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Notes On Epic Characters... Read If You Signed Up.



Okay, listen up loonies. I had a massive turn out when I began to accept GS for my epic... too massive.

But what's done is done, and I can't change the past. Originally, I had hoped I could make all of you main characters. Sadly, I cannot due to the little factoid that I have
Over fifty -Matoran- characters. That doesn't even count the other species.



So here's the dizzle, I choose some people who I think will be more interesting, and I include them as main characters. Or something like that.
Now don't worry, you'll still have a part if you signed up, but not necessarily a big one. If you aren't on the main characters list, you still have a chance to make it for book two.


So here we go, first main characters, then supporting.
(Note: I did not choose people out of friendship. I am more likely to choose people who signed up earlier, as I have had more time to think of their roles. Lists are subject to change.)

Main Characters:
Tukru, by me
Patuara, by Arpy
Sercatos, by Mord
Kamya, by me
Kamitsu, by me
Laran, by me

Supporting Characters:
Vors, by ChocolateFrogs
Juvio, by Lluvio/-Hafu-
Mugen, by Setsuna (?)
Yahri, by me
Seyna, by me
Honyk, by me
Pokamu, by me
Engre, by me (><)

Toa: (I'll sprinkle these in wherever they belong)

Gaimu, me
Kokaru, me
Nilda, me (she's insane, also a character from a comic I was gonna do years ago. Actually, I think all these Toa are... :blink: )
Rehye, me
Nieve, Nieve (I let this one be a Toa, as I had forgotten I was missing one)
Madara, by ~BlueDaimond~ (?)
Besa, by me
Dalek, by Dalek. (?)


Well, that's it. Surely some side characters will rise up to be main characters as I write more. Currently I only have about a chapter done.

Oh, and these were really just the ones that instantly popped into my head as I wrote this. It's not entirely accurate.

See yall later!


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