can still give them out....


And I was about to make some blog awards for my blog....


The new BBCC looks great! I might enter. But it's really hard to get a perfect black and white MOC. Some come close, but other than that, no. Hmm...I might have something already built....



Make some awards. Don't show them to anybody, give them all to me. Solves all your problems, neh? :P.


Yeh, I keep flipping between ideas, but I think I got something down.


But I wanna know about the cinnamon roll...




(really Bunda)

You'll be the first to know, promise.


Oh, yeah:





Oooh... pretteh...

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