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My Opinion On The Rest

Takua the Wanderer


I like the use bluish-grey, as I feel that it represents the sky of Karda Nui very well. I am slightly less of a fan of the use of silver, but I like it as I feel it provides a good contrast between the two groups of Toa, yet maintaining a degree of similarity. My personal opinion is that the grey is more of a colder color, while silver is more of a warm color. And that fits. It's cold at high altitudes, while it should be warmer in a swamp. Especially one with waters that radiate light and heat.


I don't have much opinions on Takanuva's new Avohkii. But I think I can guess why they changed it. The prototype looks a bit too evil. Yes, I know that Takanuva is half Shadow now. But he's still a good guy. This is just my personal opinion, but I think it strikes a better balance between looking good and looking evil than the other one. And this is just my opinion again, but I think it's actually more similar to the 2003 version than the old one. I believe that a good amount of those who hated it just saw bad pictures.




I meant this to be a backwards rant, but I ran out of ideas for complaints to make fun of. :P

And I was bored. :P


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That isn't a very good pic of Taka. Could've had a better pose.

The first pic of that version was even worse. :annoyed:


You're opinions are strange and have no real meaning to me. :P

Then you have no sense of logic. :P



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I actually liked the original one (the one we had pics of here on BZP) more than how they've changed it. It looked more Avohkii-ish. At any rate, though, I really like how it resembles the '03 Avohkii, unlike the Mistuva's masks to their old versions... and the Phantuva's.

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The Phantoka Toa masks have a lot of resemblances. :P


Name one for each besides Kopaka having a scope on his... on the wrong side too. :rolleyes:

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The bottom of Lewa's mask has the same features as his Nuva mask and the top has the same general shape as his Mata mask. Also, it's bisected, like his Mata mask.

Pohatu's mask has the same general shape as his Mata mask and the bottom looks like the bottom of his Nuva mask.

Kopaka, ironically, seems to have the least. But that's okay because he looks a lot like his Nuva form anyway. :P


Go ask Wrinkledlion X if you want some pics. :)

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The bottom of Lewa's mask has the same features as his Nuva mask and the top has the same general shape as his Mata mask. Also, it's bisected, like his Mata mask.

Pohatu's mask has the same general shape as his Mata mask and the bottom looks like the bottom of his Nuva mask.

Kopaka, ironically, seems to have the least. But that's okay because he looks a lot like his Nuva form anyway. :P


Go ask Wrinkledlion X if you want some pics. :)


Lewa's mask: Doesn't have the same general shape as his Mata mask, it has 2 engine like things on the bottom. The curved top and bisected part for his eyes seem the only things similar... to his Mata mask. He himself still looks nothing like his Nuva form. And similarities to the Mata don't really count, considering they're the Nuva. :P Pohatu's mask has the same general shape of his Mata mask? That would only be true with a HUGE emphasis on general. :P But that doesn't count anyway because it's a similarity to his Mata mask, not Nuva. And I don't see how the bottom of his new mask resembles the bottom of his Nuva mask. Kopaka looks a lot like his Nuva form? How so? Oh, but you did forget that Pohatu had 2 tools as a Nuva and now does as a Phantoka as well. That's one similarity.


So they really don't have too many similarities. That doesn't mean I don't like them, but they simply don't look like the old Nuva.

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Well, like I said, you're going to have to ask Wrinkledlion, he can explain it better than me. :)

As for Kopaka though, you'll have to look through this, there's an interesting pic there. :)

Ah, here it is. :)


And it doesn't matter at all if it looks like the Mata masks, not Nuva. Why? Because then you know who it is without seeing the name. And with similarity, that's all that really matters. :)

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The Avohkii doesn't look evil! Just because a mask is black doesn't mean it's malicious (yeah, guys, stop being so racist)! I mean, sure, I did like the old one better but if they used the old one on a titan it would be out of place. It would be like putting, say, a Rau on Brutaka.

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