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April Fools?



1.I would have done this yesterday, but it was a monday.


2.I would have gotten my new comic up, but my hat hurt.


3.I would have brought my homework, but my pet visorak ate it.


4.I would have played my computer, but the pen broke.


5.I would have eaten dinner, but i am a aracnophobic.


6.I would have fed the cat, but my brother's underwear was too tight.


7.I would have stargazed, but my microscope broke.


8.I would have watched STARGATE SG-1, but my other brother was hogging the computer.


9.I would have gone to school, but dad was sick.


10.I would have gotten a dog, but my bed burned.


11.I would have eaten my easter bunny, but the harmonica factory exploded.


12.I would have replaced my stapler, but there was not enough ketchup.


12.This would be a correct number, but my sisters were on the other side of the house.


14. I would have eaten breakfast, but the CD broke.


15. I would be jammin to some music, but zaktan is in my CD player.


16. I would have gone shopping, but WAL-MART broke.


17. I would have cleaned my room, but it was raided by a yodeling cebu with lips.


18. I would have finished my book, but Gali and Lewa were in a pressing marbles match.


19. I would have eaten dinner, but the pirates who don't do anything were staging a sit-in at SUBWAY to demand more kahlil plush toys.


20. I would have Baby-sat, but someone started throwing pengiuns around.


21. I would have gotten firewood, but someone started playing ping-pong.


22. I would have played my Wii, but i was too busy procrastinating to get one.


23. I would have sang a song, but chocolate chips had invaded the kicthen.


25. I would have watched TV today, but the phone line was down yesterday.


23. The last two # would be correct, but i was dunked in syrup by mad cats.


26. I would have read comedies, but i don't want any salad.


27. I would be eating pizza, but a stargate appeared in the kitchen sink.


28. I would have finished my homework, but cebus give me the measels.


29. I would be in my room, but a shovel attacked Takua.


30. I would be sane right now, but yes, we have no bannanas.


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31. I would be playing RAILROAD TYCOON II, but my brother's dog's puppy's owner's mom's niece's nephew's aunt's second cousin once removed's dog is sick.




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